_21toaol06.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║  The·One·And·Only·Lastcaller  ║
║        ∙ Version 1.06 ∙       ║
╠═══──--∙·· ·       · ··∙-───═══╣
║ Toaol is a lastcaller program ║
║ for RA 2.xx wich creates ANSi ║
║ and ASCii screens of the last ║
║ callers to  your board today. ║
║ It also displays mailer calls ║
║ if  you are  using FD 2.02 or ║
║ later.  And you can  use your ║
║ own  ANSI/ASCII  drawings  as ║
║ headers  in  this magnificent ║
║ program! Made in the  '95  by ║
║ FrEeJaCk   of  CyBer  CiRcuS! ║
abuse26.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

■──│ Abuser List Version 2.6  -  Oct 1995 ├─■
│                                           │
│ ∙· THE Ultimate Lastcaller List Generator │
│                                           │
│ ■ Todays And Yesterdays Ansis Created!    │
│ ■ ASCii Also generated in this release!   │
│ ∙·     Great Looking Ansis Generated      │
│ ∙·           Fully Configurable           │
│ ∙·  Now supports ASCii and MORE config!   │
│ ∙· The output has to be SEEN to Believe!  │
│ ∙·   VERY Fast, VERY Good, and COOL!!!    │
│                                           │
■──┤ Another nasty DIZ fixed by Thrasher ├──■

abuse2b.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

────────────────────────────Abuser List - 2.00ß - FREE!!│
│                            │
│ Generates Ansi Last Caller │
│ Lists - Fully configurable │
│and with AMAZING ansi output│
│                            │
│S'gotta be seen to believe!!│
│                            │
∙ FREEWARE -- Matthew Hatton ∙
∙ ┌──────01204-696108──────┐ ∙
.─┤The Worcester Sauce BBS!├─.

ages300.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│AgeGraph Version 3.00 is a ShareWare program │
│that makes statistics about the ages of the  │
│users in the bbs.                            │
│Supports ONLY RemoteAccess 2.00g.            │

autoragb.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 MINIDOU BBS Presents 

    << AUTORA >>


A LastCaller Menu Creator
No parametering.  All you
need  is to run  it after
each User.

Please    Call   2:321/11

(+33) 47679189 & 47679966
    BBS & Fax Line

For a  LOCAL CALL  Filter 

French Version  Available
RA & POP Last Mailers also
available. Please CAll !!!


bbsrp141.zip (104K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

BBS Reporter is a log file processor that
reads your RA 2.xx log files and produces
informative tables and graphs showing many
important aspects of your system.  Reports
phone-line utilization (each node and whole
system), callers per day (each node and
whole system), usage of your door games,
and download statistics.

A useful utility for ANY RA SysOp, but a
MUST-HAVE for multi-line systems!

bd_ra201.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

BIRTH_RA.EXE Version 2.01: Birthday List
Generator for RemoteAccess ver 2.0X
 * Creates a Monthly, Daily, and Complete
   Birthday Listings in ANSI/ASCII formats!
   - Monthly Listing in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
   - Daily and Complete Listings ALPHABETICAL
 * Listings can be based on RA User Group!
 * Sysop Defined Colors in the ANSI Birthday
 * List Users by their REAL NAMES or HANDLES!
 NEW!! * Posts Happy Birthday Message to
 Users on their Birthday! (Hudson Only)
   * The Birthday Message is SYSOP DEFINED!!
   * Fixed BirthDate Format Bug. by FOZZY INC

bday_403.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Birthday-RA is a monthly or weekly user birthday list
generator that  is configurable by the sysop.  You pick
the colors and whether or  not to use Handles or to add
the year of birth to the listings.

bdrag10.zip (50K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

BERNICE THE DRAGON is cross-eyed and has a
bad habit of sticking her tongue out at
people - but she'll certainly add a unique
touch to your RemoteAccess BBS. This program
displays the last remote caller to your
system. It operates fully as a door and
features a chat-mode, support for every
mainstream color-code system, a script
system, and much more. Source code included
for use with the Concerto door development

best21or.zip (83K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

────────═══╡ Pallas Soft ╞═══─────────┐
▌   Statistics generator for RA 2.0+   ▐
▌ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▀█▀     ▄                ▐
▌ █▀▄ █▀   ▀▄  █  ▄▀█ █▀ █▀█ █▀  V2.10 ▐
▌ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀  ▀  ▀▀▀  ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀         ▐
▌ Coming from The Ultimate Fantasy BBS ▐
48  ANSI/ASCII   stats  including   best
files, favourite  areas, user  stats and
time usage  stats with  T-Mail, D'Bridge
and  custom  log  style  support.   User
titles  assigned  according  to security
level.   Configurable  exclude  of   any
user/file   or   file-area/group    from
stats,  configurable  colors  and header
layout.        Added     ANSI      color
optimalization.     Fixed   bugs    from
previous version.

bestcall.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

BestCall.Exe.  Simple, inelegent best caller, writer, uploader,
downloader .ANS/.ASC file created for RA 2.0 and greater only.
FREE. From Squid's Software Development.

birth103.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

bm212.zip (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│      Birthday Maker v2.12      │
├   ---───────────────────----   ┤
│                                │
│ Birthday Maker is RA 2.xx Util │
│ That will create a screen with │
│ Today + X Days birthdays,      │
│ Birthday Maker can send a msg  │
│ To each user having birthday   │
│ in the date of running         │
│                                │
│        New major release       │
│                                │
│        - YairSoftwares -       │

bya_2dc200.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╒═---──═══╕ ] bOSCo pRESENTs [╒═══─---─═╕
╘][╕      ╘÷═──--- ·∙· --──══÷╛      ╒][╛
╒][╡   ∙·  LÆST CÆLLεRS V2.oo!  ·∙   ╞][╕
│  :     * SMALL BUGS FIXED =) *     :  │
╘╕ ∙  .nice effects/alternate text.    ╒╛
╘╛ :     .style & great artwork.     : ╘╛
│╒╕│ =for RA 2.5x. .free as always!= │╒╕│
│╘│╛  -=(o2/15/98 by bOSCo / yCe)=-  ╘│╛│
╘╛╘═══════─----∙] BYA98 [∙---──═══════╛╘╛

clvw003b.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

░▒▓█ CALL VIEW 0.03ß █▓▒░ A great SYSOP
UTILITY for RemoteAccess v2.xx.  It lists the
users who have called your RemoteAccess Board
along with the node #, location, time of the
logon/logoff, baud rate, and the times they
have called. FREEWARE by Michael Burke with
help from Mike Nichols.  New Color Scheme!
Pauses the screen after every x callers.

