1whocald.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Who Called Today! by CR Software. (3/96). 
Written in wcCODE 4 For WildCat 4.11.
Displays a list of the current day's callers.
List automatically resets every day.
categories to be displayed, AND what color
each field is to be displayed in. Automati-
cally sizes categories across screen. Use as
part of log on sequence or as menu item!
Register: $4.00  AVAILABLE SOON FOR WC 5!!

a_menu35.zip (78K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

A-MENU v3.5,wcCODE,Ver. 4.11 by DYS Software
*** POWERFUL Online & Remote MENU-MAKER! ***
* Configure A-MENU Screens "on the fly!" 
* 44 Menu Options/Screen; 60 different Types 
* Configure A-MENU Access by Security Level 
* Copying & Moving A-MENU Screens - Allowed 
* Displays Static or Ticker-tape Banner Ads 
* Displays additional info for Ad on demand 
* Supports Arrows and FULL-MENU Hot Keys 
* Runs Online EDITOR and wcDRAW from inside 
* Offers User-friendly Messages on bottom 
* Supports access to your Sub-Menu/Programs    
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!

aaapag31.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

**AAAPage v3.1 for Wildcat! 4.01+ ONLY***
Wildcat System Page Replacement. For Sysops
who want to be notified ONLY in case of an
emergency.  This will make the user think
That you are available 24hrs a day. However
If you are not in front of the computer
or somewhere you can see the screen you will
only know that you were paged from the log.
This Pager Turns the bell on or off depending
on the page type. Also Logs the reason for the
Page. Now supports Sysop Defineable conferance
for the comments to sysop.
Supports the use of an AI pager as the Asst Sysop.
Written in WCCODE v4.11 by Wayne Braswell
MANY NEW improved Features plus
Password Entered is now echoed back as astericks.

abitwgr5.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

-=[M O R E  ABITW  A N S i  SCREENS]=-

abitwl13.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

ABiTW - LOGON V1.3 (WCX) - For WC4.10/11/12+
Compiled with WCcode 4.12
Please read the DOC for additional information.

abitwlf1.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

ABiTW - LogOff V1.1 - A WcCode LogOff option
for WC 4.10/4.11/4.12+, Cool Graphix!

acode100.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Area Code! Allows Users To Update Their New Area Codes

afinst_1.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

* ALLFIX! for WC Icon Installation Program *
│  AFINST! Creates an OS/2 Work Place   ├─┐
│ Shell Folder for those running ALLFIX!│ ├─┐
│  for WildCat! under OS/2 and Attaches │ │ │
│   Icons to ALLFIX.EXE, ASETUP.EXE,    │ │ │
│   and WHATSNEW.DOC.                   │ │ │
└─┬─────────────────────────────────────┘ │ │
  └─┬─────────────────────────────────────┘ │

afx_110e.zip (662K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

ALLFIX! for WildCat! v1.10 Evaluation
Version. ALLFIX is the most complete
FileEcho utility available. No other
program offers the large number of features
that are part of the ALLFIX package.

* Full support for WildCat! 4.xx. It can
  write directly to the WildCat! file
  database and to the message conferences
* Full support for Zones, and 4D points.
* Support for domains (5D addressing).
* Ability to disable sending a TIC file.
* Ability to put all of the TIC files with or
  without the accompanying archive into one
* Support for multiple compression formats.
* User friendly setup program. ALLFIX does
  not require any configuration files used
  by any other program.
* Supports XMS, EMS and disk swapping.
* Supports DESQview, OS/2, and other
* Writes FD/WildCat!/BinkleyTerm/PoP
  compatible log file.

In conclusion: Very HIGH quality performance,
Very LOW registration fee.

allfl_20.zip (92K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

All Files Lister for Wildcat! 4.01+
Version 2.0  (proFILES)

No more hassles trying to capture a list of all your files, or trying
to configure hard-to-use, outdated programs!  Create file lists and
now allow your users create their own personalized list and download
it online!  Features (for a complete list see ALLFILES.DOC):

- Coded in wcCODE for a fast, smooth interface with Wildcat!.
! NEW: OnDemand lets users create their own lists!!
! NEW: ANSI menu interface and 3D interface.
! NEW: "NEWFILES" list creation.
! NEW: Faster than ever before.
! NEW: FIVE different file listing methods.
- Online configuration program with context sensitive help.
- SysOp defined file area headers.
- Word wrapped descriptions for easier reading.
- Multiple Configurations let you create more than one file list.
- Create compressed file using ANY packer program.
- Include and exclude certain file areas and file types.
- Installation program for easy setup into ANY directory.
- No limits and fully SysOp configurable.
- Many other features...

