• Testing

    From Craig Gagner@1:322/762 to ALL on Mon Jun 17 15:59:16 2024
    Just testing to see if it posts with real name v alias..

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The American Connection tacbbs.synchro.net (1:322/762)
  • From Craig Gagner@1:322/762 to Craig Gagner on Mon Jun 17 15:59:45 2024

    LOL Yup it works ..
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The American Connection tacbbs.synchro.net (1:322/762)
  • From RBB Test Robot@2:221/6 to Craig Gagner on Mon Jun 17 23:02:00 2024

    17 Jun 24 15:59:16 Craig Gagner (1:322/762) wrote:

    ==== begin of the message ====
    @TZUTC: -0400
    @MSGID: 10.fidonet_fidotest@1:322/762 2ad5cb9e
    @PID: Synchronet 3.19b-Win32 master/a2a9dc027 Jan 2 2022 MSC 1928
    @TID: SBBSecho 3.14-Win32 master/a2a9dc027 Jan 2 2022 MSC 1928
    @CHRS: UTF-8 4
    Just testing to see if it posts with real name v alias..

    -+- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    + Origin: The American Connection tacbbs.synchro.net (1:322/762)
    SEEN+BY: 1/19 16/0 19/37 123/130 134/101 142/104 799 153/757 154/10 203/0 SEEN+BY: 218/840 221/0 1 6 229/426 240/1120 5832 280/464 5003 5555 292/854 SEEN+BY: 301/1 320/119 219 319 2119 322/0 762 325/304 335/364 341/66 234 SEEN+BY: 342/19 423/81 460/58 5020/1042
    @PATH: 322/762 320/219 221/1 6
    ==== end of the message ====

    * Origin: RBB Test Robot @ FIDOTEST (2:221/6.0)
  • From Björn Wiberg@2:201/137 to Craig Gagner on Mon Jun 17 23:10:46 2024
    Hello Craig!

    On 17 Jun 2024, Craig Gagner said the following...

    Just testing to see if it posts with real name v alias..

    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The American Connection tacbbs.synchro.net (1:322/762)

    Yep, seems to be working fine!

    Best regards

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (2:201/137)
  • From Jim Howarth@1:229/300 to Craig Gagner on Tue Jun 18 19:44:40 2024
    On 17 Jun 2024, Craig Gagner said the following...

    looks good to me :)

    --- TheNerd -/- Sysop: NerdRage BBS -/- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (1:229/300)
  • From Mark Meserve@1:154/10 to All on Sun Jul 7 17:42:45 2024
    Verifying configuration.
    Weed Hopper
    Local Yocal BBS

    SEEN-BY: 1/120 18/0 116/116 120/616 123/0 10 25 160 180 200 755 1185 3001 SEEN-BY: 129/215 135/0 1 115 205 366 385 388 390 391 395 153/757 7715 154/10 SEEN-BY: 154/30 50 700 220/6 90 221/6 222/2 226/50 1701 240/1120 250/1
    SEEN-BY: 275/1000 280/464 301/1 712/1321 2320/105 3634/0 12 24 27 57 58 119 SEEN-BY: 5020/1042
  • From RBB Test Robot@2:221/6 to Mark Meserve on Mon Jul 8 02:26:00 2024

    07 Jul 24 17:42:45 Mark Meserve (0:135/366) wrote:

    ==== begin of the message ====
    @TZUTC: -0400
    @MSGID: 4957.fidotest@1:135/366 2af05532
    @PID: Synchronet 3.15b-Win32 Oct 17 2011 MSC 1200
    @TID: SBBSecho 2.12-Win32 r1.203 Oct 8 2011 MSC 1200
    Verifying configuration.
    Weed Hopper
    Local Yocal BBS