cotlast.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

     ███▀██  ███▀███ ████▀▓█
     ██▓ ▀▀  ███ ██▓ ▀███ ▀■
     ███     ▀██ ██▓█ ███
     ███ ████ ██ ████ ███ AtL
.--- ███▄▓███ █▓▄████ █▓█ -∙--.
|                             |
: CREÆT0R.: DELTÆ RÆY........ |
| TYPE....: RA DOOR.......... |
| DÆTE....: 07-01-1996        :
|                             :

cstat22.zip (101K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

CallStat v2.2 LastCaller Statistics.
Creates 6 different statistic screens
about LastCallers, Waiting Mailpackets,
Mailer History & Stats, Waiting Netmail.
For RemoteAccess v1.1x/v2.xx, FrontDoor
and InterMail mailers. Multinode support

cvw012.zip (49K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

CALL VIEW v0.12 (RA2.xx) - A Caller Lister 
for RemoteAccess 2.xx. Supports up to 256 
nodes. Lists node, user, location, baud, time
of logon/logoff, total number of calls. No 
command line parameters! Comes with FD View 
for FrontDoor calls also! Supports 
RemoteAccess 2.50. Released on 07/25/1996. 
From J. Michael Burke of JB Computer 
Technologies. Registration for FD View AND 
Call View is $2.00!!

cybcal10.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

CYBCALL: The best TODAY CALLER door ever!
Has following options: Local baud rate
masking; Sysop in/out of listing; Use
handles; FULL color configurability. 100%

cybst10.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▐▀▄     ▌   ▀▌  ▄▀▌▐ ▐▀▄
   ▀▄▄▌ ▒   ▒ ▀▀ ▒ ▒    ▀▄▄▌
▄▓▓▓▀▀ ▐▓  ▐▓   ▐▓▐▓ ▄▓▓▓▀▀
▌  ▐
▌  ▐   [CyBiC PRODUCTiONS]
   █  ======================
  ▐■▌ Top 10 User Statistics
   ▀ For REMOTE ACCESS 2.xx.
    Generates   best looking
   screens  ever for  TOP-10
  Statistics program........

dab_2dlc10.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm


daystat1.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌──────┤DayStat v1.0ß├───────────────┐
│   Small multipurpose utility:      │
│ Creates Calls/Msgs-Per-Day Graphs  │
│ Exports Last Caller info to Frodo  │
│ (Inbound His, Log File, Status Box)│
│ Makes Today/Yesterday Callers Lists│
│  ...And a bit more.   (For Ra 2.0x)│
│      XX≥ FreeWare ≤XX              │

dc1_3.zip (55K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ **           DC.EXE V1.3          ** │
│ Would you like to be able to create  │
│ ANS/ASC screens showing who has      │
│ DROPPED CARRIER on your BBS? Would   │
│ you like to be able to automatically │
│ drop their SEC level if they keep    │
│ dropping carrier? Would you like to  │
│ ba able to set user flags when a user│
│ drops carrier. Well now you can do   │
│ this and more.                       │
│   For RemoteAccess V2.xx BBS ONLY!   │
│     * UK BBS support available *     │
│    Latest files - 5 December 1995    │

dcall410.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DCALL 4.10 * DOOR replacement for
RA's "Today's Callers" function * For
Ra 2.00 * Looks better * masks local
logons * shows 1st time callers as
'new user' * exclude certain users
from list * DV aware * supports RA's
hidden attribute * fossil driven *
Optionally show 'last xx callers'

dctcl005.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DCT Caller Listing v0.05 * For RA 2.0x and
2.5x.  Displays a colourful listing of the
previous callers before the user, and can be
configured to look any way you wish.  Full
ANSI & ASCII support, multi-node capable. 
Also contains a utility that allows you to
modify your LASTCALL.BBS file.  FreeWare by
Dan Traczynski.

dlast100.zip (44K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

-=- DLM Computer Technology -=-

       --- DLM Last ---
 RemoteAccess Compatible Last
        Callers Lister

Compatible with RemoteAccess
and any RA Clone:  EleBBS, tcRA

-=- Registration:  FREEWARE -=-

dn30ra20.zip (166K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DoorNews 3.0 is an online door program
written specifically for  RemoteAccess
BBS software  version  2.0x.  Include:
Display  quote's  of  moment,  Display
birthday's of day/month/year,  Display
a special screen for birthdays of  day
users and add a extra time, Display  a
news  in  full  page.   Include   too:
Utility to generate  news  text  files
(INFO.A??),   Utility   to    generate
yesterday    callers   (YESTERDA.A??),
Update INBOUND.HIS file of  FrontDoor,
Post  message  for  birthdays  of  day
users, etc.  Shareware Made in Brazil!

