avb26.zip (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

ANSI Voting Booth Door v2.6 - for all BBS
types! Supports COM1-15, DESQview aware,
non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens.
This is great for online competition
between your users on their favorite ANSI
screens. Keeps a tally of votes for each
screen, etc... Also has support for
fossil drivers T&J Software!

chp_21svd1.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

▒▒▒▒│     ···■ CHIPARUS ■···     │░░▒▒
▒▒▒▒│  ··  · ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  · ·  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒▒│·    · Scoop Vote-Door    · │░░▒▒
▒▒▒▒│  ·    · ·   for:    ·   ·  │░░▒▒
▒▒▒▒│·  RA/PCB/QBBS/WILDCAT/TG · │░░▒▒
▒▒▒▒│  ·  And a Couple MORE! ·  ·│░░▒▒
▒▒▒▒│·  ·   · ·    ·  ·   · · ·  │░░▒▒

cvote1b3.zip (65K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

▄█▀█▄ ▄█ █▄ ▄█▀█▄ ████ ▄█▀█▄
██    ██ ██ ██ ██  ██  ██▄
██ ▄▄ ██ ██ ██ ██  ██  ██ ▄▄
 ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀   ▀▀   ▀▀▀
│     CyberVote v1.0b3       │
│ ─────────────────────────  │
│ Super Vote-Door fuer RA    │
│                            │
│ - Komplett deutsch         │
│ - Lightbar-Steuerung       │
│ - inkl. Fragen - Editor    │
│ - mit Antwort-Zwang-Mode   │
│                            │
│ * Balken-Statistik         │
│ * Loesch-Moegl. der Fragen │
│ * Bugfixes                 │
│                            │
│ - SHAREWARE ─> 20,- DM -   │
│  (C) 1995 by CyberProd     │
└─────────Ole Schley─────────┘

cvte1b22.zip (62K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

▄█▀█▄ ▄█ █▄ ▄█▀█▄ ████ ▄█▀█▄ 
██    ██ ██ ██ ██  ██  ██▄   
██ ▄▄ ██ ██ ██ ██  ██  ██ ▄▄  
 ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀   ▀▀▀   ▀▀   ▀▀▀ 
│    CyberVote v1.0b2.2    │
│ Super Vote-Door fuer RA  │
│                          │
│ - Komplett deutsch       │
│ - Lightbar-Steuerung     │
│ - inkl. Fragen - Editor  │
│ - mit Antwort-Zwang-Mode │
│                          │
│       * Bugfixes *       │
│* ML-Unterstuetzung verb.*│
│    * Komplette Doku *    │
│                          │
│ - SHAREWARE ─> 20,- DM - │
│  (C) 1995 by CyberProd   │
└───────Ole Schley─────────┘

dctvd040.zip (123K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

DCT Voting Door v0.40 Deluxe voting door for
any BBS which supports the DORINFO1.DEF or
DOOR.SYS drop file. Features include:
Optional user censoring, auto-deletion of old
booths & inactive users, problem user lock
out, the lightbar selector, amazingly FAST &
EASY setup, bar graphs/percentages when
displaying results, AutoVote, language
support, plus much more!

dvb320.zip (86K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Dream Voting Booth v3.20- The most
full-featured voting door available...
Supports the standard Door.sys dropfile -
MultiNode Systems - SysOp Editor - Very SysOp

dvbsp320.zip (86K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Dream Voting Booth v3.20 (Spanish) - The most
full-featured voting door available...
Supports the standard Door.sys dropfile
MultiNode Systems - SysOp Editor - Very SysOp

dvote200.zip (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

┌─────────────── DoorVote ────────────────┐
└─ version 2.00 ─────────── by SaltySoft ─┘
  When a user exits a door, this program
  asks how s/he liked it. The user
  selects an answer from a list of
  choices. A vote tabulation bulletin and
  a voting log bulletin is generated,
  showing how well users like the door!

dvote_15.zip (185K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

 ███▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒░░░  S    O    F    T   '95

│ DeltaVOTE 1.5                        │

  ■ Easy-to-use votedoor program for
    SBBS/Concord/RA & Compatibles
  ■ No configuration needed, just
    put in your menu

