a_urd100.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.00) Act Of Impulse User Registration
door for Remote Access 2.0x. Export filled
in data to file, netmail & usersbase.
Freeware by Pascal van Rossum

abed100.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

abusers.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

activ100.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

addval.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

          ADDRESS VALIDATOR v1.00.g1
  A door written to deal with the fact that
 RA will accept blank records in it's address
   fields (Sad) This program will display no
  copyright information to the remote so it
 appears as part of the board. Designed to be
  at home on professional styled systems, if
   you want "TeXt LiKE ThIS In 90 DiFFerEnt
           CoLOrs" keep on looking.
        FREEWARE from T.C.W. Software.

alog110.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌──--=Auto Login Ver 1.10=--──┐
│  **Second Release**         │
│  Released: 29-01-1997       │
│  Allows RemoteAccess Sysops │
│  To login to their BBS with │
│  out using a name or pwd!   │
amp100g4.zip (390K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Automatic Maintenance Pro 1.00Γ
Writes messages to new users, upgrades
good uploaders, checks ratio, delete
users who don't call back, check subdate
and/or send warning message/downgrade,
upgrade good callers and good message-
writers, Checks Netmail credits,
support File-Points and much much more!
Down/Upgrading can be done with levels
and/or flags! (up to 999 per Setup file)
AMP can also generate Multilanguage
Statistics (up to 400! Languages)
Top downloads, uploads, downloadskb,
uploadskb, messagewriters, callers,
lastcallers (also ISDN!), system
info, file info, mailer inbound/
outbound and much more! AMP can create
Ansi/Avatar/Ascii/RIP files.
There can be 70! macros inserted in the
message(s), so it's possible to
put very much info in the message(s)!
Also a Door version is included so
users can be upgraded online or/and
shown their Ratio. The possibility
to post/execute files on certain times
Supports Proboard 1.3x/2.xx / SBBS 1.xx
RemoteAccess 1.1x/2.xx / QuickBBS 2.7x/
2.8x / Maximus 2.0x / EzyCom 1.0x/1.1x /
WildCat! 4.xx / PCBoard 15.xx
MessageBases Supported : Hudson, JAM,
Squish, .MSG, GoldBase, *.PKT, WildCat!
and PCBoard
Registering by Credit-Card is also
antiter.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

aoi10.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.00) Act Of Impulse User Registration door
for Remote Access 2.0x. Export filled in data
to file, netmail & usersbase. Freeware

au_sub20.zip (69K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌────·· ·
│ ■■■ SUBBER 2.0 ■■■
└────────────────·· ·  ·
 o For RemoteAccess 2.X
 o Controls your paying users
 o Very configurable and fast
 o Multi language compatible
 o An internal usereditor for your
   subscribed users with print and
   export option etc
 o Up-/downgrades, sends messages
   automatically, creates logfiles
   and resets configurable usersettings
   after expired period for example!
 o ...and much more!

 o "A must for sysops with
   subscribed users!"
┌──·· ·
│ ■■■ ARDENT UTILS ■■■
└───────────────────────·· ·

auser210.zip (50K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

AutoUser is a powerful program that will automatically update
your QBBS/RA compatible USERS.BBS files, according to various
criteria.  You  can have it automatically change the flags or
security levels  of  all  users  according  to  their  flags,
security  levels,  or upload:download and/or msg:call ratios.

auu110.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

AUU 1.10 - Auto User Upgrader for
RemoteAccess 2.00. Now includes JAM

bbs900ra.zip (141K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

BBS900RA v1.0  For RemoteAccess SysOps
running either a "Pay Board" or if
you just want to accept contributions
from your callers.  This utility will
validate the Code numbers and update
the Callers Sec. Level, Exp. Date, Flags,
Group, and Credits.  This is an easy
way for your callers to make either
$10 or $25 contributions to your BBS.

bnt20ra.zip (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│BNET - BBS Single/Network Users Management║
│   System for RemoteAccess 2.x - 2.0      ║
│The program manages users of BBS network. ║
│features include: different passwords     ║
│calculating for each site, ready to handle║
│dates beyound year 2000, easy and friendly║
│interface, full control of every user.    ║
│DOS Version                               ║
│Shareware version                         ║

byetg100.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

BYE-BYE Telgard v1.00 by John Kristoff
Telegard 2.7 USER.LST to RemoteAccess 2.0x
USERS.BBS conversion utility
*FREEWARE* with C source code

cidph200.zip (100K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

CIDPHONE v2.00: for RemoteAccess 2.0x. To
check the authenticity of the user's phone
numbers with the one provided by the phone
company. More Options NOW!

cmemsi31.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

CMEMSI v3.01; DOOR to let the users know what
flags ,... they use ,and what screen
protocols, with information as: EMSI for new
users ,EMSI ONLY,YES/NO ,quick screen writes
,ANS/AVT,registering costs: 150BFR USE THE
'/NOLOCAL' option to disable the LOCAL emsi
detection , and go stright to the following

cmsra200.zip (98K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ Credit Maintenance System v2.0.0 for    │
│ RemoteAccess v2.0x and v2.50            │
│ CMS  allow you to upgrade any user that │
│ reach the amount of credit which is set │
│ in CMSCFG.  It  also have an ability to │
│ generate  * four *  different  types of │
│ transaction report.                     │
│ Moreover  CMS  can  post  a tailor-made │
│ email to an upgraded user.              │
│                                         │
│ Author     :  Eric Tam                  │

credit02.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄   ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄
██▄██ ██ ▀▀ ██ ██ ██ ▀▀ ██ ██ ██ ██
██    ▀▀▀██  ███  ██    █████ ██ ██
██    ██ ██  ███  ██ ▄▄ ██ ██ ██ ██
▀▀    ▀▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
·■▀▄█▀Credit ver0.2 ▀█▄▀■·

credsys2.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

CreditSystem's TimeKill v2.0a1 for RA 2.xx
      by: Dedrick Allen - Death-Row BBS
CreditSystem's is a utility for RemoteAccess
2.xx SysOps who run subscrition BBS systems,
and would like to use a Netmail Credit based
system. This file Includes TimeKill, which
will set a users Time Limit to the number
of Credits he/she has left. Fixed bug where
time was not always updated. Also updated
using the RA 2.50 structs for full 2.50
compatibility. XtraTime not included in this
version. Look in the doc to read why.

credt301.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Remote Access CreditUp v3.1.  Encourage users to upload files and build up
credits by offering free security upgrades.  Extend subscription expiry
dates by a month, a year or what ever.  Run as part of daily maintenance.  
Set it and forget it software. Registration only $15.00 (AUS).

credtr01.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Crediter v.0.1 Adds Any Number of Credits
to a User's account in RA 2.xx.
RA has lots of options for taking away
Credits, but if you want to be able to
add them, there was no easy way to do it.
Now you can incorporate this program into
your Questionnaires & Batch Files to
immediately update users' credits!

cybmkb11.zip (62K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 ░│   CyB■MSG-KB RaTiO   │▓
 ░│ No  messages?  Force │▓
 ▒│ users to  write msgs │▒
 ▒│ or  else   no  files │▒
 ▒│ access. KBYTE -> MSG │▒
 ▒│ ratio    controller. │▒
 ▓│ For RA 2.xx  ONLY !! │░
 ▓│ V1.1!  Bugs Fixed!!! │░
 ▓│ ┌─[■]∙FREEWARE∙[■]─┐ │░

d_u_r_02.zip (68K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

D_U_R is a Download/Upload Ratio
System like RUR by Ron Huiskes
Intersoft. D_U_R doesn't work with
messages from the messagebase but 
with AVT/ANS or ASC screens. D_U_R
has the possibility to set the ratio
and free download for each level
D_U_R is multi-language. D_U_R uses
a lot less diskspace than RUR.

dbank102.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ DLM Bank Version 1.02 │
This is a must have for any
sysop that is currently using a
previous version of DLMBank
DLM Bank is a timebank system
compatible with any RemoteAccess
Compatible BBS

Lightbar Support now included!

Newly Updated Setup and maintaince
features included.  Also a bankbook
database is also included!

