• Fidotest Tree

    From Fidotest Tree@2:221/6 to Everyone on Mon Jul 1 00:00:00 2024

    Distribution tree of area fidotest for last 30 days

    + 460/58
    | L 280/464
    | + 396/45
    | | L 19/40
    | + 280/5003
    | | L 280/2050
    | + 712/848
    | L 153/757
    | L 3634/12
    | L 153/7715
    + 301/1
    + 221/1
    | + 320/219
    | | L 322/762
    | L 203/0
    | L 201/0
    | L 201/137
    + 341/66
    + 218/840
    | L 218/700
    | L 229/426
    | + 229/300
    | + 229/307
    | + 229/275
    | + 229/664
    | L 342/200
    | L 342/201
    L 154/10

    --- - ---
    * Origin: Fidotest Tree (2:221/6.0)
  • From Fidotest Tree@2:221/6 to Everyone on Thu Aug 1 00:00:00 2024

    Distribution tree of area fidotest for last 30 days

    + 5020/1042
    + 460/58
    | L 280/464
    | + 712/848
    | | L 712/620
    | + 103/705
    | L 240/1120
    | L 371/0
    | L 371/52
    + 154/10
    | + 3634/12
    | | + 135/115
    | | | L 135/366
    | | L 153/7715
    | | L 229/426
    | | + 229/307
    | | L 229/664
    | L 2320/105
    | L 2320/107
    + 341/66
    L 221/1

    --- - ---
    * Origin: Fidotest Tree (2:221/6.0)
  • From Fidotest Tree@2:221/6 to Everyone on Sun Sep 1 00:00:00 2024

    Distribution tree of area fidotest for last 30 days

    + 218/840
    | L 218/700
    + 341/66
    + 221/1
    | + 320/219
    | + 280/464
    | | + 203/0
    | | | L 201/0
    | | | L 201/137
    | | + 240/1120
    | | | L 371/0
    | | | L 371/52
    | | + 396/45
    | | | L 387/18
    | | + 103/705
    | | L 712/848
    | | L 229/426
    | | + 229/114
    | | + 229/664
    | | L 229/307
    | | L 229/308
    | + 292/854
    | L 134/101
    | L 153/7715
    + 460/58
    + 154/10
    | + 226/44
    | L 2320/105
    | L 2320/107
    + 5020/1042
    | + 5020/715
    | + 5020/4441
    | | L 5030/1081
    | + 5015/46
    | + 104/117
    | L 3634/12
    + 301/1
    + 153/757
    L 221/10

    --- - ---
    * Origin: Fidotest Tree (2:221/6.0)
  • From Fidotest Tree@2:221/6 to Everyone on Tue Oct 1 00:00:00 2024

    Distribution tree of area fidotest for last 30 days

    + 154/10
    | + 226/18
    | L 3634/12
    | L 135/115
    + 341/66
    + 221/1
    | + 203/0
    | | L 201/0
    | | L 201/137
    | + 320/219
    | + 280/464
    | | + 396/45
    | | | L 387/18
    | | + 240/1120
    | | | + 291/111
    | | | L 371/0
    | | | L 371/52
    | | + 310/31
    | | L 633/280
    | L 221/360
    + 301/1
    | L 103/705
    + 341/234
    L 218/840
    L 218/700
    L 229/426
    + 229/307
    | L 229/308
    L 229/664

    --- - ---
    * Origin: Fidotest Tree (2:221/6.0)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@2:5015/46 to Fidotest Tree on Tue Oct 1 04:11:52 2024
    Hello, Fidotest!

    01 Oct 24 00:00, from Fidotest Tree -> Everyone:

    Distribution tree of area fidotest for last 30 days
    + 154/10
    | + 226/18
    | L 3634/12
    | L 135/115
    + 341/66
    + 221/1
    | + 203/0
    | | L 201/0
    | | L 201/137
    | + 320/219
    | + 280/464
    | | + 396/45
    | | | L 387/18
    | | + 240/1120
    | | | + 291/111
    | | | L 371/0
    | | | L 371/52
    | | + 310/31
    | | L 633/280
    | L 221/360
    + 301/1
    | L 103/705
    + 341/234
    L 218/840
    L 218/700
    L 229/426
    + 229/307
    | L 229/308
    L 229/664

    Your robot can see the world through the small hole somewhere in the middle of a small Europe, whereas my robot have visibility into a huge country which covers both Europe and Asia, and as a result the output is a bit longer.