New from 1.1:
  ■ Better result-display
  ■ Better outlook
  ■ Fixed some bugs
  ■ SysOp keys & Statusbar
┌Call to our support-BBS───────────────┐
└The Blue Express ─ +358-0-888 2871─24h┘

eday301.zip (87K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

ELECTION DAY! 3.01 (DOS) from Jimmy Rose
Popular style Voting Booth door for all BBS
systems. Supports user created questions and
responses. Shows author of question along
with regular voting statistics. Extremely
configurable, with Sysop editor included.
Easy setup with colorful displays. Multi
node & nonstandard comport support.
New 1999 Version! * Atlantis Software

edayw301.zip (164K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

ELECTION DAY! 3.01 32Bit Windows version!
Popular style Voting Booth door for all BBS
systems. Supports user created questions and
responses. Shows author of question along
with regular voting statistics. Extremely
configurable, with Sysop editor included.
Easy setup with colorful displays. Multi
node & nonstandard comport support.
Brand New 1999 Version! * Atlantis Software

evote130.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

  % \   ____   | _/ %
 %% /  ____|   |  \ %%
  _/       |   |   \_
 _\____    |    ____/_
|      \___:___/      :
:     evote v1.30     |
.       by garf       :

Electronic Voting Booth
:                     .
   very configurable
 external voting booth
 has multinode support
 requires: door.sys or

ezvote61.zip (94K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

EZVote 6.1 Advanced Online BBS Voting Door.
EZVote allows users to create questions for
others to vote on, and is very flexible.

The EZVote Voting Door allows up to 400
questions to be created and voted on. EZVote
can be configured to allow changing answers
after voting, to force users to vote on new
questions, and many more options. Questions
can allow voting on multiple options, and
users can add new options to some questions.

fastvote.zip (169K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

fvb20.zip (97K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

FVB v2.0 - External Voting Booth  (08/31/96)
This software is a voting booth that can
be executed as a door, as a logon event or
internally to replace the stock one. Nice
graphical interface, easy to use. To use
with the WWIV Bulletin Board System.

(C) 1994-1996 by French Mod Division Software

fvote350.zip (155K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

*FastVote* v3.50 -- NEW! (4/94)
Great Voting System for almost ANY BBS!
Updates include DigiBoard support,
non-standard IRQs, Mandatory Voting,
no-results-until you vote, and more!
Includes internal BBS support, full
communications routines, multi-node
support, attractive ANSI graphed results,
and access-level security. Allows users
to create, edit and delete booths, add
choices, change votes, and much more.

fvote_31.zip (93K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

FrEevOtE FREEWARE voting door v3.1
Up to 400 polls and LOTSA features
like  users add questions,  forced
voting  on new,  up to  15 answers
per question, answers can be added
can  delete old questions!  Allows
user  to  choose   more  than  one
answer  if  the  question  creator
allows   it.    Anonymous posting!
Made  to  compare  and  beat other
Voting  doors you had  to pay for!
Very Configurable! Sysop Friendly!
Hard   to   believe   it's   FREE!

ivb100.zip (166K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

InterLink Voting Booth v1.0.0 - InterBBS Voting at it's finest! Very SysOp configurable, up to 32000 booths per league. Supports most BBS formats.

kpv31r2.zip (104K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

nwbth128.zip (63K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

NewBooth 1.28 - Companion Program For
Use With Voter Plus Versions 1.93 And
Greater.  Run as a Login Door, Will 
Notify The Caller If A New Voting Booth 
Has Been Added Since Their Last Call. 
Optionally, The Caller May Go Directly
To The Voter Plus Door.  FREEWARE!    
From The Author Of Voter Plus.       
opn_314.zip (78K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

pbv_210.zip (161K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

poll110.zip (142K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

        The Polling Place 1.10
The Best Voting Booth for Remote Access.
Many new update from version 1.03. The 
Voting Booth with more features than any other.

provb100.zip (65K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

rpe_312.zip (61K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

rvb_10.zip (183K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0 -- Users vote
for their favorite RIP graphic screens!
Supports COM0-15, DESQview and Network
ready, fossil drivers, easy setup and
configuration via the RIPUTIL program!
Will run on ANY BBS that supports Doors!
End users must use a RIP compatible com
program. From T&J Software!

survey10.zip (155K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

SURVEY  -     Door Utility      v1.0        .
**   Part of the Sunrise Door Collection  **
Take SURVEYS or VOTE on issues. Allows for up
to 10 Surveys, up to 25 questions per Survey,
up to 10 choices per question, & up to 10
lines of user FREE-FORM text comments. Sysop 
sets the length of time Survey is to be 
active. Will show number of responses for 
each question choice as well as the 
percentage of total vote count per question. 