asend100.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Autosend v1.00 - Add-on for Listserv.  Send
a message to all subscribers.  Designed to
be used as an event for sending messages on
a regular basis, such as mailing list info,
FAQs, etc.  Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+,
includes source code.  From the author of
Listserv for Wildcat.

avu1r6.zip (161K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Archive View 1.6 for Wildcat 4.1x.
wcCode app runs in place of viewcomp.bat
and displays .ZIP and .TXT files. Also
supports .ZIP within .EXE if found.
Uses freeware Unzip (included). Freeware.
Compiled using wcCode 4.12.

bbslist.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

BBS lister for WC 4.10,11,12
compiled with WCcode 4.12

bday100.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

wcBIRTHDAY v1.0 -[WCX] Create a bulletin
of all the users who have birthdays today!
(Run as a daily event).

Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12

boards.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Boards - WCX v4.12
This is another BBS Lister
It's simple but effective.
Configuration allows only
certain Security Profiles
to Add a BBS ad!

Hidden Paradise Software
Hidden Paradise
BBS (716)-345-9800

bouncer.zip (68K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

REMAIL version 1.00 for Wildcat 4.x
This utility will send "bounce" messages
to people who write to selected users
in your internet conference.  It uses
Wildcat!'s UTIIMPRT program for reliable
import processing.

bssdunge.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

BBS Dungeon! For Wildcat 4.12 w/ wcCODE please read info

bsslgman.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

LogonManager for Wildcat 4.12 made w/ wcCODE

catchya4.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Catchya 4.0 by Rob Mooney
A total rewrite of the infamous
Catchya Goodbye replacement module
for Wildcat 4.10 and above BBS's!
Compiled using WCCODE 4.20

Now includes FULL ansi graphics!

catlist1.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Catlist 1.0 - A cool BBS lister,
good graphix, users are able to
download short or long lists,
will produce a bulletin or hello
file, multinode compatible.
A wcCode Application for WC 4.12+!
Catlist 1.0 for Wildcat 4.12+
by Paul Elson 03/07/96

cgfwc_14.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Conference Groups for WildCat! v.1.4
A WcCode application that enables
the creation of Message Area Groups.
No more scrolling through pages of
areas.  A string search feature adds
to the user friendliness of this utility.
Now includes complete .prm file support.
Support for cnf#.bbs files.
Support for group#.bbs files
Optional custom Group Menu file.
Fast!! conference listings!
This demo version expires 2/30/96.
Brought to you by Beggar's Banquet.
Compiled 10/07/95 with wcc 4.11

cnd_tday.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

C-N-D Tday v2.24 WCX pgm for WC! v4.12
C-N-D Tday creates display files of
those that have called your system
Today, and Yesterday.  Features include
*Special Display for First Time Callers
*Special Display if Caller's Birthday
*TOTALLY Sysop Configurable
*Create Secondary Displays for use in
 other BBS areas!
  Initial Release is »»FREEWARE!««!!!
   Chip -N- Disk BBS: (414) 862-6221.

cpro401.zip (110K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

CPro Now Supports Multi-Node Wildcat! Systems

ctrl105.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

wcCONTROL v1.05 [03/12/96] - [WCX] 
Control BBS Features according to Security 
Levels - Complete rewrite, includes easy-to-
use Configuration Utility!

Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12

edevent.zip (69K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

EDEVENT version 1.21 for Wildcat! 4.x.
For Wildcat 4.x EVENT files ONLY. Insert,
Delete, and Edit NODE events outside of
Note: Wildcat! version 3 users should
see EDEVENT3.ZIP for an earlier version.

editme.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

EDITME.WCC/WCX - Quick Note Editor for
Wildcat v4.12 SysOps!       [03/24/96]

eyechall.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

   EyeChallenge v1.0
Number Challenge game for time online.
the user bets time that they will complete
the challenge and get it right within
the time allowed. Very challenging
compiled with WcCode 4.01 app. for 
  Wildcat 4.01-4.12
eyejail2.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

     EyeInJail v2.1
for WC 4.01-4.12,WcCode4.01 app.
Put Users That are bad in Jail, right after
the bad user logs on. 
Force Membership form for security 
level NEWUSER.
Jail With a twist. They have to beat
the game or Cry like a baby to you the
Sysop of your Bbs. Read Ejail.Doc for
Installation. Works as logon.wcx 
        Program by
Rick Quayle of Intimate Eyes Bbs
fair266a.zip (290K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

The Faire 2.66a - If your users love LORD...This is just as cool!
10 levels, wander the streets, rob the bank, try to survive long enough
to make it to the faire, kill other users, write mail to them, find hidden
maps, a master player level, and more. This game will always be growing!
You can even add your own 'other areas' to the game. I even provide a 
player datafile structure so you can write your own external apps!

