422mods.zip (407K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

autos123.zip (160K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

AutoSend v1.23 - A WWIV Net Sub Host Utility
 - Sends old posts to new subscribers
 - Posts sub rules and subscription lists
 - Post sub ads, rules, etc. on any sub
 - Send e-mail to sub subscribers
 - Removes unknown systems from N*.NET files
 - Scans DEAD.NET for dead posts and e-mail
 - Configuration program for easy setup
 - Graphical packet scanning
 - And MUCH, MUCH, more!

bredit10.zip (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

│               BREdit Version 1.0              │
│      Full Screen Message Editor For WWIV      │
│ Copyright 1999 Art Johnston, Robert Clevenger │
│    Based on the code from FEditby Rob Raper   │
│     Portions Copyright 1993-1999 Rob Raper    │

dbase107.zip (54K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

dblst15.zip (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

┌[ Digital BBSList v1.5 : ShareWare ]┐
│Easy to install BBSList Door.  Reqs │▐
|NO DROP FILE!  Now includes SysOp   |▐
:utils: external editor & ASV loader!:▐
∙Features include a String Search,   ∙▐
 List full list or by Area Code only. ▐
 Customizable menus.  Scrollbar Matrix▐
 Random BBSList ANSI Screens using    ▐
 PIPE Codes!  Downloadable BBSList!!  ▐
·Shareware: $5  (Must see for SysOps)·▐
:Great Support! By Frank(1@1.DigiNet):▐

dfrag301.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

DEFRAG v3.01 - WWIV Message Base/EMAIL.DAT
compression/repair utility --- 02/27/96

Repairs and converts to/from Type 0, 1, 2
and 5 message bases while removing "dead"
space from message/mail files.  Bashes
through 10+ Mb per minute on a 486DX/33!!
Repairs exploding EMAIL.DAT files, message
bases with bad msgs (no text, cross-linked
msgs, etc.) and more, all while freeing up
loads of drive space being wasted by your
WWIV message base files.

Registration: $15 US, includes all future
versions. Unregistered version is not
crippled in any way!. (-AV .ZIP from author)

dfxedit.zip (51K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

dlog105.zip (69K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

CEREBRUM Software's DLog
- Displays modem speed graph
  upon logon
- Configurable via WWIV.INI
- Ability to create printout
  suitable for GFILES
- Shareware (see docs)
- >FREE< to all WWIVLock
  registered users!

dmm111.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

CEREBRUM Software's DMM v1.11
-  Mails >ALL< users on the bbs!
-  Configurable via WWIV.INI
-  Writes directly to email.dat,
   so it's >INCREDIBLY< faster
   than it's competitors!
-  Shareware, $5
-  >FREE< to all registered DMAIL

dmpst111.zip (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

CEREBRUM Software's DMpost v1.11
-  Post messages on subboards
   without needing the bbs
-  Posts to either local or
   networked subs
-  Writes directly to the message
   base so it doesn't need network2
   to toss the posts
-  Configurable via WWIV.INI
-  Shareware, $5
-  >FREE< to all registered DMAIL

dnum111.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

CEREBRUM Software's DNUM v1.11
-  Sends New User Mail
-  Configurable via WWIV.INI
-  Writes directly to email.dat,
   no more mods/network2 needed!
-  Shareware, $5
-  >FREE< to all registered DMAIL

ev_2dw4mnu.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

  schlick wwiv ansi menuset by -everlast- of .ash.
  /   /    )   ___)  __   )   /   )    ___)\
 /  /  /  /   ___/    /  /   /   /__     / /
(__/__/__/______(____/__/_______(_______/ /
 ========== an .ash. production ===========
   my dopeazz menus each have there own ansi
 header...no templates here beeeitch..yeyeye
«-─-──| Millennium Bytes [8i8] |─-─-─»

fbwwiv.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

flg_2dw11f.zip (50K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

-=-=-=-=-File List Generator/WWIV-=-=-=-=-
Due to restrictions on my time, I am no
longer able to maintain this program.
Therefore, I am releasing the source to
the public domain.  The source is in
QuickBASIC v4.5.  No support from the
author is avaliable.          Version 1.10

fvb20.zip (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

FVB v2.0 - External Voting Booth  (08/31/96)
This software is a voting booth that can
be executed as a door, as a logon event or
internally to replace the stock one. Nice
graphical interface, easy to use. To use
with the WWIV Bulletin Board System.