│ Registration Status:  FREEWARE │

dc1_5.zip (65K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ **           DC.EXE V1.5          ** │
│ Would you like to be able to create  │
│ ANS/ASC screens showing who has      │
│ DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would   │
│ you like to be able to automatically │
│ drop their SEC level if they keep    │
│ dropping carrier? Would you like to  │
│ ba able to set user flags when a user│
│ drops carrier. Well now you can do   │
│ this and more.                       │
│                                      │
│   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   │
│     * UK BBS support available *     │
│          Author Colin Birch          │
│       Sysop  The Dog House BBS       │
│         (01443) 400327 24hrs         │
│     Latest files - 10 July 1996      │
dctac100.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DCT AutoCity/RA v1.00; Checks the telephone
exchange of the user's phone number and sets
his or her location accordingly.  This
ensures that each user's location field
actually contains the user's city, and not
some useless string or advertisement.
Another original idea from DCT Productions!
[Released 19-Sep-1998]  [www.sfu.ca/~dant]

deadh005.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

dep_53e.zip (108K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

INSTAbank 5.3e - RA2.00x time and byte bank.

dfix_10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DateFix v1.0 - Repairs "-" and ":" fields
in date and time data stored in USERS.BBS
For RA 2.00g1 only.   LlanoWare

dorregfl.zip (136K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║     Dorreg The Final Version     ║
║     ------------------------     ║
║                                  ║
║     (c) 1996 by  P.Kappetein     ║
║                                  ║
║ Great Door for RA 2.xx           ║
║ A complete online registration   ║
║ door and Userdatebase.           ║
║ You can configure the WHOLE DOOR ║
║ Make your Question's / Ansi's    ║
║ Pasword check / History Check    ║
║ And many many many more.         ║
║                                  ║
║ And this whole programm = FREE   ║
║   Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<     ║
║   Try, and SEE for yourself      ║

dorrg203.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│REGDOR V2.03  Registration door for   │
│RA 2.xx and RA 1.xx                   │ 
│Choise for 2 different languages      │ 
│selected SECURITY LEVELS ,make your   │ 
│own Question's and Ask for Password   │ 
│everything will be automatic upgraded │ 
│including FLAG's                      │ 
│Register NOW!!!!!!                    │ 
│Registration is totally  FREE  Fl 0.00│
│ (c) 1994 by Perry Kappetein          │

ds22.zip (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ ■■■■■■■■ DoorStop version 2.2 ■■■■■■■■ │
│ DoorStop is a program that allows you  │
│ to limit access to your doors, based   │
│ on user's security levels and/or names.│
│ You can set global limits and limits   │
│ for individual doors and specific      │
│ users.  Very configurable!  Freeware.  │

dupechek.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

duser110.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

   │ DLM User Version 1.10 │
DLM Computer Technology Utilites

This Online User Editor
is great for sysop's to edit users
accounts online.

Editing User Flags have now never
been any eaiser :-)

Online Help is given by pressing '?'
│ Registration Status:  FREEWARE │

epcr080.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

* EDGEPCR V0.80 * Post to Call 
Ratio for RemoteAccess 2.xx. 
Many Great Features Included!
More Feature to Come!
Multiple Ratios based on
security levels.
Now with Multi-Node Support.

**  FREEWARE  **

Release Date : November 5, 1996.

extpw104.zip (48K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Extended Check and Change Password for RA 2.0

fcnf15.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

                           _.   __
 _________________________/ |  / /\
 \___ ___|_  \___  |___  \  |  \  /
   /  __/ _   \/   |  _   \ |___\/
   \  _|__|_  /\  _|__|_  / ___//\
║  CODER: ELECTRON                 ║
║  LOOK PROFESSIONAL               ║
║ -Very easy to install :)         ║
║ -Where else can you get ALL THIS ║
║  for only 10.- ??        v1.5    ╚══════════════════════════════════╝

fflag22.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

FINDFLAG.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User
Flag Finder
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. 

findnum.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

hrat302.zip (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

A full door for RA 2.xx, enabling users to
create a report on their ratio statistics.
No more questions like "Why can't I download
anything??". Features: 19 keywords, multinode
support, integrated setup, split-screen
chatter, multilanguage support, fossil
support, DV aware, etcetera. Easy to setup!
*          NOW RA 2.02 COMPATIBLE!         *
        Released on June 27th, 1994.
*    SHAREWARE, written by I. Dielemans    *

hsuser12.zip (45K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

HS-USER v1.2
Change Sec. Level and
Flags in USERS.BBS
according to Sec. Level and
Option to write netmail to
SysOp and/or create a logfile.
Multi-Language Support.
Now supports RA 2.50.
RemoteAccess Systems only!

hsuserb1.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

HS-USER v1.3ß1
Change Sec. Level and
Flags in USERS.BBS
according to Sec. Level and
Option to write netmail to
SysOp and/or create a logfile.
Supports macro's.
Multi-Language Support.
Now supports RA 2.50.
RemoteAccess Systems only!

hsuserbd.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

HS-USER v1.0ßd
(recompiliation of v1.0ßc)
Change Sec. Level and
Flags in USERS.BBS
according to Sec. Level and
Option to write netmail to
SysOp and/or create a logfile.
RemoteAccess 2.0x only!

ibank105.zip (132K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

IceBank v1.05 * Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank
System For RA 2.xx/PB 2.xx/QBBS 2.8x *
Some Features: Bank Robbing,Bank Transfers,
Time/Kbyte Buying, Full Colour
Configuration, Daily Time/Kbyte Interest
Rates, Full Account Management, Multiple
User Setting Configuration, InterBBS
Transaction support and more! Official
archive release date: 03/04/97

igame10.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

INSTAgames v1.0 - Lotto Games for INSTAbank

This is a set of lottery games to work with Online INSTAbank Time & Byte bank
for RemoteAccess.

INSTAgames will work with INSTAbank v4.8, v5.3d, and v5.3e.

FileRequest "IGAME" from 1:250/932 for the latest version.
By Bill Dykstra

in_2ddup.zip (93K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│·     In-Dupe UserBase Dupe Checker      ·├┐
╠═════════╗        1.01a2        ╔═════════╣│
│         ╚══════════════════════╝        ┌╫┘
│         Searches your userbase for     ╔╪╝
│          accounts using duplicate     ┌╫┘
│     names, phone numbers, addresses  ╔╪╝
│·           and even passwords.      ┌╫┘
└───┐  Supports RA, PB, Ele, tcRA32  ·├╝
       Simple to configure and use,
       but the docs are in russian!

itp300.zip (61K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

├── I.T.P. Integrated Tools Program ──┤
│ ITP does it all for Sysops. It will │
│ edit EXITINFO.BBS, force two word   │
│ handles, daynumbers, update up- and │
│ downloaders and much more. Now also │
│ including Grafitty wall.  Supports  │
│ RA1.1+, 2.x Low butget registration │

iuserv05.zip (78K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

■ IceUser v0.50 ■ Online User Editor For
RemoteAccess v2.0x ■ Over-the-modem user
editor with validate & blacklist keys,
VIP user locking protection, security
level classifications (SysOp, CoSysop,
User), program access password, &
full colour configuration. More to come
in the next version.
killus16.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

KillUser v1.6 (released 22 feb 1996)
This utility will set the DELETED-flag
in the RemoteAccess 2.x userbase. Users
can be marked for deletion based on
Days, Minimum-level, Maximum-level,
Times-called or on a flag-setting. This
is a must for every sysop with over 200
users? NEW ADDED: Binary export of
deleted user and verbose output to
screen. BUGFIXED: A calculation error
corected. It is at least MAILWARE, made
by GoSoft; Gert de Vente, RC of RANet.

ksnoop10.zip (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

KAMSnoop is a password snooper
for RA 2.xx.  It will ask the 
user for their password, and 
then compare the CRC value of 
the password the user typed to 
the one in the EXITINFO.BBS file.  
If they match, then KAMSnoop 
will save the password in either 
the Organization or Comment fields, 
and optionally log it to a logfile.

lamer110.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

LAMER SCANNER v1.1.0 Detect those users who continually abuse the bbs and let them know that they have been denied access. NEW in 1.1.0 - Bad Phone Number Detection, Carrier Drop Warning. RA/ELEbbs Easy to install.