Includes versions for Wc4.01, 4.11, 4.12 !!
Coming soon The Faire for Wildcat 5.0!    <<- Should be by 2-28-96

Another great WcCode app from :
          Carl Tice
filesbbs.zip (66K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

FILESBBS version 2.00 makes FILES.BBS
lists from Wildcat! 4.x and 3.x data,
for use with d'Bridge and other FIDO
For Versions 3.x thru 4.x of Wildcat!

freedoor.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

FREEDOOR 1.0ß For WC 4.x Systems
Allow users to play door games
without subtracting from their
online time.  FREEWARE!

fstlg204.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

FASTLOG 2.04 - wcCODE 4.10 -
For Wildcat! 4.10 and later! Prompt for
Fast, Normal, Maildoor, and DoorMenu logon.
Force Normal logon if user hasn't called in
# days. Normal logon after # calls.  Check
for updated newsletter even if Fast / Normal
logon. Check mail at logon. Check for U##
files. Check for WARN##.BBS files.
Configurable for up to 10 security levels.
Allows up to 20 HELLO and HELLO#N screens.
Now supports QUESDATE questionnaire.
Supports RIP. Allows user defined menus when
registered. More sysop configurable options.

fullw95.zip (91K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Revision 2.01! Want to set up your BBS under
Win95 but not sure where to begin?
FULLW95.ZIP contains everything you'll need
from start to finish to get your DOS-Based BBS
up and running under Windows 95 with minimal
downtime. FULLW95 includes sample batch files,
FOSSIL drivers, and anything else needed to get
you on your way!  Revised 10/17/95.

inetr120.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Internet Newsgroup Requester v1.20
INETREQ is a WCX program that allows
SYSOPS that carry Internet Newsgroups
to let thier users browes thru the
newsgrp.txt file and request newsgroups
to be added to the message base on thier
systems.  Easy configuration WCX added
A search function has been added to this
version.  User may d/l the newsgrp.txt
file. FREE! FREE! to all.  Call the
Desert Stealth BBS (505)479-0781

is_iw_12.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Intelec Database and Application  Generator
For use with our IN_yymm.ZIP & INB_yymm.ZIP
information  files.  Contains  Application,
Inbasket, and Database WCX.     wcCode 4.10   
Intelec Software
ishprm1.zip (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

 Wildcat 4.12 prompts! (real wild)
 This is a copy of the wildcat.prm
       that I use on my BBS!       
it's got some RAD&COOL colors in it
        ISH (501)760-2444         

isl37.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

InterNet Site List 3.7 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
Above. wcCODE App that stores seperate lists
of FTP, WWW, IRC, TelNet, UseNet and E-Mail
sites. Your users can add new sites online,
list the available sites, search for a site,
or download the lists for later use. SysOp
configurable to allow lockout of upto three
Security Levels and Users that will NOT have
access. Use your own personalized menu in
registered version. Easy to install!

jagdown.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

==== A Wild Password Utility for WC 4.x ====
  * When activated, it informs users that 
    your BBS is "Down for Maintenance"!
  * Requires password from users for access!
  * Runs as a PRELOG.WCX but will also run
    any prelog.wcx that you already use!
  * Start/End JAGDOWN from your Sysop Menu!
  * Displays your "Goodbye" .BBS!
  * Graphics included are  A w e s o m e!
  * Displays your BBS Name at the bottom!
  * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
  * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
   -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

jagger.zip (285K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

== An Awesome wcCode Pack for Wildcat 4.x ==
■ JAGBYE-goodbye menu ■ JAGDOOR-doors menu
■ JAGCHAT-sysop chat util ■ JAGDOWN-down for
maintenance util ■ JAGDUMP-dumps bad users
■ JAGNOTE- comment to Sysop ■ JAGPAGE- page
the Sysop ■ JAGKILL- kills a list of files
■ JAGFEED- file sender that scrolls messages
■ JAGPOST- 5 notes to jot anything on
■ JAGPASS- turns BBS into a password BBS
■ JAGREAD - a file viewer ■ JAGRUN- Freeware
.WCX/BAT runner ■ JAGSTAT- stats ■ JAGTICK-a
message scroll ■ JAGTIME-time bank ■ JAGUSER
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
  -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

jagkill.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

++++ A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 4.x ++++
   * Kills up to 10 files!!
   * Run multiple copies if needed!
   * Perfect if your log files to kill!
   * Perfect for ANY files to kill!  
   * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
   -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

jagpass.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

==== A Wild Password Utility for WC 4.x ====
  * When activated, it informs users that 
    your BBS is "a private BBS system"!
  * Requires password from users for access!
  * Runs as a PRELOG.WCX but will also run
    any prelog.wcx that you already use!
  * Start/End JAGPASS from your Sysop Menu!
  * Displays your "Goodbye" .BBS!
  * Graphics included are  A w e s o m e!
  * Displays your BBS Name at the bottom!
  * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
  * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
   -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