(C) 1994-1996 by French Mod Division Software

gnwbre30.zip (91K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

hs_421.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

link39b1.zip (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

Linker v3.9ß1 Multi-Network Sender/Support Software

Written by Hellfire 1@1 Apex / 1@20750 WWIVnet

Linker v3.9ß1 the latest version of linker.
This Version has a whole host of features
including File Sending, Back Issue Sub Sending,
file list requests, a Graphical Interface
and Dead.Net Purging. All available through
GREENWARE registration.

Supported by Net34!! This will save you $$$!!

ndcmp110.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

net28.zip (168K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

net33.zip (218K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

netanl10.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

NetAnalyze v1.0 - A WWIV network analysis
program intended for use by NCs, GCs, and
ACs.  Detects errors in the connect files
for WWIV networks.  A must have for every
network administrator.

netm101.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

NetMeter v1.01 - Keeps track of network posts
going to/through your system.  It tracks subs
by sub type, which allows you to see how much
traffic is coming through on a per sub basis.
Also tracks the amount of posts going to each
system you connect with, as well as the total
size of the posts (in kilobytes).  Useful for
servers and hubs that would like to see where
all the posts are going.  Requires WWIV v4.23
or higher.  Written by JAFO.   Date: 08/04/96

pbfile21.zip (120K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

♥1PBFILES v2.10 Pâpâ ßêâr's master files lister.
♥5  The *BEST* master file listing program for
♥5 WWIV. The most configurable & fastest! Only
♥5 one with WWIV<>lister interface included so
♥5  your users can get on the spot lists with
♥5 most of the list options available to them.
♥5 List by date, file mask, insert color codes,
♥5 strip ASCII, include extended descriptions.
♥5 Now with a full-featured config. editor, and
♥5        GIF file resolution reporting!
♥2      MORE, MORE, MORE! Shareware - $10
♥6                  [01/21/96]
     ♥4    -=*> A CEREBRUM release <*=-    ♥0

pbs_v15.zip (192K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

  1PBstring v1.50 2-- 5String remover - DGROUP
5 saver extrodinaire!  FASTER, SAFER, and MORE
5  COMPLETE than *any* other string remover.
5   Handles C's escape codes and replacement
5  parameters properly. You gotta see this to
5  believe it. Comes with SETUP.EXE, a string
5    replacement, and configuration editing
5       programs.  !!! NON-CRIPPLED !!!
5Mega-flexible.  Non-WWIV source code capable.
5  Shareware-$20                  [05-18-96]
   4     -=*> A CEREBRUM RELEASE! <*=-    0

pbue_v23.zip (150K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

1      PBuedit v2.30 WWIV 4.24+ (*only*)
5      *THE* external user editor written
5specifically to take the place of the internal
5one.  Now with *FULL* QWK setting adjustments,
5user toggles, default protocol, and MORE added
5   for this NEW 4.24 version!  SPV-066*.MOD
5   included to tell you how to replace the
5internal editor. FASTER, and more flexible than
5  *ANY* other editor, internal or external!
6        !!!!! No longer crippled !!!!!
5  Shareware-$20                  [01-21-96]
    4    -=*> A CEREBRUM RELEASE! <*=-    0

ping101b.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

PING 1.01ß
A command-line utility for WWIV sysops
to get up-to-date SUBS.LST info.
This file may be distributed freely
to any and all sysops, but should not
be misused in violation of network

pkschat2.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

pppprj12.zip (184K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

PPP Project v1.2 Freeware from Cerebrum
Transfer WWIV-type network packets via
Internet email. Integrated into WWIV's
normal network routines.  Retrieves and
stores archives, images and net packets.
Transparent to normal network routines.