ds1g1_20.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▀█▀▄ ▀█▀█ ▀█▀░ ▀█ ░ ▀█▀░ ▀█▀░ ▀█▀░ ▀██░
██ ░ ██▄░ ██▄▀ ██ █ ▓█▄▄ ██ ░ ██▄   ██
░█▄▀ ░█ ▒ ░█ ░ ░█▀▄ ▄▄█░ ░█▄█ ░█    ░█
~~~  ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~    ~~
     DarkStat v1.0g1 for RA v2.0x
DarkStat reads the RA.LOG and generates
 CPS-Stats for up.- and downloads and
 write this to an Ansi.- and ASCFile.
Other implementations of stats coming
               very soon! :)
   DarkStat v1.0g1 is FREEWARE ! :-)
    ! Packed with RAR v2.00 beta !

dsdsta10.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

dstat520.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DSTAT 5.20 * Top User stats for RA *
handle support * exclude certain users
* InfoBar provides system totals and
averages * For RA 2.00

duser200.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

DUSER v2.00 * ANS/ASC Userlist
Bulletin generator for RA v2.00.g1 *
Supports Handles, Exclusion of Hidden
Users and Specific Users.  Complete
Menu Configuration and Custom Colour
Configuration.  Freeware by James

ebs_2dtt30.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

      _____/(     ____       ______)\
     /     __/___|    |____ /    ___/
     \    _/     |    _    \___    \
      \_____     |_________/___     |
┌--∙─-─∙─∙- \__  | ─∙-─-∙∙∙─-─ \__  | --∙─┐
:              \(  THE TOPS V3.0  )/      |
| Door for Remote Access 2.02/2.50        :
│                                         |
: This Door Makes The List of the Top...  │
│  Downloaders [Files & Kb]               |
:  Uploaders [Files & Kb]                 │
│  and the Most Downloaded Files!         :
|                                         │
│ Fully LightBar Driven!                  |
| You can Change all the ANSi's!          :
│ FREEWARE!                               │
: DOWNLOAD iT NOW!                        |

ecall110.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

* EDGECall V1.10 * Today's Callers 
Listing for RemoteAccess 2.xx. 
Many Great Features Included!
Now supports Multi-Node boards!
**  FREEWARE  **

Release Date : October 19, 1996.

fmlc402.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│       FMLC 4.02         │

frame250.zip (75K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ FRAME v2.50 for RemoteAccess  │
│ Generate top user bulletins,  │
│ top file bulletins, and file  │
│ header for BBS systems. All   │
│ outputs are customizable with │
│ your favourite ANSI, ASCII or │
│ RIP editor. For RemoteAccess  │
│ 2.0x and 2.5x.                │
│                               │
│ New features in v2.50!        │

fs10.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

fssg155g.zip (129K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.55Γ) The Fantasy Software Statistics     
Generator Door for Remote Access 2.0x.       
Supports also InterMail, D'Bridge, FrontDoor 
and Portal Of Power. This program has many   
statistics that other statistics generators  
do not have! You will like it! This version  
adds 28800 bps support. !! MAJOR BUG FIX !!  
Shareware by Pascal van Rossum               

fssg156g.zip (130K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

(v1.56Γ) The Fantasy Software Statistics     
Generator Door for Remote Access 2.0x.       
Supports also InterMail, D'Bridge, FrontDoor 
and Portal Of Power. This program has many   
statistics that other statistics generators  
do not have! You will like it! This version  
adds 28800 bps support. !! MAJOR BUG FIX !!  
!-! Bug fix for v1.55Γ !-! Fixed registered  
& unregistered bugs                          
Shareware by Pascal van Rossum               

fstat22.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

╒═══╣ FileStat Version 02.20 ╠══╕
│   Remote Access File & User   │
│ Statistics Generator. Creates │
│ANS/ASC Reports of Most Popular│
│Files, Num of Files & Bytes Per│
│     Area, Top User Stats.     │
│  Completly Sysop Configurable │
│      Registration $6.00       │

gracount.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

GRACOUNT v1.00. Alters your total call count
for your RemoteAccess BBS. Mainly used by
sysops such as my self who experienced a
major system malfunction and wish to set
the total caller counter back to the 
original number. Well, as close as you 
can estimate. Command line driven for 
RA 2.xx and for the NEW  RA 250X 
release!!! FREEWARE Enjoy!

hslc10.zip (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

HS-LC v1.0
LastCaller Generator
 - Colors are SysOp Configurable.
 - Creates ANSI and ASCII screen.
 - Fast.
 - Multi-Line Support.
 - Low registration fee.

hsstat27.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

HS-STAT v2.7
HS-STAT creates Statistics from your
HMB Message-Base. Such as BEST-
And post the statistics in the

ShareWare, only F25,-!!

ids_2ddud1.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  s²²²s s²²²s²~²s.   s²~²$²~²$$Hb.
  $   $ $   $   $ ². $ .:$   :::$$
  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~²
  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ ²S$$$s.sS²~²s
  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ s²²²s   $  .$
  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
  ²$$$² ²$$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
   ↔ iNFiDELS ↔ ~²S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
~²$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$²~
  ²$²    iDS LAST DUDES v1.o   ²$²
   $ this  is  a  really   nice $
   $ "last  caller"  door  for  $
   $ ra 2.5 with nice features! $
   $ fading text and mutch more $
   $ Damn good looking ansi and $
   $ almost 1oo% configurable!  $
  d$b      coded by rancor     d$b
.sSP²²²''²²²² ~     ~ ²$IDS'97$²²Ss.

idswc220.zip (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  s²²²s s²²²s²~²s.   s²~²$²~²$$Hb. 
  $   $ $   $   $ ². $ .:$   :::$$
  $   $ $   $   $  $ $.:i$    :.:$
  $   $ $   $   $  $ $iii$      ~²
  $  .$ $  .$   $ .$ ²S$$$s.sS²~²s
  $ .:$ $ .:$   $.:$         $   $
  $.:i$ $.:i$   $:i$ s²²²s   $  .$
  $iii$ $iii$   $i$$ $ .:$   $ .:$
  $$$$$ $$$$$   $$$$ $.:i$   $.:i$
  ²$$$² ²$$$$s.s$$$$ $iii$   $iii$
   ↔ iNFiDELS ↔ ~²S$ $$$$$   $$$$$
~²$Sssss..sss.s . . s.sss..sssssS$²~
  ²$²  iDS WORM CALLERS V2.2o  ²$²
   $ A LastCallers for RA/Ele!  $
   $  Very Cool Effects, Calls  $
   $ Statistics,Hides Sysop and $
   $ Local Calls,It's Not Fully $
   $ Configurable but it r0Cks! $
   $   =) All ArtWork by yCe.   $
  d$b      Coded by bOSCo.      d$b
.sSP²²²''²²²² ~o9/o4~ ²$IDS'99$²²Ss.

imgr100.zip (88K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

IceMGR v1.00 * Complete message system
which will: Generate today's and tomorrow's
birthdays list,Top 10 Carrier Offender List,
Pwd failure messages, welcome messages,
Happy birthday messages, Carrier messages,
today's callers/inbound mail; as well as
upgrade users security limits after so many
messages written or kbytes and more! For
RemoteAccess v2.xx! Hudson & JAMbase
support! Easy installation and execution!

jpst100.zip (214K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

..--=[ JPMdLSTat ]==--..
| 1.00 - A PUBLIC VER. | 
! Top User Stats
! Today's callers
! Top Files Bulletins
! Allfiles listing 
! Freq->Downloadcounter