jagread.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

***** An Awesome Viewer for Wildcat 4.x ****
  * Light bar menu, scrolling read displays.
  * Configure 8 files to read quickly!
  * Keeps it's own database so each user
    has their own list of 8 default files!
  * Edits and/or kills your 8 default files!
  * You can pick any file to read!
  * Reads and/or kills your Activity logs!
  * Displays your BBS Name at bottom!
  * Keeps it's own activity & error logs.
  * Installation .WCX for easy setup!
  * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
   -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

jagrun.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

==== A FREEWARE Utility for Wildcat 4.x ====
   * Runs up to 20 .BAT or .WCX files!
   * Use as a prelog.wcx, logon.wcx, or
     as a postcall.wcx!
   * Sends a Sysop message if you forget 
     to configure any portion of JAGRUN.
   * Performs all the usual logon routines
     if JAGRUN is used as a logon.wcx!
   * FREEWARE to sample the Jagger wcCode!
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
   -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

jaguser.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

        JAGUSER v4.12 USER LISTER 
++ An Awesome User Lister for Wildcat 4.x ++
   * Lists your users by Name or Alias!
   * Along with Name or Alias, will list
     users' "From" & "Last Called" fields!
   * Loaded with rich graphics!
   * Will search your users' "Name" and
     "From" fields for a match!
   * Prints a hardcopy of your user list,
     including your choice of limited or 
     extended info on each user printed!
   * Can display hardcopy of your users!
   * Registration gets you Free wcCode!
Download this file and be REAL glad you did!
   -=≡ Chris Jagger Creative Services ≡=-

l32b5.zip (99K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Listserv v2.92 - lets you run multiple
Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
add/drop requests, custom messages for
add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
archived message storage and retrieval,
view/edit/delete pending messages before
processing, optional confirmation message
when a message is sent to a list, purge old
sent mailing list messages, dump skipped
messages to a file for review, retrieve
subscriber lists and more!
FREE registration!

lapage.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

LaPage for WC4.xx - LaPage, by Larry
Anderson. Features include: Comment
to Sysop, Page other nodes, Page Sysop,
Who's online, "reason for page", log
file for "reason for page" with users
name, date, time and reason recorded,
SysOp functions while online allow to
view or delete log.  Writes Page
reason to activity log. Free program,
User defined screen, supports Rip,
Text and Ansi. Ready to run.
Source available for $5.00.
Release Date: January 3, 1996

list277.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Listserv v2.77 - lets you run multiple
Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
add/drop requests, custom messages for
add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
archived message storage and retrieval,
view/edit/delete pending messages before
processing, optional confirmation message
when a message is sent to a list, purge old
sent mailing list messages, dump skipped
messages to a file for review, retrieve
subscriber lists and more!
FREE registration!

list291.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Listserv v2.91 - lets you run multiple
Internet mailing lists from your WC4 BBS
Compiled for Wildcat v4.10+ Features:
open/closed/other mailing lists, automatic
add/drop requests, custom messages for
add/drop/etc requests with built-in editor,
sysop can add/drop subscribers manually,
archived message storage and retrieval,
view/edit/delete pending messages before
processing, optional confirmation message
when a message is sent to a list, purge old
sent mailing list messages, dump skipped
messages to a file for review, retrieve
subscriber lists and more!
FREE registration!

massmail.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

MassMail v1.10  WCX v4.12
Allows you to send mail to
everyone with a certain
security profile or to
ALL of your users at once!
Configurable too!
Hidden Paradise Software
It's FREE!!!!!

mb_lgn1a.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

LOGON#.WCX  v1.01              [Dec'95]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.11+
This wcCODE application will allow you
to run up to 50 others during the logon
process.  Easy to setup and use.  
∙ Added the ability to display files! ∙
■ FREEWARE! ■         coded by: HoUDiNi

mb_p_412.zip (54K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

MAGiCBOX.PRM                   [Nov'95]
WiLDCAT.PRM replacement: Wildcat! v4.12
This is the current PROMPTs that are  
used on the MAGiC BOX! BBS.  Since it
is an ANSi only system, the RIP prompts
were not updated.  The color scheme is
blue and cyan, with a couple ANSi's to
add a great look to any WC!4.12 system!
3o1.681.7782        updated by: HoUDiNi

mb_rot20.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

RotatoR [WCX] v2.00.412        [Mar'96]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.12+
This wcCODE application  will allow you
to rotate screens  on your system.  Can
be used for  virtually any  screens you
want - including the PRELOG screens!
Doesn't copy or rename your screens, so
it's safe to use on Multi-Node systems.
■ Shareware ■         coded by: HoUDiNi