svy3012.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

thepolls.zip (80K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

┌──────══════[ The Polls ]══════──────┐
│ The Polls is a simple and effecient │
│ voting booth with superb ANSI       │
│ graphics.  Virtually unlimited      │
│ number of polls can be set up!      │
│ Easy to setup and maintain!  FREE   │
│ lietime updates and upgrades!       │
│ Supports DOOR.SYS/DORINFOx.DEF drop │
│ files.  ShareWare $15(U.S.)         │

tpsv099a.zip (98K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

The Polling Station Voting Door 0.99a

turbop4b.zip (80K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

tv110a.zip (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

│▌█▐│    TurboVOTE Version 1.10a    │▌█▐│
│ Mikerosoft Productions' online voting │
│ door is here!  For RemoteAccess & all │
│ other DOOR.SYS / DORINFO1.DEF compat- │
│ ibles.  Features include support  for │
│ an UNLIMITED number of  booths,  over │
│ 60 items per booth,  bar graphs, per- │
│ centages, color codes (for the  user, │
│ too!), multitasker compatibility (for │
│ OS2/Win/DV/DblDOS/NW), the  profanity │
│ filter, and TONNES of other options!  │

vbooth.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Voting Booth (C)1994 Jean Gaudreau
The door was compiled using RMDoor
by Randy Hunt and Mark Goodwin.

vbox201f.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

** VOTEBOX Version 2.01 FREEWARE! **
Can have to 10,000 topics to vote on
Has command line options to  display 
number of unanswered booths. Can set
security needed  to  create a booth.
A renumber booth command also added. 
Now also shows results graphically!!
No longer requires a fossil driver!!
Sets up in seconds and looks great!!

vote.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

 * * * Another Damn Voting Door * * * 
Works on most major BBS types, easy to
set up and use.  Very versatile, your
users will have a blast.  Seriously.
RIP,ANSI,ASCII, lotsa neat options!
Freeware from No Quarter!!!  Yahoo!

vote100.zip (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

 * * * Another Damn Voting Door * * * 
Works on most major BBS types, easy to
set up and use.  Very versatile, your
users will have a blast.  Seriously.
RIP,ANSI,ASCII, lotsa neat options!
Freeware from No Quarter!!!  Yahoo!

vote11.zip (75K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

vote1_28c_29.zip (113K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

▒░ The Voting Works 1.0C ░▒ 
The Premier Voting Booth Door 
Supports :
Wildcat! version 2.x, 3.x and 4.x
PCBoard  version 12 and 14.x or above
PCBoard  verion 15.x
GAP      any version
RBBS     any version
QBBS     any version
WWIV     version 2.x or above
Ultra    systems
SpitFire systems
Auntie   systems
Tri-BBS  systems
This Voting Works door is the best
available and cost ONLY $5.00 to

vote2.zip (47K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

e·ware Voting Booth v2.0
A voting booth door  for
ANY BBS Software!
Includes both DOS and OS/2

vote300.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

    Voter++ v3.0 - User Voting [PPE]
       *Many New Options For You!*
 A full featured Voting door for your PCB
 15.1 (or better) system.  Complete sysop
 control on all questions and answers.
 Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics!
     Two minute setup, no maintenance!
   View results in Chart or Text format!
   **GO/4 Software**  *Download today!*

vote_40.zip (48K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

votedr01.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

*** VoteDoor v1.0 by T.F.F. Utilities ***
State of the art online voting booth
that allows users to add questions,
vote, display results and add there
own answers to questions. Features:
■ FOSSIL com 1 - 8
■ Seamless multinode support
■ DESQview/OS2/Windows aware
■ DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS support
■ And Much More!

voteme12.zip (66K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Vote Me! v1.2 Multi BBS compatible voting
booth. FREEWARE 16550 UART compatible, built
in ANSI emulation, auto-detects FOSSIL.
Allows users to create and vote on topics of
their choosing. Supports DOOR.SYS, Wildcat!,
PCBoard, TriBBS, SpitFire, RBBS, and WWIV.
Written by Matthew Wilson

voter196.zip (203K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

yvc200.zip (61K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:15 pm

Latest Version of Your Vote Counts voting booth door. NICE!