lev20001.zip (68K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║    The X-Files BBS presents    ║
║    ------------------------    ║
║    Level Updater 2000 V1.00    ║
║                                ║
║  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  ║
║                                ║
║ Hiermee kunnen de users hun    ║
║ level verhogen na upload....   ║
║ Alleen voor RA 2.5x            ║
║And this whole programm = FREE  ║
║  Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<    ║
║  Try, and SEE for yourself     ║

levup4.zip (94K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║  LEVUP V4.00 for RA 2.xx ONLY. ║
║  for RA 2.xx                   ║
║ -- FREEWARE --  -- FREEWARE -- ║
║                                ║
║  Level Up after xx Kb Upload.  ║
║  Added More Levels...          ║
║  Easy to install.              ║
║                                ║
║ ** FREE ** ** FREE ** ** FREE *║
║                                ║
║  (c) 1995 by Perry Kappetein   ║

lw_mgr12.zip (340K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

LW_MGR from LlanoWare!  v1.2
Complete RemoteAccess Editor. Including
User, Menu, File, Language, Text, 
RaConfig, and many DOS services.  
LW_MGR is for RemoteAccess 2.00g to 2.02
only! This archive also includes Bill 
Dykstra's AM_60 Archive Master.  Please
run LWSETUP to correctly install and 
configure both these programs FIRST!!!

lwcost05.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

LWCOST v0.5  ** LlanoWare **
User Credit allowance utility.
LWCOST will give ALL users credits
that you define.  To be run during
your maint. cycle.  
**** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****

lwuser12.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

LWUSER v1.2 - Remote User Editor. LLanoWare.
RA 2.xx ONLY.

mailaddr.zip (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

MAILADDR: Allows users to confirm/edit their
addresses and optionally join a mailing list
For RA 2.x : FREEWARE : Pete Rocca, MCC 1995

mc_exp22.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

EXPIRE.EXE RemoteAccess v2.xx User
Expiration Date Scanner
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. 

mcbest10.zip (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

McBest v1.0: Statistics Bulletin Generator
for RemoteAccess 2.xx You configure the
number of elements to show in the bulletins
from 1 to the Top 100 of each catagory.

mlist300.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌           mεdÆll¡ø∩            ▐
▌Presentz a Underful User List   ▐
▌ For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x ▐
▌  Mdl-List is an Realy Nice     ▐
▌ UserList Generator for Ra 2.0x ▐
▌  Use This Instad of RA's Own!  ▐
▌        XXX Bugg Fix            ▐
▌           v 3.0                ▐
▌    mεdÆll¡ø∩ Softwarez -95     ▐

msgratio.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ ■ RemoteAccess Message-to-Call Ratio ■ │
│ This program allows you to set up a    │
│ message-to-call ratio on your RA 2.0x  │
│ system.  You can require your users to │
│ enter a certain number of messages for │
│ every 10 calls, for example.           │
│ Freeware from Dykstra Software.        │

mubc060a.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 Metal User Base Convertor 0.60α
│ MUBC - Metal User Base Convertor     │
│ version 0.60α. First Public Release. │
│ UserBase Convert support 3 format,   │
│           RA20 -> RA11               │
│           RA20 -> SBBS               │
│           RA11 -> RA20               │
│           RA11 -> SBBS               │
│           SBBS -> RA11               │
│           SBBS -> RA20               │
│ Support RA2 password storage in the  │
│ comment field.                       │

mwpwdc10.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╥──┐ ╥ ╥ ┬ ╥──┐ ╓──┐ ╥  ┬ ╥──┐ ╓──┐ ╥ ┌
╟──┘ ║ ║ │ ║  │ ║    ╟──┤ ╟─   ║    ╟─┴┐
╨    ╙─╨─┘ ╨──┘ ╙──┘ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘ ╙──┘ ╨  ┴
 Passwordcheck for RA 2.x Version 1.0
  ■ Lists Name, Handle, CRC, Fitness
  ■ Reports exact reason for unfitness
  ■ Checks Name/First Name/Surname/Handle
     Location and Boxname/Location/Sysop
  ■ Comes with 1028 Password-Database
  ■ Uses PWDTRASH.CTL (detects no parts!)
  ■ Individual Scan/Errorlevels/Redirect.
        MAILWARE by Stephan Binner
────────── (c) 1995 MysticWare ──────────

mwuser12.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╥  ┬  ╓─┐ ╥──┐ ╥──┐ ╥    ─╥─  ╓─┐ ╓─╥─┐
║  │  ╙─┐ ╟─   ╟─┬┘ ║     ║   ╙─┐   ║
╙──┘ ╙──┘ ╨──┘ ╨ ┴  ╨──┘ ─╨─ ╙──┘   ╨
 Userlist Tool for RA 2.x Version 1.2
 ■ Outputs ASC/ANS [Colors eligible]
 ■ Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
    LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
 ■ Leveloutput as number or text!
 ■ Attribute/Group/Level/Sysop-Criter.
 ■ MB-Correction for UL creditK [opt.]
 ■ SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
──────── (c) 1995 MysticWare ──────────

mwusrd10.zip (58K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╥  ┬  ╓─┐ ╥──┐ ╥──┐ ╥──┐ ╓──┐ ╓──┐ ╥──┐
║  │  ╙─┐ ╟─   ╟─┬┘ ║  │ ║  │ ║  │ ╟─┬┘
╙──┘ ╙──┘ ╨──┘ ╨ ┴  ╨──┘ ╨──┘ ╙──┘ ╨ ┴
 Userlist Door for RA 2.x Version 1.0
 ■ Replaces the hard-coded RA userlist
 ■ Outputs ASC/ANS/AVT [Colors eligible]
 ■ Lists Name/Handle, Location [opt.],
    LastCall, Level, U-MB, D-MB, Calls
 ■ Leveloutput as number or text!
 ■ Attribute/Group/Level/Sysop-Criter.
 ■ MB-Correction for UL creditK' [opt.]
 ■ SHAREWARE (10DM) by Stephan Binner
──────── (c) 1995 MysticWare ──────────

mycred10.zip (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

MYCREDIT V1.0 - Tool for the RemoteAccess 
sysop to do mass changes on users credits 
on RA 2.02, RA 2.50g1 BBS. Allows you to
clear zero or negative credit amounts, to
add or subtract an amount from all users,
and to reduce any user with credits over
a chosen amount.  A shareware BBS util
by J.Mike Nichols - Registration $5
myuser10.zip (51K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

MYUSER V1.0 - Lists RA users to Screen,
Printer, or dBase III (TM) compatible
file - all users or just those with a 
non-blank address. Shareware BBS util
by J.Mike Nichols for RemoteAccess 2.xx
Registration $5
namefix.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm


Temporary fix to allow INSTAbank 5.3e
to work with user's Handles, rather
than only real names.

ndn_2drtio.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 ▄█████ ███ ▀████████▄ ▄█████ ███
 ███▀██ ███  ███  ▐███ ███▀██ ███
 ███ ██ ███  ███   ███ ███ ██ ███
│███ ██▄███  ███  ▐███ ███ ██▄███│
│███ █████▀ ▄████████▀ ███ █████▀│
│   -->> raTio CHeCK V1.0ß <<--  │
           OnlY 4 ra 2o2
        MakE YouR OwN AnzI!
            NoT 4 LameR
      Ndn_rtio.doK ->> GermaN

ndn_rtio.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

raTio CHeCK V1.0ß 
OnlY 4 ra 2o2
MakE YouR OwN AnzI!
NoT 4 LameRs

post_u30.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

The util that say thanks to your users.
If a user "uploads", "posts a message",
"uses all the on-line time" or "lost the
carrier" this util will give a thanks
or a warning to the user. It can also
give extra time or less time to
the user. This util NEEDS "splitlog".
splitlog splits the logfile from ra
for the data that post-user needs.