    Distribution tree of area fidotest
    + 2:221/6
    | + 2:341/234
    | + 2:154/10
    | | + 2:3634/12
    | | | + 2:135/115
    | | | | + 2:135/205
    | | | | L 2:135/366
    | | | L 2:123/160
    | | + 2:2320/105
    | | | L 2:2320/107
    | | + 2:226/44
    | | L 2:226/18
    | + 2:221/1
    | | + 2:203/0
    | | | L 2:201/0
    | | | L 2:201/137
    | | + 2:280/464
    | | | + 2:633/280
    | | | + 2:240/1120
    | | | | + 2:371/0
    | | | | | L 2:371/52
    | | | | L 2:291/111
    | | | + 2:396/45
    | | | | + 2:130/230
    | | | | + 2:19/40
    | | | | L 2:387/18
    | | | + 2:310/31
    | | | + 2:712/848
    | | | | L 2:712/620
    | | | + 2:240/5832
    | | | L 2:280/5003
    | | | L 2:280/2050
    | | + 2:292/854
    | | + 2:320/219
    | | | L 2:322/762
    | | + 2:221/360
    | | + 2:423/81
    | | L 2:134/101
    | | L 2:153/7715
    | + 2:218/840
    | | + 2:218/700
    | | | L 2:229/426
    | | | + 2:105/81
    | | | | L 2:105/10
    | | | + 2:229/275
    | | | + 2:229/664
    | | | + 2:342/200
    | | | | L 2:342/201
    | | | + 2:15/0
    | | | | L 2:340/400
    | | | | L 2:340/1101
    | | | + 2:229/307
    | | | | L 2:229/308
    | | | + 2:229/317
    | | | + 2:229/300
    | | | L 2:229/114
    | | L 2:770/1
    | | + 2:80/1
    | | | L 2:801/188
    | | L 2:267/800
    | | L 2:267/331
    | + 2:460/58
    | | + 2:460/256
    | | L 2:460/5858
    | + 2:341/66
    | | + 2:341/200
    | | L 2:902/26
    | | L 2:90/1
    | | L 2:900/106
    | + 2:335/364
    | | L 2:333/808
    | | L 2:333/801
    | + 2:221/10
    | L 2:153/757
    | L 2:153/151
    + 2:5020/715
    | L 2:5023/24
    + 2:301/1
    | + 2:280/5555
    | L 2:103/705
    + 2:467/888
    + 2:5075/128
    + 2:5020/4441
    | L 2:5030/1081
    L 2:104/117

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306
    * Origin: FidoNet member since 1995 (2:5015/46)
  • From Stephen Walsh@3:633/280 to Nil Alexandrov on Tue Oct 1 11:45:18 2024

    Hello Nil!

    01 Oct 24 04:11, you wrote to Fidotest Tree:

    Your robot can see the world through the small hole somewhere in the middle of a small Europe, whereas my robot have visibility into a huge country which covers both Europe and Asia, and as a result the output
    is a bit longer.

    Distribution tree of area fidotest
    + 2:221/6
    | + 2:341/234
    | + 2:154/10
    | | + 2:3634/12
    | | | + 2:135/115
    | | | | + 2:135/205
    | | | | L 2:135/366
    | | | L 2:123/160
    | | + 2:2320/105
    | | | L 2:2320/107
    | | + 2:226/44
    | | L 2:226/18
    | + 2:221/1
    | | + 2:203/0
    | | | L 2:201/0
    | | | L 2:201/137
    | | + 2:280/464
    | | | + 2:633/280

    Except yours thinks everyone is in zone 2....


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240302
    * Origin: Dragon's Lair ---:- dragon.vk3heg.net -:--- Prt: 6800 (3:633/280)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@2:5015/46 to Stephen Walsh on Tue Oct 1 05:37:20 2024
    Hello, Stephen!

    01 Oct 24 11:45, from Stephen Walsh -> Nil Alexandrov:

    Your robot can see the world through the small hole somewhere in
    a middle of a small Europe, whereas my robot have visibility
    into the huge country which covers both Europe and Asia, and as a
    result the output is a bit longer.