! Personal Mail Collector
! FAST Mail Toss/Scanner
!              AND MORE!!
=  RemoteAccess And 
=  FrontDoor !!!
--=[ CoDeD bY JPMdL ]==-

k_kstats.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  K&K Stats version 1.00ß1+
Stats.Ans screen for Remote
Access 2.xx systems. It tells
your users the stats that they
wanna know like:
■ How many times he has called
■ What his Security level is
■ What his time limit is
■ How much he downloaded
■ How much he uploaded
Even stuff that help then 
compare their BBSes to others, 
■ How many calls has his board
■ Who was the last caller
Download this file today, only
a $5.00 registration.
Made by:Kim Kha, Rough Guy BBS
(604)792-9239 Canada BC

last101.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│►  Last 10 Callers v.101 ◄│
│  With no RESET and with  │
│ more info about the user │
│     in a Cursor Menu     │

last210.zip (58K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

lastcal2.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

lastcall.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│           ■ LASTCALL V 1.0 ■            │
│ Import FrontDoor inbound information    │
│ into your RemoteAccess "Today's Callers"│
│ listing.                                │
│                                         │
│ Freeware (and pretty cheezy!)           │
lasto111.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

lAStOn v1.11 [kReWL t00Ls] 
sh0Ws lAStCalleRz wiTh uP & dOwnK!
uNlIKE aNy oTHeR lAmE lAsTCaLLeR dOOR!
rEaD "gET-fReE.KeY" tO rEgIsTeR!
lastt200.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

LAST TEN CALLERS v2.00 - creates ANS/ASC
screens showing the last ten callers to the
bbs. Displays name, line, location, baud,
logon/logoff times, date of call and times
the user has called. Omits SysOp and hidden
callers. Handle option. For RA 2.00g ONLY.
Some mo' funky freeware from SafeHex!!

lastx.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

               ▄▄    ▄    ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ▄   ▄▄
 ░  ▄▄   ▓░  ▓████▓█▄▄  ■▀██▐█▀▀█▐▌▌ ▐▓█▄
 ▒▄▀████ ▀▄  █░ ▀ ░█ ▄    ▐▌█▄▄▄▐█▌█▄█░▀▒
 ▓█▌ ▀▀ ▐▌█  ██▌  ▐█▌█▓ █ █▐█░  █  ░█ ░ ░
 ▒█▄▄▄▄█▀▓▐█▄▄██░  █ ░████▌███ ▐▌Yb▐▌ ▒
 ░▒▓▀▀▀  ░  █▓ ░   ▀ ▒ ░▀   ▀▓ ▀   ▀  ▓
 ▒ ▒░        ░               ░
    ░ ·∙-──────────────────────-∙·
             OneLiNe XCeSS
  ····A ƒuCKinG LaZTcaLLeHr Gen U HaV·
  ··ZeeN. Niz BaRf GRfX And STupH·····
  ····WoRKz SiMpLe aNd BeZT Oph All···
  ··ItZ ⌠uCk⌡N FREEWaRe.··············
  ····R≡MoTaHAcZ v2.øx stuph·········

lc_100.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

* LastCall 1.00 * A new door for use
with RemoteAccess 2.50 which displays
your last callers (1-20) in a very
nice screen. Can be used both in
english and swedish. Has many unique
features. No need for any configuration
at all, just a few parameters to choose
between. Very easy to use. Freeware!

lc_220.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║ │\/│   │      //       ╒         ║
║ │unich │ndep. \oftware │reations ║
║ │      ┴     //        ╘      τσ ║
║      Today's Callers V 2.20      ║
║    *=─=*=─=*=─=*=─=*=─=*=─=*     ║
║ Lists todays callers of your BBS ║
║ with LogOn, LogOff, Baud, Node#, ║
║ Calls, total system calls, loca- ║
║ tion and activity. With AnZi and ║
║ SVGA Version. For SBBS and RA.   ║
║   Now with DESQVIEW Support !!   ║
║                                  ║
║(C) '94,95 by Michael Markstaller ║
lcal20v1.zip (104K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║    The X-Files BBS presents    ║
║    ------------------------    ║
║     Lastcaller 2000 V1.00      ║
║                                ║
║  (C) 1998  by Perry Kappetein  ║
║                                ║
║ Handig Offline VGA overzicht   ║
║ van de bellers van vandaag.    ║
║ Alleen voor RA 2.5x            ║
║And this whole programm = FREE  ║
║  Yes, it's >>> FREEWARE <<<    ║
║  Try, and SEE for yourself     ║

lcall131.zip (70K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

MH-LastCaller v1.31 by Michael Haase.
Todays callers on a BBS  and in a mailer and
optionally also the outgoing mailer-calls are
collected in an Ascii/Ansi file. Works with
RemoteAccess V2.xx, Maximus, Binkley,
CantaLoup, FrontDoor, McMail, InterMail and
Xenia. Multiline- and network-support.

lcallv16.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

█    ─══ ELiTE LASTCALLERLiSTE ══─    █
█         ─══ VERSioN 1.6 ══─         █
█                                     █
█                                     █
█ ■ ANSi & RiP (!!!) SUPPoRT          █
█                                     █

lcalv100.zip (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

list.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

listc200.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌────────  ──   ─    ·       ·    ─┐
│     ──> LIST-CALL v2.00 <──      ·
.                                  ·
. The ULTIMATE "Who called today"  ·
·  bulletin generator for Sysops   ·
· running REMOTEACCESS with either ·
·     FRONTDOOR or INTERMAIL       ·
·                                  ·
·   Logs ALL inbound mail calls    ·
· along with regular BBS callers!  ·
·                                  ·
· * Bulletins for Todays, Last 25  .
·   and yesterdays callers!        .
· * FULLY definable colours!       .
· * Automatic ANSI optimization!   │
└─    ·       ·    ─   ──  ────────┘

lst15v30.zip (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

lstcl501.zip (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ >>   Laatste BBS Bellers  << │
│                              │
│          versie 5.01p        │
│                              │
│ Dit programma maakt een ansi │
│   en asc. schermen aan met   │
│      daarin de laatste       │
│      bellers van uw bbs      │
│                              │
│ zeer gemakkelijk te wijzigen │
│  naar uw eigen smaak/wensen  │
│                              │
│   Proboard en Remote Access  │
│                              │
│  Gratis persoonlijke Reg-Key │
│                              │
│   (c) 1997 Digital-Network.  │

ltc07.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

maf_2dmc12.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│  ▄██████▄▄      ▄███████▄    │
│ ▀  ▄▄▄▄▀████   ▀ ▄▄▄   ▀██▄  │
│   ███▌▐█▀ ██▌   ███          │
│  ▐██▌  █  █░█   ███          │
│  ▓██      ██▓   ▓██          │
│  ▒▓█      █▓▒   ▀▓██▄  ▄██▓▀ │
│  ░▒▓      █▓█     ▀██████▀   │
│       MEGACALLER v1.2!       │
│ Erstellt ein LastCaller-Ansi │
│ im ICE-Design fuer alle      │
│ RA 2.0x Systeme. Jetzt auch  │
│ mit Statistiken und besserer │
│ Kennzeichnung von Neu Usern! │
│ Natuerlich auch Bugfixes und │
│ andere Kleinigkeiten wurden  │
│ eingebaut. Komplett deutsch! │
│  ShareWare (c) by MaF / FRK  │

mavlc110.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║ Maverick's Last Callers v 1.10 ║
║  Last 1..50 Callers Generator  ║
║  for RemoteAccess BBS.         ║

mb_2dlc061.zip (51K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 ****│ MB-LastCaller Version 0.61 │****
│ Ein LastCaller für RemoteAccess 2.xx │
│ bzw. ELEBBS, sowie für die folgenden │
│ Mailer (andere Versionen ungetestet):│
│         ■ MainDoor  1.10             │