mb_tmw12.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

MB-WALL.WCX v1.24.410∙ß        [Jan'96]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.10+
This wcCODE application will allow your
callers to leave one-line messages on a
wall.  Customizable screens, bad words
filter, set security access, and more!
■ FREEWARE ■          coded by: HoUDiNi

mb_tmw13.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

MB-WALL.WCX v1.31.412          [Feb'96]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.12+
This wcCODE application will allow your
callers to leave one-line messages on a
wall.  Customizable screens, bad words
filter, set security access, and more!
■ FREEWARE ■          coded by: HoUDiNi

mb_usr11.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

USERLIST.WCX v1.15.41o         [Jan'96]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.1o+
This wcCODE application is a USERLIST
command replacement.
■ FREEWARE ■          coded by: HoUDiNi

mb_who14.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WHOSON.WCX v1.4o.41o           [Jan'96]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.1o+
This wcCODE application is a WHOSONLINE
command replacement.  It allows your
callers to page other users, and gives
them a smart-ass response if they page
■ FREEWARE ■          coded by: HoUDiNi

mb_xms10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Christmas Countdown   v1.00    [Dec'95]
compiled with wcCODE for Wildcat v4.11+
Requested by my users to display a days
left until Christmas, I took it 1-step
further.  This is the best Christmas
countdown program that you'll EVER see!
■ FREEWARE! ■         coded by: HoUDiNi

mbox112.zip (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WCX (v4.10) gives users individual mailboxes!
This wcCODE program (v4.10 or later) not only
simplifies keeping track of incoming email,
but also greatly simplifies sending Internet
email for your users.  Address book feature
allows each user to store frequently used
email addresses.  Mailbox automatically scans
your email conferences and builds a list of
private messages for each user -- no more
searching through the conferences to find
that message you already read but now need.
Automatically quotes on replies.  Supports
SIGNATURE files.  Now comes with both English
and French language prompt files!
Unregistered version is fully functional.

msgr10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

    The Messenger v 1.0
This program will add messages
 in up to 15 sysop definable
  conferences. This makes it
 easier to post your BBS Ads
  in different Message Nets.
 You can run this as an event
 every month and it will post
  your ad in your definable
conferences. FREEWARE!!! From
    KIKSTAND Software. For
       Wildcat!v 4.12.

mstat.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

MSTAT ver. 1.30, utility for Wildcat!
version 4.x makes up to 10 display files
showing conference statistics ... high
and low msg #, total active messages,
new and old message dates.
NOTE: Wildcat! version 3.x users should
locate MSTAT3.ZIP for similar displays.

mvp12.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Most Valuable Participants v1.2 (WCX) for WC!
4.1+.  An excellent way to get users involved
on  the BBS.  Assign different "point values"
to certain activities (DL's, UL's, DC's, etc)
and  sit back and watch them fight  to get on
the  colorful TOP 10  list.  Features include
the ability to exclude certain users based on
Name or Security Level.  Sysop defined custom
activities can be also setup.  
(c) 1995-96, KeySoft & Gerard Johnson

nascar68.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

NASCAR racing schedules, team lists etc.  
All Done as Wildcat @ Screens for online 
posting.  Will be updated as needed during 
the upcoming racing season with Winners of
each race and current points standings.  
Includes Winston Cup, Grand National, and 
even the NEW Super Truck series!  GREAT 
Color @ code Graphics.  Totally FREEWARE!!

netbull.zip (83K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

NETBULL Version 2.54 makes screens of
echomail activity from wcGATE,wcECHO,
including detailed bulletin, summary,
HELLO screen, and a wcMAIL or Tomcat
opening display screen.

op_118.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

opPAGE -[WCX] Operator Page v1.18 [03/12/96]
SUPER SysOp Page Module for Wildcat v4.12+
Many features & options!  Deny specific
users and/or security levels access to
Page The SysOp!  Configuration Utility
Included!  Personalize your own screens!

Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12

pager41.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Custom SysOp Pager 4.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 &
Above. wcCODE App that replaces the standard
SysOp Page function. It will prompt the user
for a two line reason as to the nature of
their page. Twit filter allows the SysOp to
select upto three seperate Sec Levels and
Users that will NOT have access to the Pager.
Will write to the activty log showing you
their reason for the page. Create and use
your own menu in the registered version!

platnium.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

            "PLATNIUM PRELOG" Ver. 1.0         
       A complete PRELOG.WCX for Wildcat!        
       Ver. 4.20, 4.12, 4.11, 4.10, 4.01.        
     Let's callers Login, See Who's On-line,      
     Download a BBS Info Package, or Logoff       
     all externally to Wildcat!.                  
     No Delays, Nag's, or Demo Key's.  Just a     
     really slick interface to ADD to your own    
     BBS.  Installs in 5 Min's or less.           
      Donate-ware  "Well Worth the Download" !   
                 Copyright 1996                  
          Revolving Door Software Canada         
qpage11.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

QUICK PAGE v1.1 for Wildcat 4.x systems only.
Released as Freeware with source incl. Define
a "pick list" of  reasons to  choose from  or
enter your own.  Displays a configurable MOTD
or system message while waiting for the sysop
to  respond.  Keeps  a track of the number of
times  each "pick list" option  was  choosen.
NEW, UNIQUE and best of all FREE from KeySoft

rc201.zip (130K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

RC Registration Center v2.01 - (wcCODE 4.11)  Absolutely 
the best Wildcat! registration program available! Support
for Calender and credit registrations.  Full accounting 
with sales reports, cash receipts reports, voiding sales
entries, and manual sales entry.  Handles sales by user 
credit, checks, and credit cards. Flexible security 
profile handling, with full internal intelligent adult 
access support. Supports BBS display files for all security 
profiles.  Allow callers to purchase credit on another user's
account. Online documentation.  Full support of statements,
and invoices, including e-mailing copies to sysop and caller,
as well as the ability to download the same.  Support for
MAPP credit card program for building the "MULT" catch file.
Misc sales support.  Item specific sales tax support....and 
more! If you run a Wildcat! BBS as a business, this is a must
see!  Reg. $20 {USD} Free Updates!  Not Crippled!
remail.zip (66K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

REMAIL version 0.50ßeta for Wildcat 4.x
WC4.x utility forwards new mail for
selected users from selected conferences
to your internet conference.  Uses
Wildcat!'s UTIIMPRT program for reliable
import processing.

rnvte41f.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

  Here's a FREEWARE Voting Booth Door for
WildCat 4.xx Systems. Compiled w/ WCCODE 4.0
Courtesy of RonWaReZ Software House.

(c) Copyright 1996 RonWaReZ Software House

rstat410.zip (48K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

RonsSTAT v4.10 - File Database Overview
Bulletin Generator (FREEWARE).
A powerful tool for creating an attractive
and colorful File database overview Bulletin.
* Wildcat! Multi-node support.
* Wildcat! 4.1 File Group database support.

sbbslst1.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

SIMPLE BBS LISTER 1.0 - It just doesn't get
and easier than this!  Written in *.wcx code
for Wildcat! 4.x.  Works like a charm! It is
very simple to install & maintain.  Takes
very little space on your HD.  Outputs a
bulletin in @CODE@.  If you want a bulky 
database type lister, keep looking.  If you
want a great small lister, this is it.

scall133.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

│░░▒▒▓▓██ SystemCallers v1.33 ██▓▓▒▒░░│
│ View Todays Callers to the BBS and  │
│ what calls that has been made with  │
│ the  mailer.  Works with Ra v2.xx,  │
│ FrontDoor v2.xx or InterMail v2.xx  │
│ * Now with full multiline support * │
│ *          Now CardWare!          * │

shadymsg.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Shady Message 1.01 For WC 3.x and 4.x

Allow users to leave a message
to the next caller.  Now enables
the SysOp to define the color
of the message.  Another Fine
Product from Shady Shurtleff

simplwc1.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Here is a very simple set of WC4.x
menus created using WcDraw. Includes
a main, message, and file menu. Edit
them to suit your needs. A new set
coming each month to MSI HQ bbs
compliments of Daniel Swink. (Simple
menus for a simple Sysop)

sprpage4.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

The ONLY Sysop PAge WCX you will EVER Need!

Sprpage 4.0 is a replacement Sysop Paging
module for Wildcat 4.20 and Below BBS's
Compiled using WCCODE 4.20

ALL Future upgrades are FREE!

squot201.zip (63K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

for Wildcat 3.x and 4.x

The BEST Quotes program made!
Allow your users to add their
quotes and words of wisdom to
your "quote of the day" file.
Full Date/time/user logging,
with full Wildcat! color codes.

ssec311a.zip (114K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

SS-SECURITY v3.11a for Wildcat!4.11 & 4.12
Super Security program uses Caller-ID for
caller verification. Compiled w/WcCode 4.11
* Eliminates expense of a Call Back Verifier
* Keeps a permanent Security.log file
* Optionally  logs  off  caller  for  having
  Caller-ID blocked.
* KNOW where your credit card transactions
  are coming from..
* SysOp can have  SSS  automatically  log  a
  caller off by  placing  their phone no. in
  the BADPHONE.DAT file
* SysOp configurable to Log Caller-ID result
  to a field in the WC! caller database.
* Now includes HITMAN for extra Security..