regions.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

REGIONS.DAT for WWIV.  Complete and
Up-to-Date, including Area Codes that
have yet to become active.
This file is updated as infromation is
obtained from the TeleCommunications

sdswwiv.001 (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

sinm10b2.zip (89K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

SinMail v1.0B2 Shareware - Internet/WWIV Interface
===[ SinMail v1.0 Beta 2 - Shareware Version ]====
The first real Internet/WWIV UUCP interface for
handling newsgroups and email.  SinMail is easy to
setup and will work for any WWIV BBS through a
UUCP connection to an internet service provider.
Also includes special finger service for local
users to maintain plan files.  With direct access,
SinMail is professionally designed for raw speed.
Copyright Singe, 1995-1996.  All Rights Reserved.

subchk14.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

SubCheck v1.4 - A WWIV network sub inactivity
checker.  This program will keep a log of all
network subs on your system that are inactive
for a sysop defined number of days.  It sends
e-mail to the sysop as well, telling you what
subs are inactive.  This e-mail tells you the
status of each sub (sub not listed in SUBS.*,
host is unknown, or host is isolated).  Local
subs can be checked, and auto-requests can be
sent to sub hosts.

tam118.zip (242K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

tlm_2dtic.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

TLM-Tic - .TIC Processor for WWIV
A .TIC processor for WWIV BBS's.
This one will handle as many
areas as you have memory,
requires approximately 50k to
load, with an extra 1k for every
10 areas. Freeware.

tnc304d.zip (118K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

The Network Coordinator v3.04 for WWIV.
Demo Version.  Run your own WWIV Net.
Registration Now Only $20.  We accept
Visa, Mastercard, and Checks by phone,
fax, BBS, and mail.   01/06/96.
ufpcbk12.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm


Specific program for automated backup of source code
files for Registered WWIV SysOps.

All *.BAK files are deleted, and all *.C, *.H, *.MAK and
*.ASM files are backed up to a specified location.
That location will be accepted as a command-line parameter
or interactively.

Supports PKZIP, ARJ, LHA, RAR, and UC2 archiving programs.

ustat40.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

UserStat ver 4.0 - Generate user
statistic files and BBS statistic files
for your BBS.  New things added are: more
automatic stuff, .CFG file, new activity
file, plus more. For use with WWIV
ver 4.22 and above.

wed24b_a.zip (274K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wedit25b.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wedit25g.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVedit w/OS2/Desqview/Windows Time Slicing
This is WWIVedit v2.5B updated by Goose to provide
time-slicing under OS/2, Desqview and Windows.
This prevents other running processes from slowing
noticably when someone is using WWIVedit.
7/21/96 versions adds support for Windows.
NOTE - This is only the updated EXE file.  You still
need to install WWIVedit 2.5B first (WEDIT25B.ZIP).

winfo110.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVinfo v1.10 - JiffMods Modding Group Release
An External YourInfo for WWIV - Replace the
internal YourInfo, or use as a chain

wmail60b.zip (73K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVMail/QWK v6.0B (Service Pack)
WWIV 4.24-4.30 QWK Off-Line Mail Door
BRWare Web Site: http://www.brware.com
WWIVMail/QWK is an installable WWIV chain that
generates Industry Standard .QWK compatable mail
packets for numerous offline readers. Includes
support for Bulletins, Newsfile, New Files Scan,
Sysop-defined Extraction and Communications
engines, Fossil Support, On-Line Help and many
user selectable options. Updated  registration

** No modification to WWIV source is required. **
Note, this is a Service Pack which requires
WWIVMail 6.0 to be installed first.

wmch11.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WMChat v1.1
Replacement WWIV multinode chatroom!
Compiles directly into the source
code for maximum speed possible.
Whispering, directing, 10 channels,
invisibility, and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

wstat666.exe (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wsys17.zip (403K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVsys v1.7 - WWIV SysOp Utilities - 08/31/96
External utility for the modern WWIV Sysop,
the all-in-one tool that will replace any
configuration software for your WWIV BBS and
internet Sysop commands by a very well designed
and powerful user friendly interface tool, plus
many unique options. One of the most popular
WWIV utilities ever did to date. Shareware 30$

(C) 1994-1996 by French Mod Division Software

wuucp10.zip (88K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WUUCP v1.0 -=- WWIV <-> UUCP Gateway Software
WUUCP is a program that parses
newsgroups and email to and from the
formats that WWIV understands. This
is the first release version.