│         ■ FrontDoor 2.11/2.12        │
│   ■ viele Optionen (siehe DOK/CFG)   │
│   ■ DOS und OS/2 Version             │
***│ MB-LastCaller ist  NETMAILWARE │***

mcall251.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌           mεdÆll¡ø∩            ▐
▌  Presentz an Lastuser Utility  ▐
▌ For Use With RemoteAccess 2.0x ▐
▌  Mdl-Call is an Nice Lastuser  ▐
▌  utility.Much more nicer than  ▐
▌  RA's own Lastcaller.Use This  ▐
▌      Instad of RA's Own!       ▐
▌        Second Bugg Fix         ▐
▌           v 2.51               ▐
▌    mεdÆll¡ø∩ Softwarez -95     ▐

mon_p103.zip (118K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Create FIERCE Monthly Message posting
on your Remote Access 2.x, 1.xx or any
Bulletin Board with a USERS.BBS that is
Compatible with Remote Access 2.x
USERS.BBS format. NO User Max!!

ms_201.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║      Maverick Stats v2.01        ║
║ User Stats Generator for RA 2.0x ║
║ ■ Complete Rewrite               ║
║ ■ Generates ASC, ANS and AVT     ║
║ ■ Dedication Line                ║
║ ■ NEW : Top x Leechers           ║
║ ■ NEW : Exclusion List           ║
║ ■ NEW : Leech ratio with message ║
║         posted adjustment.       ║
║         IT'S FREEWARE!           ║

mtc030.zip (56K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  MTC - Version 0.30ß

 ▓▓▒░ Show your user's who
 ▓▒░ have called today.
 ▒░ Nice and better that
 ░ that one that's in ra!

  o For RemoteAccess 2.02>
  o With FrontDoor 2.12>
  o or MaidDoor 1.00.
  + Ability to do your own
    ans/avt/asc screen's
mycall12.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

mycalls.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

MyCalls - A simple command line program
that makes a listing of todays callers
like other utils but this one allows you
to specify the BAUD rates for each node's
zero baud (local) logins seperately. It
creates a txtfile for view within the
BBS and shows on screen local when its
run also - so it could double as an Fkey
util for sysops - wide beta - Reg $1

mylced10.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

MYLCEDIT - An editor for the RA 2.0x lastcall file. 
Great for testing/developing Todays calls programs. 
Another 'MY' series shareware program by Mike Nichols
Registration $10

new2u16a.zip (44K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

New2You v1.6a Newuser bulletin generator
for RA 2.0x systems.  Generates a file
displaying the last XX number of new
callers to your BBS.  _MASSIVE_ number
of changes/fixes since last RADIST release!

new2you.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

New2You v1.0 Newuser bulletin generator
for RA 2.0x systems.  Generates a file
displaying the last XX number of new
callers to your BBS.  <>.FREEWARE.<>

ng_2d034g.zip (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Newsgrps: a free bonus tool from
SysOp Statistics, the fine
toolbox for RemoteAccess BBS.
www.sys-stat.com/Fido 2:285/268

nsg_las2.zip (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║ █  █ █▀▀▀ █▀▀▀  Door Division       │
║ █▀▄█ ▀▀▀█ █ ▀█                      │
║ █  █ ▄▄▄█ █▄▄█  proudly presents    │
╨ ────────────────────────────────────│
┬      [■] LastCaller 1.2 [■]         ┴
│                                     ╥
│ + powerfull LastCaller with         ║
│   funky flash-effects               ║
│ + animated prompts                  ║
│ + background 1oo% configurable      ║
│ + textpositions 1oo% configurable   ║
│ + colors 1oo% configurable          ║
│ + shows handles or realnames        ║
│ + no "coded by"-lines for user      ║
│   with fucking delays               ║
│ + easy to install                   ║
│ + Freeware                          ║
├─────·· ·                    · ··────╢
│    * NewSystemGeneration  1995 *    ║

ontoday2.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

OnToday, today's callers list for RA Sysop
to use locally.    Type ONTODAY.EXE -? for
directions.  AND IT'S FREEWARE!  Copyright
(c) 1993, Jason Duke and Genesis Software.

panic_21lc.zip (51K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ ██▀█ ██▀█ ██▀█ ██ ██▀ ██ ██ █ ██ █  │
│ ██ █ ██ ██  ██ ██▀▀ ██▀█ ██ █ ██    │
│ ██▄ ▄▄ -=> PANiC!LC V1.1α <=-       │
│ FEATURES +                          │
│ TE,L0G0N/0FF,.                      │
│ TIMES.............................. │
│ .............. +                    │
│ EED.DEFINABLE) +                    │
│ LE!).......... +                    │
│ RS)........... +                    │
│ RING.WITH.C00L                      │
│ EFFECTS............................ │
│ .............. +                    │
│ .............. +                    │
│ ,NAME.SWITCHES +                    │
│ 0F.BPS-STRING. +                    │
│ .............. +                    │
│ .............. +                    │
│ MUCH,MUCH,MUCH.M0RE.!!!............ │
│ .............. -=■ WÆRL0RD'S        │
│ BÆTTLεFiεLD ■=-                     │

pastel04.zip (48K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

An overkilled WHO'S CALLED door
for RemoteAccess 2.0x. Listings 
include Aurora, Swamp, 3D ANSI, 
Northern Lights and more. Fully 
configurable using a variety of 
formatting codes and macros. No
delays or beeps: It's Freeware!

pbir103.zip (69K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

PBIRTH 1.03  -  ONLINE  birthday and eternal
calendar-tool for ProBoard 2.0x and RA 2.0x!
Including "red-letter-days". Easy to set up,|
easy to use! Now supports excluding of users|
with NOTOPS-flag or listed in a plain-ascii-|
file.       ........   (c) Peter Hampf & pbs|

pnkstat1.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

─ PUNK STATS 1.0ß ─
  Let your users
  watch some info
  about your them
  and your board.
  Everything a
  user needs to
  know about the
  BBS and himself.
  Choose between
  seven different
  Registration is
  only 20skr.

pow_ca13.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

   ┌───┐        ┌      │
   │   │        │      │
 └─────┘ ─────┐ │  ┌┐  │
   └     └────┘ └──┘└──┘
  ──══   presents   ══──
│    PoW-Callerz V1.3ß    │
|        for RA2.0x       |
│ Ein Lastcaller *DOOR* ! │
│ + letzten 15 Lastcaller │
│ + gesammte Userliste    │
│ + Lightbar gesteuert    │
│ + 15 Top-Caller         │
│   (schneller als vorher)│
│ + Realname/Handle       │
│ + Hidden User werden    │
│   nicht angezeigt       │
│ + der Key ist *gratis*  │
└---                   --─┘

qc_200b.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

QuickCall 2.00 public beta
release. The ultimate Today's
Callers generator for RA, EzyCom
and ProBoard. Report all bugs to
Grant Beattie at 3:637/106 (Fidonet).

qcall111.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▒▓                                         ▓▒
▒▓  ▄█████▄ ██   ██ ▐██▌ ▄█████▄ ██  ▄██   ▓▒
▒▓  ██   ██ ██   ██  ██  ██      ██▄██▀    ▓▒
▒▓  ██ ▀▄██ ██   ██  ██  ██      ██▀██▄    ▓▒
▒▓  ▀████▀▄ ▀█████▀ ▐██▌ ▀█████▀ ██  ▀██   ▓▒
▒▓                                         ▓▒
▒▓     ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ██      ██          ▓▒
▒▓     ██      ██▄▄▄██ ██      ██          ▓▒
▒▓     ██      ██▀▀▀██ ██      ██          ▓▒
▒▓     ▀█████▀ ██   ██ ███████ ███████     ▓▒