powman10.zip (65K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║       POWER MANAGER V1.00       ║
║                                 ║  
║ An External Util for RA 2.xx    ║  
║                                 ║  
║ The completed utils for all     ║  
║ things inside RA.               ║  
║ Global Flags / Dupe Checking    ║  
║ Check Userbase and a lot more...║  
║ Try this version and see for    ║  
║ yourself.........               ║  
║                                 ║  
║ (c) 1995 by  Perry Kappetein    ║  
║      ***** FREEWARE *****       ║  
║  YES!!!!!  REGISTER == FREE !!  ║  
║                                 ║  

ppwb10.zip (214K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▓ ♣ The Pachyderm Password Bank 1.0 ♣     ▓
▓ * For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only * ▓
▓ Users store access PsWd for retrival    ▓
▓ by the Sysop. Easy, Fast, Powerful!     ▓
▓ BBS Door Program, and Sysop's Database  ▓
▓ Data Files in secure Encrypted Format   ▓
▓ Passworded Access to Sysop's Database   ▓
▓ Database uses dBase III+ format files   ▓
▓ The "ULTIMATE" user password Storage    ▓
▓ and Retrival System!! - RaLin Software. ▓

ppwb101.zip (218K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▓ - The Pachyderm Password Bank 1.01 -    ▓
▓ * For RemoteAccess 2.xx Versions Only * ▓
▓ Users store access PsWd for retrival    ▓
▓ by the Sysop. Easy, Fast, Powerful!     ▓
▓ BBS Door Program, and Sysop's Database  ▓
▓ Data Files in secure Encrypted Format   ▓
▓ Passworded Access to Sysop's Database   ▓
▓ Database uses dBase III+ format files   ▓
▓ The "ULTIMATE" user password Storage    ▓
▓ and Retrival System!! - RaLin Software. ▓

preg120.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

protocol.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

PROTOCOL - Allows you to set
the default protocol for new
users from within RemoteAccess.
Runs as a door under RA 2.0x.

qbnk100.zip (228K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│▌█▐│    QuikBank Version 1.00    │▌█▐│
 Matrix Technologies Deluxe Time/Kbyte
 Bank  System  For   QuickBBS   v2.8x,
 RemoteAccess v2.xx,  & ProBoard v2.xx
 *****  Replaces: IceBank v1.05  *****
 QuikBank includes: Bank Robbing, Bank
 Transfers,  Time/Kbyte  Buying,  Full
 Color Configuration, Daily Time/Kbyte
 Interest Rates,  Full Account Manage-
 ment, Multiple User Setting Configura
 tion,  InterBBS Transaction support &
 more!  Official archive release date:

qdbtora.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

quest101.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

QUEST101.ARJ The best QUESTION door ever
made! Has following options Full
configurable, Rotating prompt, Make your own
ansi, FULL color configurability, Write InFo
2 RA UserBase. 100% FREEWARE! FOR RA v2.xx

quest200.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v2.00) QUEST by TWAiN PAiN Software
Version 2.00  - A  fine 1996 release
of  QUEST:  THE   online  user  flag
editor  for  RemoteAccess v2.x. With
built  in  WYSIWYG  menu  editor for
easy configurating. FREEWARE!

ra_stflg.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

ra_uedit.zip (57K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│       RA_Uedit v 1.0         │
│ Ist ein 2 in 1 Doorprogramm  │
│ welches anhand von Parameter │
│ ein USERSETUP oder ein       │
│ Online USEREDITOR ausführt.  │
│ Vorteil: Es ist Preiswerter  │
│ als 2 Door's. Registrierung  │
│           30,- DM.           │
│ Lauffaehig unter RA 2.0x     │
│      Multilinefaehig.        │
│    by MS-SOFT 2:2410/214     │
│   and HEZ-SOFT 2:241/1028    │

rabday12.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm


RemoteAccess 2.0x "Today's Birthdays"
bulletin generator.  Creates ANSI and
ASCII bulletins showing today's, and
optionally tomorrow's birthdays on your
BBS.  Colours are configurable.  *NEW*
for version 1.2 - Use handles or real
names!  *Freeware* from Dykstra Software.

raca10.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RemoteAccess Credit Auditor v1.0;
This program goes through all the
users and takes the pending field 
amount, and deducts this from the 
credit field. With an average size 
userlist, it takes about 2-3
seconds. It is ideal for nightly 
maintenence, or in the batch file 
after a user logs off.
raccd11.zip (138K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

    -=|=- RA-CCD v1.10 -=|=-
RA-CCD; The  ultimate credit  card
subscription door for RemoteAccess
Features include: automatic credit
card number validation, selling of
credits, bad credit  card  numbers
detection, security level and flag
upgrading,   subscription   expiry
date automatic  upgrading, message
template  support, internal paging
and message posting(query message)
routines, and MUCH MUCH more!!!

race100.zip (905K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RACE- RemoteAccess Callers Editor for RA
and compatible BBS's.
RACE is back, now with an easy to use
Graphical Interface Win95/NT platforms
Single executable approx 700K uses
existing RA compatible userbase.
Enhanced search abilities
   -Flexibility to search on most fields
   -Fast searches of entire Userbase
Full editing of User Records
   - Security Flags
   - Attributes
   - Password
Configurable notes for Security Flags
Help notes displayed in status bar
Shareware -Registration is only $20

race3b10.zip (233K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

racity10.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RA City v1.0 - A RemoteAccess v2.*
Location utility.  Command line utility
to replace those "non-standard"
locations users input such as "city" or
"home". Searches for partial strings in
the user location field.  Very FAST and
Very FREE! By jLc Software.

racredit.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

                RA-CREDIT v1.00

  The **BEST** Remote access 2.0x file cost updater.
  Extremely Sysop configurable, Optional Output,
  How much 1 credit is (Ie 100bytes, 1000bytes),
  whether or not to grant the uploader credits
  for it, the uploader can receive 2x, 3x,...1000x's
  credit for the file! Or you can just update the
  cost of files!

radcd104.zip (111K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector
Reads RA.LOG and posts message to users
who drop caller. Can modify Sec for
excessive drops, user file maint included.
Supports Multi-Line systems.
Supports HUDSON and JAM message bases.
Multi-Language Support for messages.
Creates optional ANS/ASC screens.

radcd141.zip (95K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RemoteAccess Dropped Carrier Detector
Reads RA.LOG and posts message to users
who drop caller. Can modify Sec for
excessive drops, user file maint included.
No Doc's, just the EXE and sample config.
FULL package is RADCD104.ZIP

raddress.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RAddress 1.00 beta - FREEWARE!! for RA2.0g
This is a simple utility to export users   
address to a simple format compatable with
most Word Processors and Data Bases. Comes
with ability to narrow your search to a 
specific USER FLAG!!  Small and Simple!
Call our host Board at  (512) 346-8075 to 
obtain the latest version.Fidonet 1:382/66

radio01.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RemoteAccess Data Input/Output (RADIO) v0.10
(C) 1994,1995 Brian Spencer. Freeware RA 2.xx
utility for the exporting and reporting of
USERS.BBS. The exported data can be read and
arranged by many database systems

rah_2db5.zip (92K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌┤  ___________________________________   ├┐
│   \__   __    __ _________________  /    │
│     /    /    \/   ____/  /         \    │
│   /_____________\____\  /______|______\  │
│  RemoteAccess UserList Password Hacker   │
│       Release ][ - Beta 5 (Wide)         │
│                                          │
│This  program  will  hack any RA userlist,│
│lot's  of  different  options  and  attack│
│methods  to  play  with.  A nice intuitive│
│GUI will help  you in your hacking career.│
│                                          │
│      ** SOURCE INCLUDED (BP/TP7) **      │
│                                          │
└(=[ SaruCiTY +46-16-5152o9 ]===[SrM^dFR]=)┘

ralcc10.zip (45K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RALCC 1.0 
RemoteAccess Lost Carrier Check version 1.0  
will analize the RA.LOG to find out who is   
Losing Carrier and then send them a message  
supports: Hudson,JAM,Netmail and Squish                
Message is completely configurable.          
Another Quality FREEWARE from Martin Woods   

ralim110.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.10) RA_Limit by TWAiN PAiN Software
║ Version 1.10 - FREEWARE!   (RA 2.xx) ║
║ A handy Ratio-Door for when you dont ║
║ use FileDoor  or any  other  program ║
║ that checks ratios. VERY EASY to USE ║
║  Dutch/English, limits from RA 2.XX  ║
║  *** TOTALLY RA 2.50 COMPATIBLE ***  ║