    SEEN+BY: 1/120 18/0 50/109 104/117 116/116 123/0 25 160 180 200 755 1185 3001 SEEN+BY: 135/0 1 115 205 366 385 388 390 391 395 153/757 7715 154/10 218/840 SEEN+BY: 220/6 221/1 6 360 222/2 240/1120 250/1 275/1000 280/5555 301/1 SEEN+BY: 335/364 341/66 234 460/58 463/68 467/888 712/1321 3634/0 12 24 27 57 SEEN+BY: 3634/58 119 5000/111 5001/100 5005/49 5015/46 5019/40 5020/715 846 SEEN+BY: 5020/1042 4441 5030/49 5054/8 5058/104 5061/133 5075/128 5083/444 @PATH: 135/366 115 3634/12 5020/1042 221/6
    ==== end of the message ====

    * Origin: RBB Test Robot @ FIDOTEST (2:221/6.0)
  • From KrAAB@1:387/18 to All on Fri Aug 23 18:16:05 2024
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: KrAABY Gamer BBS - kraaby.synchro.net (1:387/18)
  • From RBB Test Robot@2:221/6 to KrAAB on Sat Aug 24 02:20:38 2024

    23 Aug 24 18:16:05 KrAAB (1:387/18) wrote:

    ==== begin of the message ====
    @TZUTC: -0500
    @MSGID: 2.fidonet_fidotest@1:387/18 2b2e4e37
    @PID: Synchronet 3.20a-Win32 master/c41be9894 Aug 17 202 MSC 1916
    @TID: SBBSecho 3.20-Win32 master/c41be9894 Aug 17 2024 18:06 MSC 1916
    @COLS: 80
    @CHRS: ASCII 1
    @NOTE: Synchronet msgeditor master/c41be9894
    -+- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    + Origin: KrAABY Gamer BBS - kraaby.synchro.net (1:387/18)
    SEEN+BY: 19/36 40 103/705 106/987 124/5014 5016 130/230 330 153/757 154/10 30 SEEN+BY: 203/0 218/840 221/0 1 6 360 229/426 240/1120 5832 280/464 5003 SEEN+BY: 292/854 8125 301/1 310/31 335/364 341/66 234 387/18 21 25 396/45 SEEN+BY: 423/120 460/58 256 1124 5858 467/888 633/280 712/848 770/1 4600/140 SEEN+BY: 5020/400 1042 5054/30
    @PATH: 387/18 396/45 280/464 460/58 221/6
    ==== end of the message ====

    * Origin: RBB Test Robot @ FIDOTEST (2:221/6.0)
  • From Zruspa's BBS Test Robot@2:341/66 to KrAAB on Sat Aug 24 01:20:34 2024

    23 Aug 24 19:16:04, KrAAB made a test request.

    Here is the answer from Zruspa's BBS:

    ============================== Message =============================
    @TZUTC: -0500
    @MSGID: 2.fidonet_fidotest@1:387/18 2b2e4e37
    @PID: Synchronet 3.20a-Win32 master/c41be9894 Aug 17 202 MSC 1916
    @TID: SBBSecho 3.20-Win32 master/c41be9894 Aug 17 2024 18:06 MSC 1916
    @COLS: 80
    @CHRS: ASCII 1
    @NOTE: Synchronet msgeditor master/c41be9894


    -+- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32

    + Origin: KrAABY Gamer BBS - kraaby.synchro.net (0:0/0)

    SEEN+BY: 19/36 40 103/705 106/987 124/5014 5016 130/230 330 153/757 154/10 SEEN+BY: 154/30 203/0 221/0 229/426 240/1120 5832 280/464 5003 292/854
    SEEN+BY: 292/8125 301/1 310/31 341/66 234 387/18 21 25 396/45 423/120
    SEEN+BY: 460/58 467/888 633/280 712/848 770/1 5020/400
    @PATH: 387/18 396/45 280/464
    =============================== END ================================

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209 + HPT 1.9 + Binkd 1.1 en Debian
    * Origin: Synchronet - bbs.zruspas.org - Zruspa's BBS - (2:341/66)
  • From Rob Koliha@1:3634/56 to All on Thu Oct 3 12:58:29 2024
    Questioning if any messages are actually going out, so doing a little test here.