    Distribution tree of area fidotest
    + 2:221/6
    | + 2:341/234
    | + 2:154/10
    | | + 2:3634/12
    | | | + 2:135/115
    | | | | + 2:135/205
    | | | | L 2:135/366
    | | | L 2:123/160
    | | + 2:2320/105
    | | | L 2:2320/107
    | | + 2:226/44
    | | L 2:226/18
    | + 2:221/1
    | | + 2:203/0
    | | | L 2:201/0
    | | | L 2:201/137
    | | + 2:280/464
    | | | + 2:633/280

    Except yours thinks everyone is in zone 2....

    Very true. I have zero FNT peering with Z3, so my view of world is limited but still a bit wider than the original post.

    BTW, we can fix it by establishing a binkp link. if you are interested, netmail me the session/pkt/areafix pwd.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306
    * Origin: FidoNet member since 1995 (2:5015/46)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Nil Alexandrov on Tue Oct 1 16:47:52 2024
    Hello Nil,

    On Tue, Oct 01 2024 02:37:20 -0500, you wrote:

    | + 2:154/10
    | | + 2:3634/12
    | | | + 2:135/115
    | | | | + 2:135/205
    | | | | L 2:135/366
    | | | L 2:123/160
    | | + 2:2320/105
    | | | L 2:2320/107
    | | + 2:226/44
    | | L 2:226/18

    Except yours thinks everyone is in zone 2....

    Very true. I have zero FNT peering with Z3, so my view of world is
    limited but still a bit wider than the original post.

    Or Z1, apparently, since all of the above quoted links are Z1.. starting with my own. :(


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
    * Origin: The Pharcyde ~ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@2:5015/46 to Nicholas Boel on Wed Oct 2 02:39:56 2024
    * Originally in fidotest
    * Crossposted in fidosoft.husky
    Hello, Nicholas!

    01 Oct 24 16:47, from Nicholas Boel -> Nil Alexandrov:

    | + 2:154/10
    | | + 2:3634/12
    | | | + 2:135/115
    | | | | + 2:135/205
    | | | | L 2:135/366
    | | | L 2:123/160
    | | + 2:2320/105
    | | | L 2:2320/107
    | | + 2:226/44
    | | L 2:226/18

    Except yours thinks everyone is in zone 2....

    Very true. I have zero FTN peering with Z3, so my view of world
    is limited but still a bit wider than the original post.

    Or Z1, apparently, since all of the above quoted links are Z1..
    starting with my own. :(

    Actually, you are right again. There is a bug in husky hpttree utility. It treats 2D PATH addresses as if they were belonging to your default/home zone number. The improvement could be that hpttree would parse out the real zone number from the origin line.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306
    * Origin: FidoNet member since 1995 (2:5015/46)
  • From Stephen Walsh@3:633/280 to Nil Alexandrov on Thu Oct 3 10:32:34 2024

    Hello Nil!

    01 Oct 24 05:37, you wrote to me:

    | | + 2:280/464
    | | | + 2:633/280

    Except yours thinks everyone is in zone 2....

    Very true. I have zero FNT peering with Z3, so my view of world is
    limited but still a bit wider than the original post.

    Even so, 633/280 is a zone 3 system. %-)

    BTW, we can fix it by establishing a binkp link. if you are interested, netmail me the session/pkt/areafix pwd.

    I doubt that would fix the issue, if the software is lacking in knowing other zones.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240302
    * Origin: Dragon's Lair ---:- dragon.vk3heg.net -:--- Prt: 6800 (3:633/280)
  • From Vitaliy Aksyonov@1:104/117 to Stephen Walsh on Thu Oct 3 07:07:58 2024
    Hello Stephen.

    03 Oct 24 10:32, you wrote to Nil Alexandrov:

    | | + 2:280/464
    | | | + 2:633/280

    Except yours thinks everyone is in zone 2....

    Very true. I have zero FNT peering with Z3, so my view of world
    is limited but still a bit wider than the original post.

    Even so, 633/280 is a zone 3 system. %-)

    BTW, we can fix it by establishing a binkp link. if you are
    interested, netmail me the session/pkt/areafix pwd.

    I doubt that would fix the issue, if the software is lacking in
    knowing other zones.

    Easiest fix would be to print a tree without zone numbers.


    ... Hakuna matata
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Aurora, Colorado (1:104/117)