(c) 1995-1996, TLM Software

wv20.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

♥7            ┌┐    ┌┐ ┌┐   ┌┐
♥7            ││ ┌┐ ││ ││   ││
♥7            ││┌┘└┐││ │└┐ ┌┘│
♥7            │││┌┐│││ └┐└─┘┌┘
♥7            │└┘││└┘│  └┐ ┌┘
♥7            └──┘└──┘   └─┘
♥6     WWIV Color File Viewer for DOS!
♥9 A Shareware Utility for World War IV BBS
♥9           brought to you by
♥1             On-3 Software
♥6        Written By: Lord Dragon

ww4pal.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

ww4warp2.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WW4suOS2.ZIP is a collection of files/Icons
SetUp info: by several different Authors. ALL
Provided *AS IS* Only. Files have been Edited
&/or made By: " The Animal " #1@ Bushidokai
BBS. 1@1201.WWIVnet, 3094.IceNET/TerraNET, &
More. WW4WARP.TXT was authored by Pug aka Jeff
Kronlage, OS2WARP.CFG was Authored by " Sam "
of Sam's BBS (FAQ from Sam's BBS of OS/2).
Others taken form other helpful doc's/texts
If NOT stated They are authored by The Animal.
PLEASE Read EVERYthing before use of any file!
wwived23.zip (271K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wwivnews.zip (648K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wwivtips.dat (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wwivtoss.zip (192K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVTOSS : WWIV/Fido Mail Tosser v1.30
WWIVTOSS is a WWIV/Fidonet Mail Tosser
and translator that takes the incoming
packet, tosses and translates messages
on the fly directly into LOCAL.NET.
Handles full email gateing between
WWIV Networks and Fido Networks
Includes program to convert WFIDO/WWIVGATE
data files to WWIVTOSS format!
Shareware $20.00 US

** Released 10/19/96 **

wwivw95.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

Setting WWIV 4.XX under Window 95.
Written by Razorblade at Winfree's
Lair BBS. (716)359-3296.

wwivw95a.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wwln104.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

Cerebrum's LastNet v1.04 network summary at logon!
│ Displays a list of recent network activity, │
│ sorted by time of connection, during the    │
│ logon. Fully supports mailer activity using │
│ FrontDoor, InterMail or compatible mailers. │
│ Runs as either a logon event or standalone  │
│ to create the ANS/MSG files to display.     │
│ v1.02 includes a configuration utility to   │
│ enable changing colors and header style!    │
│        $5 shareware from Cerebrum!          │

wwmail41.zip (258K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

wwsrt122.zip (51K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVSort 1.22 - WWIV Transfer Sort/List Utility
┌────────────────────────────────────────── ┌┬┐┌┬┬┐┌┐
│ Copyright (C)1993-1996 by K. Harris / CMI │├┤│├┤│││
└────────────────────────────────────────── └┴┘└┘└┘└┘
Sorts .DIR files forward or reverse on any of seven
different specs, generates file listings, patches bad
'daten' timestamps.  Easily configurable and very
fast!  [WWIVSort is significantly faster than WWIV's
//SORT command and offers more sort options.]

wwtips11.zip (107K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:16 pm

WWIVtips v1.1 - Logon Event by FMD
WWIVtip will show your user a tip
on WWIV each time they log on, so
they can learn more about WWIV and
some commands they might don't know.
Useful to inform your users about
your source code modifications.

(C) 1996 FMD Software - Shareware
Web Site: http://www.wwiv.com/fmd