ralp10.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 ■ RemoteAccess Label Printer ■ - A utility that prints out address labels
from you userlist using a security level search criteria.
rapc21.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rapcr100.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RAPCR v1.00 -
Post:Call ratio program for RemoteAccess
version 2.00.g1+.
RAPCR is written by Nathan Locklin, and
is freeware, with no registration required.
C. 1993 Revolutionary Software

raph101.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╔═══     RA phONE day Version 1.01      ═══╗
║ RAPHONE is a small utility that searches ║
║ your Remote Access user base and         ║
║ replaces all old style telephone numbers ║
║ with the new format implemented on 16th  ║
║ April 1995 by British Telecom. Includes  ║
║ the new codes assigned to Leeds,         ║
║ Sheffield, Nottingham, Leicester and     ║
║ Bristol.   Run this program once and     ║
║ throw away.  FREEWARE! by Donald Kerr,   ║
║ Sysop, Firelink BBS, Glasgow, Scotland.  ║

rapu100.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

░▒▓ RAPU v1.0 - (c)1995 Steve Miller ▓▒░
    RemoteAccess Phone Utility v1.0     
This utility will format the voice phone
and  data  phone  entries  in  the  each
record  in  the  users file to look like
xxx-xxx-xxxx.  Very handy for making the
user file look a little nicer.  As usual
very easy to use.  The setup requires no
special configuration.  XANADU SOFTWARE 

raqa102b.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

∙■ RAQA ■∙ "RA Questionnaire Amputator" :
Small utility to erase responses in your
<filename>.ASW files for users who are
not in the USERS.BBS file. [Version 1.02ß]

raqp10.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│         BrianWARE           │
│    Removes deleted users    │
│ answers from Remote Access  │
│ questionnaire answer files  │
│  (C)Brian Andrus, Mar 1994  │

rasearch.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rasis201.zip (504K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓─────── RASIS 2.01 ─────────▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
           ** NEW ADDITIONS! **
  RemoteAccess Sysop's Information Service
  Multi-Task Aware, supports Multi-Node
  systems. Post messages to HMB/JAM. Multiple
  System reports, User mailing labels,reports
  Change some system settings. Lots more!
  * No RA Sysop should be without it *
 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓── From RaLin Software ──▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓

rasis202.zip (697K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RemoteAccess Sysops Information Service 2.02
The definitive BBS System Reporter, covers
all phases of your RA system, reports to
File,Screen,Printer. Print User Labels,
Index Cards, Write Letters, Call Users via
voice phone, View Q-A files & Ansi Screens,
user reports can be filtered, File Manager,
also a companion program with a bunch of
unbelivable sysop utilities. Lots more!
Another "Cowboy Software" product....

rasup.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│This program allows you  │
│to search the user data- │
│base, and if the expiry  │
│date is the same as the  │
│system date, then RA-    │
│SUB will reset the user  │
│record to a pre-defined  │
│record. IE Reset UL/DL   │
│Record, Credits, Expiry, │
│Security. And a lot more │
│Download your Copy today │

ratb_100.zip (156K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Remote Access Time Bank  -  v1.00
Copyright (c) 1991-93 by Ivan F. Martinez

ratot100.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌  ▄▄  ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄       ▐
▌  █▄█ █▄█  █  █ █  █        ▐
▌  ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀  ▀  ▀▀▀  ▀  V1.0  ▐
▌   This little  program     ▐
▌   allows you to change     ▐
▌   the total number  of     ▐
▌   calls on your board.     ▐
▌   Simple and Freeware.     ▐
▌  \\=-  For RA 2.xx -=//    ▐
▌══────────∙··   ··∙-──────══▐
▌     Raposa Productions     ▐

ratpk_1.zip (167K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

New RAT_PAK by SoftNet - formery Motor City.
Just because we ripped off the public is no
reason not to give us a second chance now we
have a new name to uphold.

rats220.zip (291K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RATS v2.20 TimeBank System for
RA/QBBS/SuperBBS/ProBoard supports
storing Time and KBytes for use
another day. Also supports Borrowing
Time and KByes, and Daily and Monthly
Lotteries. This is the most
comprehensive Time Bank on the market
today, and is a proven winner
over the past 5 years!

raue_101.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Raue v1.01 RemoteAccess 2.0x/2.50 UserEditor
Raue is a brand new editor for your
RemoteAccess userbase. Just some very
nice features to edit your userbase.

raul09b.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

**Remote Access User Labels**
Beta Version .09 - Release 1
Print mailing labels for users in the
Remote Access USERS.BBS.
This is a Pre-Release Evaluation.
Version 1.0 Final, due out soon.

rauser2.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rausr220.zip (310K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RAUSERS v 2.20 ( The Other RA-Editor )
RemoteAccess 2.50 /2.0x complete Users
Editor. Create bulletins, Query Users,
Search for Data, Globally change items,
ADD Users, Change Passwords, Create
Reports, GoTo & Locate users by
name, Pack/Purge, Fast Index create, and
more. Bulletins are command line or menu
driven. DupeCheck... Checks users base
for dupes by 6 methods... CheckBase will
scan the users base and check field
lengths & unauthorized chars, Also will
upgrade users based on paramters via
Uploads, Downloads & Calls. Write
message in JAM or HMB ... Edit
Limits,Lastcalls, Protocols etc...
LastCall Bulletin totally configurable.
Use MACROS in the text files used for
messages. DBase & ASCII export,
Msg to Sysop of New Users, Sorting and
Post msg to user from EDIT SCREEN !!!
Validation system templates & a NewUsers
defaults editor built in.
ALL This & More for $20.00
Renegade Software * Accuracy thru Automation

rausrprt.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RAUSRPRT.EXE : Remote Access User Account Display/
Printer Utility v1.0: Searches your Remote Access 2.0x
user files for any users whose names/handles fulfills
criteria specified from the command line. Great to print
out some important info like user name, handle, security.
flag settings, account toggles, and more to printer or
screen. Small, quick, useful! *FREEWARE!* by Fozzy INC.

ravip103.zip (78K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

****** RaVip Version 1.03 *******
  --= Multi Language Support =--
Scans RA log, dectects VIP callers via
VIP.CTL, posts message to Sysop that they
called, also condensed activity report.
Sysop message to MsgBase or Netmail.
Supports Hudson/Jam/MSG. Can use alternate
control file, alone or "with" VIP.CTL!
- Freeware -   "A missing part of RA"

reg110g1.zip (289K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

    RegView/Door 1.10g1
The Ultimate UserEditor for
 Remote Access 2.0x / 2.50

This is a gamma version of RegView.
Added RA 2.50 support to this version !
Not only for registered users but
for everybody !!!

This is a gamma release of the best
usereditor available for RA 2.xx
This program is a must for 
a sysop who uses Remote Access
Lots of options has been added.
   !! 100% configurable !!
Total rewritten setup program.
  Check it out yourself !!
    (c)'96 BundySoft

reg_u201.zip (112K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

With this programm you'll get a fine 
data-base of all extra user-data you 
want to know and save. You can create 
your own questions and screen layout. 
Several user-data can be copied from 
the userbase of Remote Access. The 
userlevel and the userflags can be set 
freely. Even on an Y/N question the 
sysop-level and flags can be set. So 
this is an user registration door that 
can be setup as you need it. This 
program is multi-line & multi-language.

regu201c.zip (133K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

REG_USER v2.01c for RA v2.00/2.02/2.50
With this programm you'll get a fine 
data-base of all extra user-data you 
want to know and save. You can create 
your own questions and screen layout. 
Several user-data can be copied from 
the userbase of Remote Access. The 
userlevel and the userflags can be set 
freely. Even on an Y/N question the 
sysop-level and flags can be set. So 
this is an user registration door that 
can be setup as you need it. This 
program is multi-line & multi-language.

regvw107.zip (201K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

REGVIEW/DOOR 1.07 Complete users registration
util for Remote Access 2.0x. Very friendly to
users, easy to work with for sysops. RegView
is a complete usereditor RegView can write
msg's to users, automatically downgrade and
warn members of your BBS by notifying them
with a warning message a definable days
before there membership ends, etc, etc.