ssecure.zip (126K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

SS-SECURITY v3.2 for Wildcat!4.11 & 4.12
■ Verify and upgrade your callers using 
  Caller-ID. Compiled w/WcCode 4.11
■ Eliminates expense of a Call Back Verifier
■ Keeps a permanent Security.log file
■ Optionally  logs  off  caller  for  having
  Caller-ID blocked.
■ KNOW where your credit card transactions
  are coming from..
■ SysOp can have  SSS  automatically log a
  caller off VIA Caller ID by placing their 
  phone no.in the BADPHONE.DAT file
■ Automatically upgrade a callers security
  with a valid Caller-ID result using the 
  new SS-Hitman module.

stock15.zip (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

(C) Copyright 1996 Sapphire Software
Author: Scott J. Bradbury     Released April 1996
Written using WC-Code v4.12

The Stock Exchange is a unique stock market that lets your users
purchase and sell stocks in three companies you create.  All shares
of stock purchased are stored in the Wildcat! user-record database.
Using @-codes you can create custom .BBS screens to display this
information anywhere on your system.  Configuration allows you to
choose which "Comment" fields in the user record to store the
information.  You can also choose to have a broker's fee, set the
maximum values of the stock, the maximum the index can change, etc.
Most display files are customizable using wcDRAW by MSI.
Extremely easy to setup in minutes!

Support BBS  ■  THE CORAL REEF - (517) 894-0729  ■  3 Nodes

sup288pn.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

SupraExpress PNP 28.8 *.MDM 
External For Wildcat 4.10M

This Modem File Seems to work Just
Fine with my system, Running under 
Qemm 7.5 & Dv 2.5 on all nodes.
I am also using a High speed Serial
Internal Card.
If you Just want to see whats up
In Iowa, Just Call Dan's BBS 24hrs.
A DAY, At 319-752-7231. If you have
A better mdm file for this Modem,
Please share it with us all!
Thanks. Dan T. Morris

t_atm401.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

│TimeBank-ATM v1.5  An ATM-styled time bank │
│  written in wcCode for your Wildcat BBS.  │
│   It gives your users the look and feel   │
│ of an Automatic Teller Machine for saving │
│     their online time for later use.      │
│   This version features a Sysop menu to   │
│  allow local or remote configuration and  │
│   the ability to exclude access levels.   │
│   Now with Scratch-Off Lottery tickets    │
│ to allow your users to gamble their time. │
│       A great addition to your BBS!       │
│      >>>> wcCode v4.01 VERSION <<<<       │
│  Another product of GadgetSoft Solutions  │

tb_v150.zip (79K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Time Bank (TB) For Wildcat! 4.xx.
Time Bank Door. Let Your Callers
Save Or Transfer Time, Take Out
A Time Loan, Or Play TimeSlots.
SysOp Configurable Options. Low
Cost Registration Of $10.00 {US}
EZSoft Software.

ticker.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

TICKER v1.2a  - Silent Radio Scrolling Messages
   NEW & IMPROVED!      Smoother Scrolling!
Scroll up to 100 custom messages across the top
of your caller's screen.  Allows you to display
an optional .BBS file below the message.  Change
messages by simply editing a text file.  All
messages may be up to 80 characters in length.

tmbank2e.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Time Bank 2.0e - Awsome and Easy used 
Time Bank for Wildcat 4! only..
The Best easiest program ever made
with simple setup.. No BIG MANUAL to 
read.. Truly looking ANSI Menu and 
easy to read.. Also comes with Ver.
4.10 wcx Apps and 4.20 too.! SHAREWARE! 
$10 to Reged. Written by: Anthony, 
Pleasant BBS! 510-689-0519,,22

topten11.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

TOP TEN v1.1(WCX)- Create up to 6 attractive
display files for WC 4.01-4.11 automatically.
  1)  Top 10 callers by # of calls
  2)  Top 10 callers by # of Uploads
  3)  Top 10 callers by # of Downloads
  4)  Top 10 callers by Upload Kb
  5)  Top 10 callers by Download Kb
  6)  Top 10 callers by messages entered
Another *FREE* Wildcat! utility from KeySoft
& Gerard Johnson (C) 1995.

uwt32_10.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

uWait32 -- This is intended as a quasi-
clone of the wcWait utility that ships
with Wildcat! 4.x.  The difference is
that this is a Win32 console app, and
it handles the CPU nicely instead of
grabbing 100% of the CPU's attention.
This does not replicate all of the
Wildcat!-specific functions regarding
node status, but it will wait a given
number of seconds or wait until a given
time using the same syntax for those as
wcWait.  Not exactly a drop-in fix, due
to the node-oriented parameters that
this does not handle, but it's pretty
wb_tagme.zip (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