    Anyone receiving?


    ... What was the best thing before sliced bread?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ReTR0aKTiV.com (1:3634/56)
  • From RBB Test Robot@2:221/360 to Rob Koliha on Thu Oct 3 19:59:00 2024

    03 Oct 24 12:58:29 Rob Koliha (1:3634/56) wrote:

    ==== begin of the message ====
    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
    @MSGID: 1:3634/56 e697d4e6
    @TZUTC: -0400
    Questioning if any messages are actually going out, so doing a little test here.

    Anyone receiving?


    ... What was the best thing before sliced bread?

    -+- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    + Origin: ReTR0aKTiV.com (1:3634/56)
    SEEN+BY: 1/120 18/0 104/119 116/116 120/616 123/0 10 25 160 180 200 755 1185 SEEN+BY: 123/3001 129/215 135/115 153/757 7715 154/10 30 50 700 218/840 220/6 SEEN+BY: 220/90 221/1 6 360 222/2 226/18 44 50 1701 240/1120 250/1 275/1000 SEEN+BY: 280/464 301/1 335/364 341/66 234 460/58 712/1321 2320/105 3634/0 12 SEEN+BY: 3634/24 27 56 57 58 119 5020/1042
    @PATH: 3634/56 12 154/10 221/6
    ==== end of the message ====

    * Origin: RBB Test Robot @ FIDOTEST (2:221/360)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Rob Koliha on Thu Oct 3 10:12:10 2024
    Questioning if any messages are actually going out, so doing a little test here.

    Anyone receiving?

    Looks good to me, this is what I see here..

    @SEEN-BY: 3634/12 56 116/116 123/25 755 153/7715 154/10 3634/24 27 119 123/160 @SEEN-BY: 123/180 200 222/2 250/1 240/1120 712/1321 275/1000 153/757 3634/57 @SEEN-BY: 123/3001 135/115 123/1185 220/6 3634/58 0 18/0 123/0 1/120
    @PATH: 3634/56 12 153/757
    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
    @MSGID: 1:3634/56 e697d4e6
    @TZUTC: -0400

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Rob Koliha on Thu Oct 3 22:04:30 2024

    Hello Rob!

    03 Oct 24 12:58, you wrote to all:

    working here in the low lands .

    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
    @MSGID: 1:3634/56 e697d4e6
    @TZUTC: -0400
    Questioning if any messages are actually going out, so doing a little
    test here.

    Anyone receiving?


    ... What was the best thing before sliced bread?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ReTR0aKTiV.com (1:3634/56)
    SEEN-BY: 1/120 18/0 103/705 104/119 116/116 120/616 123/0 10 25 160
    180 200
    SEEN-BY: 123/755 1185 3001 124/5016 129/215 135/115 153/757 7715
    154/10 30
    SEEN-BY: 154/50 700 203/0 220/6 90 221/0 1 6 222/2 226/18 44 50 1701 SEEN-BY: 240/1120 5832 250/1 275/1000 280/464 2030 2050 2060 5003 5006 5555
    SEEN-BY: 292/854 8125 301/1 310/31 341/66 234 396/45 423/120 460/58 467/888
    SEEN-BY: 633/280 712/848 1321 770/1 2320/105 3634/0 12 24 27 56 57 58
    SEEN-BY: 5020/400
    @PATH: 3634/56 12 154/10 280/464 5003


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Rob Koliha on Thu Oct 3 16:49:58 2024
    On 03 Oct 2024, Rob Koliha said the following...

    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
    @MSGID: 1:3634/56 e697d4e6
    @TZUTC: -0400
    @PATH: 3634/56 12 154/10 280/464 460/58 229/426
    Questioning if any messages are actually going out, so doing a little
    test here.

    Anyone receiving?


    ... What was the best thing before sliced bread?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ReTR0aKTiV.com (1:3634/56)

    Got you here.


    ... Have you ever seen fruit preserves being made? It's jarring

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)