regvw109.zip (287K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

    RegView/Door 1.09
The Ultimate UserEditor for
    Remote Access 2.0x

This is a new release of the best
usereditor available for RA 2.0x
This program is a must for 
a sysop who uses Remote Access
Lots of options has been added.
   !! 100% configurable !!
Total rewritten setup program.
  Check it out yourself !!
    (c)'95 BundySoft

reuser.zip (86K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

       ██████▄ ▄██████
       ██   ██ ██▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄▄
       ██████  ██▀▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀▀
       ██  ▀██ ▀██████

   ██   ██ ▄█████▄ ▄██████ ██████▄
   ██   ██ ██▄▄▄▄  ██▄▄▄▄  ██   ██
   ██   ██  ▀▀▀▀██ ██▀▀▀▀  ██████
   ▀█████▀ ▀█████▀ ▀██████ ██  ▀██
  By InFront Productions
│       RE-User Version 1.0        │
│The Greatest User editor around   │
│allows sysops/CoSysops to edit    │
│users remotely. It has quick      │
│searches for all Un-Validated     │
│Users. Allows your co-sysops to   │
│carry out the boring work of      │
│validating users or updating      │
│passwords. Just to mention a few  │
│uses!!! Has 3 built in access     │
│levels as to allow the sysop      │
│quick access to changes and a     │
│more secure option for co-sysops  │
│with less experience..            │
│  And its Free....                │
└─────── Dist via PCM ─────────────┘

rhchange.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

|  NoW *aLL* doors have Alias support  |
|            wiTh hElP oF              |
|                                      |
|   REALNAME - ALiAS - CHANGER v0.2    |
|   Switches real names with handles   |
|   in your RA USERS.BBS userbase      |
|  (c) wolfie        release 28/o4/96  |

rtool116.zip (138K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

■■■ Rudy's Place Tools. Release 1.16 ■■■
A collection of RA 2.xx Sysop tools that
are used on  Rudy's  Place BBS.  Include
Users IDX file rebuilder,  USERSXI  file
rebuilder FILE_ID.DIZ   handler,    File
Truncator, Global USERS.BBS set utility,
Users duplicate  finder,  USERON  wiper,
Zip version  identifier,   Alias  fixer,
command line  Nodelist   entry  locator,
users files   checkup   utility,    file
renumbering  utility,   RA  Orphan  Text
files, menus  and   questionnaire  files
locator, RA  File   and  Messages  areas
reporter,  MESSGAES.RA Global editor,  A
NetMail cleaning utility and a FrontDoor
session password sync utility.    Public
Domain  from the  Sysop of  Rudy's Place
BBS.                        ** A MUST **

rufc100.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rur_300.zip (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rus_100.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│         RA USER SWAP - v1.00         │
│                                      │
│ swaps the names and handles of the   │
│ callers in your RA Userbase. also    │
│ includes a utility to swap them in   │
│ the DOOR.SYS drop file. these are    │
│ needed by systems that are switching │
│ from using handles in the real name  │
│ field in the userbase.               │
│                                      │
│ another fine utility by :            │
│  Mark Lewis, Quartz Crystal Software │

rutil100.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

R_Utils v1.00 >>---> Sysop Utilities for
RemoteAccess 2.0x and other BBS's. Utils
include  a free disk space util,  a flag
setting util,  File/Message - Group/Area
setting util, Total Call Count Util, Log
Generator, an RA  System.BBS viewer, and
a RA Events Lister. Shareware.

s_2duserlt.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 _____  _____            _  _____
| /___)(_   _)     ___  | |(_   _)
| |___   | | ___  / _ \ | |  | | _BBS_
 \___ |  | ||.__)| |_| || |  | || |_| |
 ___/ |__| ||:_) |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
(__________||___)|_| |_||___)|_||_| |_|
┌─═════════──┤ presenta ├──══════════─┐
│                                     │
│  S T E A L T H   U S E R   L I S T  │
│                                     │
│        ──// Versión 1.0 \\──        │
│                                     │
│   Door para Remote Access 2.x que   │
│   reemplaza  el viejo  y aburrido   │
│   User List que viene con el  RA.   │
│   Con Exelentes Pantallas  Ansis!   │
│                                     │

sbank.zip (178K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

S-Bank 2.00 - RA/SBBS/Ezycom banking
│S-Bank is a very advanced multi-     ║
│language time and kilobyte bank for  ║
│for SuperBBS, RemoteAccess (both 1.11║
│and 2.00) and Ezycom.                ║
│With a very flexible configuration,  ║
│powerful menu system, user editor,   ║
│advanced banking options, great      ║
│full screen chat (even better than   ║
│most specialized chat programs!), and║
│much, much more!                     ║
│Don't wait, get your copy right now! ║
│----> Shareware, very low price <----║

sdr_1.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

SDReminder v1.0  A utility to 
show users ansi and ascii text files
based on thier subscription date and
security level.  Will only be shown
to them once per day.
Versions included for both RA1.11 and

sdset_30.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

SubDate 3.0 will add days to users
subscription expiration date, either
to a single user online or to a group
of users from the dos prompt.

sec272.zip (282K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌─────=Security Ver 2.70=─────┐
│  Released: 17-03-1997       │
│  Security will detect and   │
│  hang up any users on your  │
│  BBS that decide to use     │
│  duplicate accounts or make │
│  accounts with bogus info   │
│  about themselves.          │
│  Now with a NEW LOOK all    │
│  together. Looks  alot      │
│  better than all previous   │
│  versions!!                 │
│                             │
│  Now Internationally Compat │
│      Created By: Roblo      │

sec273b8.zip (180K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌─────=Security Ver 2.73=─────┐
│  Released: 20-11-1997       │
│  Security will detect and   │
│  hang up any users on your  │
│  BBS that decide to use     │
│  duplicate accounts or make │
│  accounts with bogus info   │
│  about themselves.          │
│  Now with a NEW LOOK all    │
│  together. Looks  alot      │
│  better than all previous   │
│  versions!!                 │
│                             │
│  This is Sec V2.73 BETA 7!  │
│  Fixed Colours Resetting!   │
│  Now Internationally Compat │
│      Created By: Roblo      │

set_time.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

SET_TIME v0.01 Time Limit Utility for RA
BBSs.  For BBS's running Remote Access 2.XX
on the credit system.  Sets time limit to
the number of credits caller has, if number
of credits is smaller than the time limit.
Stops problem where caller can have five
credits left and start a 10-hour download,
ending up with a huge negative credit
balance.  Quick, dirty, and free.  By John
Schofield of the Sprawl at (818) 342-5127.
sf2pb.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Reads Spitfire 3.x BBS user file and creates
ProBoard 2.x BBS and RemoteAccess 2.x BBS
user files.

showdupe.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

sos_2duser.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █ ███████ █ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █
███████ █ ███████ █ ███████ █
███████▄█ ███████▄█ ███████▄█
St¡xX/SocietyOfSnow Presents
    ▓■     ░ ▀▄      ▒ ░  ▄
█   FoR RemoteAccess 2.o2   █
░    iT CREATES A ANSi      █
■      oF ALL USERS...      ▓
▓  ø  Use YOUR own ANSi's!  ░
▒  ø  Very easy to setup..  ▓
Files: 7  
  DIZ: 96.07.17
  OLD: 95.08.17  
  NEW: 96.07.17

style_12.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 STyLe CHaNGeR FoR Ra 2.XX, VeR 1.20ß
│WIth thIS prOGrAM YOU'rE AblE tO      │
│CHaNGe THe STyLe FoR aLL youR uSeRS   │
│In YOUr UsErs.bbs                     │
│very easy to use when your bbs is     │
│You're Able To Choose From:           │
│fUnY StYlE- eLiTe STyLe- ElItE 2 stYlE│
│UPPER CASE - lower case - Name Case   │
│       CReaTeD By JauR FRoM JD'S      │

su12.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

sunreg10.zip (174K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

SUNREG Versie 10
│  Online User Controle programma.               │
│  - Controleert on-line of adres gegevens       │
│    kloppen. En past on-line level aan!         │
│  - Bij acceptatie automatisch aanpassen level  │
│  - Plaatst commentaar naar wens in de userbase │
│    veld Comment.                               │
│  - Hoogt level op naar door sysop gewenste     │
│    waarde                                      │
│  - Komplete database met ALLE Nederlandse      │
│    plaatsen, netnummers en postcodes           │
│  - Werkt met 'nieuwe' en oude telefoonnummers  │
│  - Overzichtelijke Log en Errorfile            │
│  - Met Uw eigen intro scherm                   │
│  - Voor Proboard 2.x                           │
│  - En RA 2.x                                   │
│  - GRATIS REGISTRATIE OP NAAM!                 │
│    Aangeboden door Sunshine BBS                │

t_bnk_40.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Tijdbank voor Remote Access 2.00. Voor het storten van Kbytes en Tijd.
Deze door is te blokkeren op 1 keer per inlog te gebruiken.
Met een sysop-util is het wijizgen/deleten van user gegevens in de tijdbank
een leuke mogelijkheid.
tag2ra_2du.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