DOWNLOAD this file Unless You are able to
change batch files and menus to fit your own
system. Several batch files included
and sample menus and all necessary programs.
Not for every sysop! Wild Bee's BBS
wcalg14a.zip (54K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WCALOG v1.4a. A complete graphical
Activity log display that features bar
graphs for usage by hour, day of the week
and busy %. Runs in POSTCALL.BAT or as a
nightly event. WCALOG is able to keep
running totals even after the activity log
is deleted. Has the ability to reset with
your Log Archive or Deleting Utility or
can Delete or Backup your logs for you in
a weekly or monthly event. Requires WILDCAT
4.1x or later. ShareWare - Reg.is FREE.
From Micro Assistance Co. 12/30/95.
(Document/Contact Info Updated Only)

wcchg46d.zip (150K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WC-CHARGE v4.06 ++ Dragon Business  Services 
version! ++ Upgrades level with Wildcat 3.x.      
Upgrades users Level and Expiry with Wildcat
4.xx Full support for WCBill Billing Credits
transactions. Accept MC, JCB, Visa, Discover
Diners Club, and AMEX credit cards + CHECKS. 
Full credit card number checking.  Maintains
charge logs,  activity logs, and will create
receipts for purchases.   GlassWare Software
Shareware $40.00 (610) 376-1819 BBS
wcchg46o.zip (147K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WC-CHARGE v4.06 ++ Online Financial Services 
version! ++ Upgrades level with Wildcat 3.x.      
Upgrades users Level and Expiry with Wildcat
4.xx Full support for WCBill Billing Credits
transactions. Accept MC, JCB, Visa, Discover
Diners Club, and AMEX credit cards + CHECKS. 
Full credit card number checking.  Maintains
charge logs,  activity logs, and will create
receipts for purchases.   GlassWare Software
Shareware $40.00 (610) 376-1819 BBS
wccntrl.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

■ wcCONTROL v1.03 - 11/28/95 ■
Allows the sysop security access control
over menu options.

When a user tries a menu command that
he/she does not have access to - it is 
ignored.  wcCONTROL allows the sysop to
let the user know that they cannot use
that command (yet).

You may specify a .BAT, .EXE, .COM, .WCX
or a MENU, along with up to TEN security
profiles *not* allowed access!

wcsr101.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

wcSEARCH v1.01 -[WCX] Search ASCII files for
specified data (case sensitive).  Results 
are logged to file.

Cosmetic fix - input display.

Wildcat! SysOps Only - wcCODE v4.12

wcsss28.zip (58K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Shuttle Software Suite 2.8 for Wildcat! 4.01
& Above. Contains 7 seperate wcCODE (WCX)
apps to enhance your Wildcat! BBS. Programs
included are Time Banker 4.5, InterNet Site
List 3.7, Liners 2.4, User Alias Lister 3.1,
Custom SysOp Pager 4.1, Post 2 File Credits
2.0, All Users List 2.0. ALL of these apps
will run on Wildcat! v4.01/v4.10/v4.11/v4.12
systems.  Easy to install!  Not crippleware!

wcst_104.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

* wcSITES v1.04 - 11/29/95 *
Fixed a MAJOR pain with the unregistered
delay, and added a second line for HTTP 

wcSITES is a user-friendly, internet 
site-sharing lister.  Supporting Telnet, 
HTTP, and FTP sites, along with newsgroups 
and e-mail addresses.

(Compiled with wcCODE 4.11, protected mode)

whocall3.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WHOCALL 3.0 is a Wildcat 4.x WCC 
program to create a bulletin (or other 
display file) of today's callers. 
Source code included!

wizprm20.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

New more colorful prompts for Wildcat 4.12. 
With flashing check marks in the file area 
for better viewing.  Main colors are blue 
with yellow.  A lot better than yellow and 
white!  Lots of special looks in Message 
area also.  Updates will be available as 
well as new prompts that we are currently 
working on.  The WIZARD  Wizard's Castle BBS 

wvtdlx13.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

WVTDLX v1.3 The ULTIMATE Postcall WCX for WC!
4.12 and above - GUARANTEED! Reads anything 
in the activity log and respond to it in up 
to 23 different ways!!
- 23 powerful ActionWords define responses
- Bypass callers by Name, Level or Location
- Single/Combined Call/Drop Carrier Displays
- Selectable Real name/Alias/Time On/Time Off
- Send Messages/Attachments based on anything
- Update User's time, Credits, Security level
- Ring bell, Lockout User, and more...

UNLEASH THE POWER OF Who Visited Today Deluxe