▒▓                                         ▓▒
▒▓              Version 1.11               ▓▒
▒▓ The Ultimate Todays Callers Generator   ▓▒
▒▓ for RemoteAccess 2.xx. Fully SysOp      ▓▒
▒▓ configurable, using templates and       ▓▒
▒▓ control codes for maximum display       ▓▒
▒▓ options.                                ▓▒

ra_lc101.zip (44K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ RemoteAccess LastCallers Version 1.00ß1 │
│ LastCallers is an online LastCallers to │
│ your system viewer, shows also newusers │
│ and totalcallers information!           │
│ This package is a free-ware concept and │
│ may therefore be freely used in pay and │
│ non-pay systems!                        │
│                                         │
│ (C) Copyright '95 EriSoft International │

ra_st160.zip (108K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║     --- RA_STAT V1.60g ---     ║
║ Ra_Stat ist das zur Zeit wohl  ║
║ komplexeste Statistik- und     ║
║ Infoprogramm fuer RA2.xx       ║
║ Es erstellt jede gewuenschte   ║
║ Statistik, schreibt Msgs an    ║
║ User, ist frei konfigurierbar, ║
║ erlaubt Multilineauswertungen  ║
║ und hat auch sonst jede Menge  ║
║ zu bieten.                     ║
║ Komplett in deutsch, Shareware ║

ra_st170.zip (110K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║     --- RA_STAT V1.70g ---     ║
║      * nur fuer RA V2.5x *     ║
║ Ra_Stat ist das zur Zeit wohl  ║
║ komplexeste Statistik- und     ║
║ Infoprogramm fuer RA2.xx       ║
║ Es erstellt jede gewuenschte   ║
║ Statistik, schreibt Msgs an    ║
║ User, ist frei konfigurierbar, ║
║ erlaubt Multilineauswertungen  ║
║ und hat auch sonst jede Menge  ║
║ zu bieten.                     ║
║ Komplett in deutsch, Shareware ║

rabdl100.zip (73K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rabir210.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rablang.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

raca700.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 │┌─┼┼┬┐ ┌─┬─┬─┬┘├┬┬─┤└┼┼─┬─┬─┐│
 ││├││└│ │││├┤││││││├┤┌┤│││││└┤│
 │││││┐│ │││││││││││├┤├┤││││├┐││
 │└┘└┘┴┘ │┌┴┘└─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴┴─┴┴┴─┘│
 ┌───────└┘────[TP PRODUCTION]─┐
 │                             │
 │ LastCaller to RemoteAccess  │
 │                             │
 │ :         RACA700         : │
 ├─:─┐                     ┌─│─┤
 └─┘─┴─·-·R I X W A R E·-·─┴─└─┘

racal010.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RACaller (v0.10), 
English + Dutch version.
Generates a lastcallers bulletin.

Easy to install, nice stuff.


racal101.zip (107K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

-=≡[RemoteAccess Ultra-Callers Listing]≡=- v1.01
By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
Creates a listing of today's and yesterday's
callers to list on your BBS.  The header,
and all colors are SysOps configurable.
The user's names are listed in order and the
color of the name depends on their security
level which the SysOp also sets.  Very sharp!

rag_2dst11.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│           Rag-Stat 1.10           │
│ RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics Util │
│                                   │
│    o Top Callers                  │
│    o Top Uploaders                │
│    o Top Message Posters          │
│    o Top Downloaded Files         │
│    o Age Statistics               │
│    o Upcoming Birthdays           │
│    o Mail Overview                │
│                                   │
│ Configurable and Easy to Use!! $5 │

rai119g.zip (135K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

ralced12.zip (56K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RALCED 1.02 RemoteAccess LASTCALL.BBS Editor
Easily REMOVE, EDIT and ADD entries in your
LASTCALL.BBS file using a point and shoot
interface. FREEWARE!
From Cowboy Software....  YAHOO!!!
<<< File Sharing Update!! >>>

rasie100.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rasort30.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rastat17.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

            RA_STATS v1.07
▐▒║Excellent Stats Generator!      ║▒▌
▐▒║For RemoteAccess 2.0x!          ║▒▌
▐▒║o Multi-Node Support!           ║▒▌
▐▒║  From 1-250 Nodes!             ║▒▌
▐▒║o Total ALL Nodes in '1'        ║▒▌
▐▒║  Screen of Information!        ║▒▌
▐▒║o Now creates "Last 10 Callers" ║▒▌
▐▒║  Bulletins! Use Real Names or  ║▒▌
▐▒║  Alias Names!  Exclude the     ║▒▌
▐▒║  SysOp from the list if you    ║▒▌
▐▒║  wish!                         ║▒▌
▐▒║o And much much more!           ║▒▌
▐▒║                                ║▒▌
▐▒║ By Steve Lanning               ║▒▌
      -=> From S&G Soƒtware <=-

rastat23.zip (68K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

ratug250.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RATUG - Remote Access Top User Generator
Generates 6 ANS/ASC textfiles showing:
Top Ten Callers, Top Ten Posters,
Top Ten Downloaders, Top Ten Uploaders,
Top Ten Files Downloaded, Last Ten Callers
Most options are configurable, including
colors, aliases, hidden users, etc.
For Remote Access 2.00 gamma only!
Freeware by Bill Meck

rlog_29d.zip (88K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

rsg_200.zip (128K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

RSG v2.00 - RoyalSoft's Statics Generator.   
Very Advanced Statistics Generator for       
RAccess, SuperBBS, FrontDoor, InterMail and  
D'Bridge. It creates BBS system statistics   
and lastcaller statistics. Many features,    
like various config files, color define,     
random reports, HMB and JAM, up to 100       
languages, cheap to register and MUCH more!  

rstat100.zip (78K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

█                                      █
█       ┌─┐────┬─                      █
█       ├┬┘AS┬a│   Version 1.00        █
█       └└───────                      █
█                                      █
█  The chart-topping statistics prog!  █
█  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  █
█ RAStat  is NOT  'just another'  user █
█ statistics program for RemoteAccess. █
█ RAStat  features fully  configurable █
█ ANSI/ASCII statistics screens,  FAST █
█ operation, and even a chart position █
█ feature, showing users' movements in █
█ the charts!!  Very easy to use,  and █
█ with  a  menu-based  setup  program, █
█ RAStat  is   installed  in  seconds! █
█ Download  this  and you  will  never █
█ need   another  statistics  program! █

s_2dlcalls.zip (42K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  _____  _____            _  _____
 | /___)(_   _)     ___  | |(_   _)
 | |___   | | ___  / _ \ | |  | | _BBS_
  \___ |  | ||.__)| |_| || |  | || |_| |
  ___/ |__| ||:_) |  _  || |_ | ||  _  |
 (__________||___)|_| |_||___)|_||_| | |
  ___________________________________| |
 /                                     |
|  STEALTH LAST CALLERS versin 1.0    |
|                                      |
|   Door para Remote Access 2.x que    |
| muestra los ltimos llamados al BBS  |
| Exelente! con pantalla ANSI incluida |

scall133.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│░░▒▒▓▓██ SystemCallers v1.33 ██▓▓▒▒░░│