TAG to RemoteAccess user base converter v1.02

tb200a.zip (136K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│▌█▐│  TurboBANK Version 2.00a  │▌█▐│
 Mikerosoft Productions' online time
 banking  system  featuring  credit,
 chequeing, theft, investments, time
 & KB converting, new casino games &
 much, much  more!  Fully compatible
 with  multinode  systems  and  runs
 smoothly under DV, OS/2, & Windows.
 Supports RA v2.xx, Concord vO.O1-G,
 and SuperBBS v1.17-x!        [SB95]

tbank200.zip (66K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

tc3212a.zip (1,005K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ TotalControl32 for Windows95/NT│
│         version 1.2            │
│ is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  │
│ utility to maintain your users.│
│ Do things like:                │
│ - Global changes.              │
│ - Conditional level upgrades.  │
│ - Access more information.     │
│ - Search userbase for keyword. │
│ - TC StatusMonitor supplied.   │
│ - Add users.                   │
│ Part A (of 2) contains .EXE    │
│ .HLP .DOC and SETUP.EXE.       │

tc3212b.zip (921K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ TotalControl32 for Windows95/NT│
│         version 1.2            │
│ is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  │
│ utility to maintain your users.│
│ Do things like:                │
│ - Global changes.              │
│ - Conditional level upgrades.  │
│ - Access more information.     │
│ - Search userbase for keyword. │
│ - TC StatusMonitor supplied.   │
│ - Add users.                   │
│ Part B (of 2) contains various │
│   general runtime libraries.   │

tc3212l.zip (155K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│TotalControl UE for Windows95/NT│
│      version 1.2 32-bit        │
│ is a fully graphical RA 2.0x.  │
│ utility to maintain your users.│
│ Do things like:                │
│ - Global changes.              │
│ - Conditional level upgrades.  │
│ - Access more information.     │
│ - Search userbase for keyword. │
│ - TC StatusMonitor supplied.   │
│ - Add users.                   │
│        UPDATE PACKAGE          │

tfc200.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

timeman.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm


This program allows a sysop
to let his users add and/or
subtract time from thier
account. For RA2.0x Only

Dean Sheppard
Spyrus Software

tlist10.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│  Userlister for RemoteAccess 2.xx   │
│ ─────────────────────────────────── │
│ ▀▀▀████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ │
│  N ████ ▓███    ▀▀▀  ▓███▀ ▀▀████▀▀ │
│  E ███░ ▒███   ███░  ▒███    ███░   │
│  W ███▒ ████▄█ ███▒ ▄████    ███▒   │
│  ────────────────────────────────── │
│ ··■■ TList v1.0 (c) by Thunder ■■·· │
│ completely in German...... FREEWARE │

u2txt11.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

u3250.zip (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

database utility for RemoteAccess 2.xx.
It can modify user records, print
records, run external programs such as
robot mailers, tally information, and
more based on database fields using
your own criteria of any complexity.
Can also examine/modify EXITINFO.BBS.
So flexible it must be seen to be
believed! Shareware by Tom Almy

u_set114.zip (78K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.
Version 1.14 allow users to view and
change their BBS setup in a full
screen door will all options built-in.
An option to disable options is now
available. Added full language support.

ucon10.zip (74K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▀█▀▄ ▀█▀█ ▀█▀░ ▀█ ░ ▀█▀░ ▀█▀░ ▀█▀░ ▀██░
██ ░ ██▄░ ██▄▀ ██ █ ▓█▄▄ ██ ░ ██▄   ██
░█▄▀ ░█ ▒ ░█ ░ ░█▀▄ ▄▄█░ ░█▄█ ░█    ░█
~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
        the first release of the
  Userconfiguration v1.0 for RA v2.0x
      (eine RA v2.5 Version folgt)
  UConf ist voll cursorgesteuert mit
 Lightbar und Zugriffsmöglichkeit auf
            das RA-Logbuch ...
Der User kann *19* Änderungen an seiner
Einstellung vornehmen. SysOp's können
per CTL jede Option freigeben oder auch
sperren. Die Grafik kann natürlich auch
bei diesem Tool selbst erstellt werden.
              GET ME NOW !
       NEU in dieser Version:
- Konfigur. der Farben ist nun möglich
- StartUpScreen nur in der unreg. Ver.!
- EndScreen ist entfernt wurden !
      ! Achiviert mit RAR v2.0ß !

ulist25.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│  ┌┐  ┐       ┌┐    ┌┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌─┬┬─┐  ║
│  ├┤  │  ───  ├┤    ├┤ └┴─┬┐   ├┤    ║
│  └┴──┘       └┴──┘ └┘ └──┴┘   └┘    ║
│          User Lister v2.5           ║
│      ···──────────────────···       ║
│                                     ║
│ User Lister is a RA 2.xx Door that  ║
│ Will List All users in your BBS or  ║
│ Only Specific User(s), Ulist will   ║
│ Not show the Users Location in list ║
│ Ulist can also search in Handles and║
│ In location of the user             ║
│                                     ║
│        User Lister Supports         ║
│ Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar  ║

ulst_2d100.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  -   --  ---────────────1997 ──--- -
      UserList v1.00
  ────────────---- --   -
       for use with Remote Access v2.50
            (older versions might work)

Simple offline door that creates a
colorful text file showing the users in
your BBS's UserList using RA color
control codes.
    -──Jens Turning Bramstedt─────--- -

ulted120.zip (75K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Ultimate User, Menu and System Info Editor
For RemoteAccess 2.XX  Version 1.20

um100.zip (166K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ USERMAN 1.00 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
█                                      █
█ Professional Usermanagement for the  █
█ experienced RemoteAccess 2.xx Sysop  █
█                                      █
█ * Multilingual                       █
█ * Multitasker aware                  █
█ * Checks 13 users.bbs fields         █
█ * Informs Users and Sysop of changes █
█ * More then 40 metastrings           █
█ * Uses country dependent format for  █
█   date and time.                     █
█ * Can welcome users, kill users, up- █
█   grade and downgrade users. Check   █
█   subscriptions, birthday, first     █
█   call, last call, credit, ratio etc █
█ * Context sensitive helpsystem       █
█ * Very smart and userfriendly!       █
█ * NOT crippled in any way.           █
█                                      █
█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ KISS Software ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█

umgr115.zip (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.15Γ) UserManager for Remote Access 2.0x. 
- Send hello messages to new users
- Send happy birthday messages 
- Upgrade after xxx Kb Upload
- Upgrade after xxx msgs written 
- Upgrade after xxx calls made 
- Downgrade after sub. date expiry
- Backup your usersbase with Pkzip/Arj 
- Send netmail with data of new users
- Delete users with deleted flag on 
- Kill users that have not called for X days 
- Kill users that have a certain level
- And a LOT more stuff
Read all about UserMgr Pro!
Shareware by Pascal van Rossum

upgrv1.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│    ProWare Presents    │
│ UpGrader v1.00 Release │
│ ────────────────────── │
│ Allow your users to be │
│  upgraded/downgraded   │
│ online based on Calls, │
│   Uploads & Messages.  │
│ If you wish, different │
│  demands depending on  │
│  the users baud-rate.  │
│  Also shows what they  │
│  have to do to reach   │
│   the next sec-level.  │
│  Downgrade users with  │
│  an expired Sub-Date.  │
│ In the greatest Ansi,  │
│   Ascii and Avatar.    │
│(c)1994-95 Peter Larsson│

upgrv100.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│    ProWare Presents    │
│ UpGrader v1.00 Release │
│ ────────────────────── │
│ Allow your users to be │
│  upgraded/downgraded   │
│ online based on Calls, │
│   Uploads & Messages.  │
│ If you wish, different │
│  demands depending on  │
│  the users baud-rate.  │
│  Also shows what they  │
│  have to do to reach   │
│   the next sec-level.  │
│  Downgrade users with  │
│  an expired Sub-Date.  │
│ In the greatest Ansi,  │
│   Ascii and Avatar.    │
│(c)1994-95 Peter Larsson│

urd102b.zip (72K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.02b) URD - RemoteAccess User
Registration Door. Bug-fix release
of URD 1.02. Fixes bugs in the
RA v1.10/v1.11 compatibility.
URD is a full configurable NewUser
Registration Door. It will allow
you to define your own questions,
in your own BBS style, in all
languages you want and as many
questions as you want. URD can
update the user when it has
completed the questionnaire or
downgrade the user (or optionally
delete, lockout or terminate) when
it didn't want to completed the
questionnaire. URD is also full
Multi-Line and DESQview aware.
Supports RA 1.10/1.11 and 2.00.g1.

ureg_117.zip (218K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

     UserRegistration-Door v1.17
║      UserRegistration-Door v.1.17       ║
║Es können alle Versionen Upgedatet werden║
║UserReg ist eine der einfachsten Lösungen║
║neue User im System einzutragen zu lassen║
║mit Eingebauten BBS-Lister               ║ 
║Lauffaehig auf Remote Access , Proboard ,║
║Superbbs , Ezycom , Quickbbs andere      ║
║Mailboxsysteme in vorbereitung.          ║
║Echo- u. NetMail support                 ║
║jetzt auch lauffaehig auf Proboard 2.12  ║
   (c) Volker Gehrt Fido: 2:2452/112

us2db_2d10.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 █ ██ ▄█▀▀ ▀▀██ █▀█▄ █▀█▄
 █ ██  ▀█▄ ██▀▀ █ ██ █▀█▄
  ▀▀  ▀▀▀  ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀  ▀▀▀
  Users.BBS -> Users.DBF
   Converts the user list
    from RA 2.x to DBASE
   Stealth BBS Software
       Ariel Grasso

user_e2r.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Ezycom 1.02/1.10 > RA2 Userconverter
FreeWare, use at your own risk...
userset9.zip (152K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

USERSET V9.00 for RA 2.xx Only.
 ----- FREEWARE !!! -----
(c)1995 P.Kappetein                   
now in DUTCH and ENGLISH
Now..the sysop can make the question's
Let's make users change the
settings..... Name,Adress,PASSWORD,
Password logfile
Voice/Data number ect ect ect

usertext.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌─────=User To Text 1.00=─────┐
│  Released: 25-03-1997       │
│                             │
│  User To Text Is A Simple   │
│  Utility Written In Turbo   │
│  Pascal That Will Convert   │
│  RemoteAccess's USERS.BBS   │
│  File Into A Text File,     │
│  With Information About The │
│  Users You Have. This       │
│  Includes Name, Handle,     │
│  Phone Number(s), Address,  │
│  Password, Total Ul/Dl's,   │
│  Plus More!                 │
│      Created By: Roblo      │

uview.zip (96K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

varipmt1.zip (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ **        VARIPMT.EXE V1.00       ** │
│ Would you like to be able to vary    │
│ the prompt shown to users when they  │
│ enter their password ?               │
│ Well now you can. VARIPMT.EXE will   │
│ pick the prompt to be displayed from │
│ a Sysop definable list.              │
│                                      │
│     For Sysops who like to vary      │
│            EVERYTHING!!!             │
│                                      │
│   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   │

vbmchk10.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

VB_MCHK v1.0 - VaBa!Soft Utils for RA 2.0x
VB_MCHK is a complete program to check the
expiring dates of your paying members. This
program can send warning messages, downgrade
users, turn flags on/off and more ! Full
language support in messages. This program
takes a lot of work out of your hands for a
very low registration price.
vip203.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

VIP 2.03 -- [Release #2].
Generates VIP.CTL According To
Security Level.  For Use With
RemoteAccess 2.0x BBS Systems.
!! Major Bug Release !!

vnpbank.zip (85K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╓──────────VNP Software Presents─────────╖
╟───VnpBank v3.0 is a RemoteAccess v2.0x─║
▓Time and  Kilobyte  Bank  with  advanced▓
▓features like a dual chat screen. ──────▓
▓───It supports multiple  security  level▓
▒configuration,  THEBANK.EXT   supporting▒
▒doors and includes an Account Editor.   ▒
░───You can also use  your  old  accounts░
░from IceBank v0.50.─────────────────────░ 
▒───VnpBank is the only ShareWare Bank of▒
▒its kind. It has  no  registration  code▒
▓and it is full featured.────────────────▓

wdg_125d.zip (58K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│▓║        RAWatchDog! 1.25d        ║▓│
│▓║   Deluxe Maintenance Utility    ║▓│
│▓║           for RA 2.0x           ║▓│
│▒║ Sucht nach doppelten Telefon-   ║▒│
│▒║ nummern, frei wählbar, Daten-   ║▒│
│▒║ und/oder Voice, schreibt User   ║▒│
│▒║ die einen zu niedrigen User-    ║▒│
│░║ level haben in die TRASHCAN.CTL ║░│
│░║ berücksichtigt dabei schon vor- ║░│
│░║ hadene Einträge, protokolliert  ║░│
│░║ alle Vorgänge in frei wählba-   ║░│
│░║ rer LOG-Datei. Bearbeitet an-   ║░│
│░║ schließend die User-Base mit    ║░│
│░║ RAUSER (auf Wunsch) dabei kön-  ║░│
│░║ beb die Parameter in der CFG-   ║░│
│░║ Datei definiert werden. Swappt  ║░│
│░║ sich beim Ausführen ins EMS /   ║░│
│░║ XMS oder DISK. Eingebauter      ║░│
│░║ Errorhandler verhindert kryp-   ║░│
│░║ tische Abstürze, uvm.           ║░│

xpose.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌ · ·  ·   ∙       ·       ∙   ·  · · ┐
           X ∙ P · O · S · E
└ ┬ ·  ·   ∙       ·       ∙   ·  · ┬ ┘
  │   Finally! A program that can   │
  │    switch a user's handle and   │
  │    real name in EXITINFO.BBS,
  │    DOOR.SYS and DORINFO1.DEF!   │
  │    Now supports RemoteAccess'   │
      USERS.BBS file! Let your BBS
  │   be 100% Handles!!! Let your   │
  │   users enjoy the benifits of   │
  │  total anonymity, while all the ∙
  │  other sysops ask you for your  ∙
  ∙   secret! Command line driven,
  ∙  FAST and easy to set up. Best  ∙
        of all, 100% FreeWare by
  ∙    _-_-> Nick Pirocanac <-_-_   ·
┌ ┴ ·  ·   ∙       ·       ∙   ·  · ┴ ┐
   V · E · R · S · I · O · N ∙ O·N·E
└ · ·  ·   ∙       ·       ∙   ·  · · ┘

xtdep53e.zip (69K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

xue02.zip (58K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

XUE 0.2ß: An excellent user editor
for sysops running RA 2.0x.  XUE
operates fully as a door.  A few
of its features include a classic
menu stack, descriptive macros,
online help, and much more.  No
beeps or delays.  Shareware [$15]
by David Pinch.

zr101.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

░        ZεroRεgo version 0.101      ░
░                                    ░
░ RemoteAccess Registration program  ░
░ ────────────────────────────────── ░
░   Feature include Automatic user   ░
░upgrade, easy to install, makes text░
░  file of new user info, for later  ░
░   editting! ANSI/AVATAR support!!  ░
░                                    ░