│ View Todays Callers to the BBS and  │
│ what calls that has been made with  │
│ the  mailer.  Works with Ra v2.xx,  │
│ FrontDoor v2.xx or InterMail v2.xx  │
│ * Now with full multiline support * │
│ *          Now CardWare!          * │

sdi_2dsta1.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

SDI      ██▀██ ██▀██ ███▀▀
┌─ ──═══ ██▀█▄ ██▀██ ███▀ ════─── ─┐
·── ═══ RemoteAccess Filez ═══─ ──·
░                                  ░
▒         USER STATs 1.10          ▒
▓          (sTATUS DOOr)           ▓
█                                  █
▓      nOW 190% CONFIGURABLe       ▓
▒      aND ANSI-GRAFIX-STATs       ▒
░                                  ░
·─ ──*sdi#───no:00012──02.08.95── ─·

sgn200g1.zip (45K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

snp_5011.zip (153K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ SNP&ACT V.5.011 for RA 2.50 │
Statistics and virus test routine
for RemoteAccess V2.5x. - Lots of
statistics e.g.: Baud rate/user/
file/Msg/Up & Downloader/Caller/
number of calls/Area/etc....
- import/export of descriptions,
- each file AREA has a separate
- several banners & advertising
- virus test of new files,
- handling of incorrect ones &
  virus-stricken files,
- repacking files,
- flag handling,
- ON-LINE & OFF-LINE virus test,
- Supported:
- German documentation

ss_2d112.zip (290K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

█▀     SysOp statistics v1.12      ▀█
▌    Fast! RA statistics program    ▐
▌For use with RemoteAccess 2.0x/2.5x▐
▌────────────────────────────────── ▐
▌Sys-Stat features: -high quality-  ▐
▌* The famous Node/Weekly - Report! ▐
▌* Filelist generator, SYSUTIL,     ▐
▌* User upgrade system, JAM/Hudson, ▐
▌* News generator, Most Wanted!     ▐
▌* Today callers list, with flags!  ▐
▌* Top 10 Callers Downloaders,      ▐
▌  Downloaders(kb), Uploaders,    * ▐
▌  Uploaders(kb), Message writers F ▐
▌* FrontDoor/InterMail history!,  I ▐
▌* File + Message area list!,     N ▐
▌* Message areas list, Security-  A ▐
▌* levels, Age graph & statistics L ▐
▌* Flag report of all users,      L ▐
▌* User-list view, Char change,   Y ▐
▌* Optimization of user-file,     * ▐
▌* Colour configurable screens      ▐
▌* AVATAR/ANSI/ASCII support!       ▐
▌ ...and many other features......  ▐

stat_200.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

stuser11.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Scott's Top 15 Generator V1.1 - Create
ANS/ASC Top 15 lists of your users.  Callers,
Message Posters, Downloaders and Uploaders
(Kilobyte and Count).
For Remote Access 2.x  -  $15

superu20.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

═─────── Super Users 2.0 ───────═
Current version makes top callers,
posters, uploaders, K uploaders, 
downloaders, K downloaders, and 
Super Users lists.
  Ansi/Ascii output for Remote
         Access 2.?

sx_l10c.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│═─ ▄▄████▄ ─═ ▄▄▄▄▄ ─══─ ▄██▄ ─═──════──│
│ ████▀█████ ▄███████  ▄▄ ▀████ ▄▄    ▄██▄
│███▀   ▀▀▀ ▄███▀▄▀███▐███  ███▐███▄ ████▀
│▀███▄▄████▄ ▀▀ ██  ██▐██▌   ██▌▀██████▀ │
 ▄▄▄ ▀▀▀  ███  ▐███  ▀ ███▄ ▄██   ▀███   │
██████▄▄▄███   ████▌ ▄  ▀█████▌  ▄█████▄ │
 ▀▀██████▀▀  ▄██████▐██▄  ▄███ ▄███▀▀████▄
│  ·stYX·     ▀▀▀▀▀  ▀██████▀   ▀▀    ▀██▀
│                                        │
│                [LaST-10]               │
│                                        │
│  ø LaST 10 CaLLeRS FoR RA!             │
│  ø SuPPoRTS MuLTiLiNe SySTeMS!         │
│  ø LookS ReaLLy GreaT!                 │
│  ø FRee ReLeaSe!                       │

tc_2dn091.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

─--   --  ---──────
                               ───--- -
Todays Callers - 
                 News v0
  ────────────---- --   -
       for use with Remot
                         e Access v2
            (older versions might work)

Simple offline door that cr
                           eates a
colorful text file showing T
Callers using RA 
                 color control codes.
    -──Jens Turni
                 ng Bramstedt─────
                                  --- -

tcall15.zip (109K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

*** Today's Caller 1.5 ***
A replacement for the Who's called list for Remote Access 2.02 or newer.

FEATURES:  Allows users to list callers for the current day, the previous
day, on a specified day, or on the current caller's last birthday.  Display
colors are fully configurable!  Will use the hidden attribute for each user
if set (sysop configurable).  Displays either real names or handles.  This
program works ONLY with Remote Access 2.02 or newer.

Lightning Software, 1996.  $7.00 Registration.

tcall205.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

tcall25.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ ┌─┬┬─┐     ┌┬──┐ ┌┬──┐ ┌┐    ┌┐    │
│   ├┤   ─── ├┤    ├┼──┤ ├┤    ├┤    │
│   └┘       └┴──┘ └┘  ┘ └┴──┘ └┴──┘ │
│         Today Callers 2.5          │
│    ···─────────────────────···     │
│                                    │
│ Today Callers is a RemoteAccess    │
│ 2.xx door the will show real good  │
│ Today Callers List, Very usefull,  │
│ Today Callers can also list last x │
│ Callers                            │
│                                    │
│       Today Callers Supports       │
│ Desqview + Multiline + Ansi/Avatar │

tcall_2d10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  -   --  ---────────────1997 ──--- -
     Top Callers v1.00
  ────────────---- --   -
       for use with Remote Access v2.50
            (older versions might work)

Simple offline door that creates a
colorful text file showing the Top
15 callers present in your userfile
using RA color control codes.
    -──Jens Turning Bramstedt─────--- -

tclist20.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

tclt22.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

TCLT.EXE Todays Call Log Trimmer for
RemoteAccess v2.xx
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. 

tcn_2dl22.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 _______:___+   ______:   /|___
\._/ /  |\__| /  |\__|  /'  .  \
   /`   |   /`   |____/'    :   '\
 /'     | /'     |   `\.    |     `\
`\      |`\      '    | \___|     /'
 / \.___| _ \._______/| ___ |___/c\
.       +             |     +    o :
:       . TUSCON '96! :     .      :
│                                  │
│      [■] LastCaller 2.2 [■]      │
│                                  │
│ + powerfull LastCaller with      │
│   funky flash-effects            │
│ + ShowAction => Shows the actions│
│   off ya lastcallers in ya bbs!  │
│ + animated prompts               │
│ + background 1oo% configurable   │
│ + textpositions 1oo% configurable│
│ + colors 1oo% configurable       │
│ + shows handles or realnames     │
│ + no "coded by"-lines for user   │
│   with fucking delays            │
│ + easy to install                │
│ + works with multinodessystems   │
│ + Freeware (I know you like this)│
:   :                          :   :
 · ∙+──────────────────────────+∙ ·

tdcaller.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

tfile080.zip (59K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌           TOPFILE v0.80           ▐
▌ A Freeware 'Top Downloaded Files' ▐
▌         Bulletin Generator        ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌ * Can exclude specific files or   ▐
▌   file areas                      ▐
▌ * Can restrict search by security ▐
▌   levels                          ▐
▌ * Quick & Easy to Setup           ▐
▌ * Fully Configurable              ▐
▌ * ASCII/ANSi/AVATAR output        ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌  For Remote Access v2.0x, v2.50   ▐

thdid93.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

├──────────── TheyDid O.93ß ────────────┤
│Great lastcaller list generator. Shows │
│Logon, logoff, totaltime online and    │
│what the user was doing, with letters  │
│Just like the ones for EzyCom..........│

tlc300.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│ TODAYS LAST CALLERS v3.00      │
│ Show your users who called to  │
│ the BBS today or 1,2 or 3 days │
│ ago. The display is possible   │
│ for each single or for all the │    
│ nodes together.                │    
│ Complete NEW version, now has  │
│ the ability to show up & down  │
│ loaded Kb's for each user.     │    
│                                │    
│ EDDIE VAN LOON                 │

today029.zip (73K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌           ONTODAY v0.29           ▐
▌ A Freeware 'Todays Callers to ..' ▐
▌        Bulletin Generator         ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌ * Displays Todays BBS Callers     ▐
▌ * Can Display Todays In/Outbound  ▐
▌   Mail Calls                      ▐
▌ * Can Import Last BBS Caller Into ▐
▌   Mailer History Files            ▐
▌ * Can Import FAX Call Information ▐
▌   Into Mailer History             ▐
▌ * Quick & Easy to Setup           ▐
▌ * Fully Configurable              ▐
▌ * Multi-Line aware                ▐
▌ * ASCII/ANSi/AVATAR output        ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌ * Supports                        ▐
▌   - RemoteAccess 2.0x, 2.50       ▐
▌   - FrontDoor 2.02/2.1x/2.20ml    ▐
▌   - InterMail 2.29x               ▐
▌   - BGFAX v1.4x, v1.5x            ▐
▌                                   ▐

today100.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

WHO CALLED TODAY -- Version 1.00
For RemoteAccess 2.00

todays10.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Best Little Today's Caller Door for RA 2.xx.
FreeWare from Charleston, S.C.

top10dl1.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

.\_____  \____  _/\____    ____   \_
|   _:/  _/ ___   \_ |/      |/    /
|    |    \_ |/    / |    /  |    /:
==========≈(╖ R A D D ╖)≈======[JIG]
         'TOP 10 DL VO.O1ß'
          OUT OF ALL AREAS
         IV TRACKS^ArT^RaDD

topdown.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

Top Downloads V1.0
This file works with RA
2.00 or higher and will
create 2 bulletins in
your textfile directory
based on the number of
top downloads you would
like to see.  .ANS and
.ASC files are created.
The Software Guild.

tops3.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│          Top`s v3.00           │
├   ---───────────────────----   ┤
│                                │
│ Top`s is TOP users list maker  │
│ For RA 2.xx, Top`s will create │
│                                │
│  - Top Downloaders             │
│  - Top Kb's Downloaders        │
│  - Top Uploaders               │
│  - Top Kb's Uploaders          │
│  - Top Messages Posters        │
│  - Top Callers                 │
│  - Best Users                  │
│  - General Satistics           │
│                                │
│ NEW: Definable Colors,Smaller, │
│      Faster,New Interface      │
│                                │
│       - Yair Softwares -       │

traf110.zip (148K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

tstat046.zip (74K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌           TOPSTAT v0.46           ▐
▌   A Freeware BBS Stats program    ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌  Generates 15 Bulletins:          ▐
▌   * Top Callers                   ▐
▌   * Top Downloaders (Files & KB)  ▐
▌   * Top Uploaders (Files & KB)    ▐
▌   * Top Message Writers           ▐
▌   * Times Called                  ▐
▌   * User Age Statistics           ▐
▌   * How long ago (did they call)  ▐
▌   * Security Levels               ▐
▌   * Male / Female Stats           ▐
▌   * User Settings Report          ▐
▌   * Upcoming birthday's           ▐
▌   * Most Active Message Areas     ▐
▌   * File Ratio Report             ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌ * Supports ASCII, ANSi and AVATAR ▐
▌   output                          ▐
▌ * Fully Configurable              ▐
▌ * Exclude specific users from the ▐
▌   bulletins.                      ▐
▌                                   ▐
▌  For Remote Access v2.0x, v2.50   ▐

ugg_21v11.exe (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm


ul1.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

│       ▒▓█  Ulogger   v1.0 █▓▒      │
│     (C)1994 Heavenware Software    │
│The Ultimate Logger will search your│
│bbs.log for up to 10 keywords and   │
│create a great looking ANSI & ASCII │
│bulletin as a report. Keywords are  │
│Sysop definable. Very Fast!  $15.00 │
ul_102.zip (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

UserList 1.02. Produces screens that
show your users who called your BBS
from RA 1.1x's LASTCALL.BBS file.
Features: 1. statistics about the
used bps rates and the total time
the BBS was in use, 2. reads env.
var. and CONFIG.RA, no configuration
required. C-source included.
By: Donald Heering

ult_call.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

█       ▄▄    ▄▄  ▄▄     ▄▄▄▄         █
▓       ██    ██  ██   ▄█ ██ █▄       ▓
▓       ░░    ░░  ░░  ░░ ▓
▒     ▒▒ ▄▄ ▒▒▒▒ ▄▄▄▄ ▒▒ ▄▄▄      ▒
░     ▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓      ░
░     ▀▀ ▓▓ ▀▀▀▀ ▓▓▓▓ ▀▀ ▓▓▓      ░
▒     ▒▒ ▀▀ ▒▒▒▒ ▀▀▀▀ ▒▒ ▀▀▀      ▒
▓       ▐▓▌  ▐▓▌  ▓▓      ▓▓          ▓
▒        ▀█▄▄█▀   ██      ██          ▒
░          ▀▀     ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀          ░
▒ ■─────────────────────────────────■ ▒
▓   Ultradoors Freeware Productions   ▓
▓ ■─────────────────────────────────■ ▓
█    Callers a last 12 callers door   █
█        for RemoteAccess 2.xx        █
█ ■─────────────────────────────────■ █
█    Another release from Ultradoors. █
█   BY: The Driller   DaTe: 18/01/98  █

ustat300.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

USTAT - User Statistics Ver 3.00 for

vccs100.zip (108K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

         │ VCCS 1.00 │
│  (c) 1995 by Marc Bachmann  │
│      & Jens Dinstühler      │
│  ►►►►►► VisualCrew ◄◄◄◄◄◄   │
│    ■ today callers          │
│    ■ who is online          │
│    ■ callers since last     │
│      logon                  │
│    ■ new callers since      │
│      last logon             │
│    ■ callers since special  │
│      date                   │
│    Included demokey till    │
│         05-15-1995          │
│      Only 15 DM / 15 $      │

vdoinf10.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

 ██   ██ ██████▄ ███████
 ▓█   ██ ▓█   ██ ▓█   ██
╔▒▓▄ ▄██─▒▓   ██─▒▓   ██┐
│ ▒████  ░▒████▀ ░▒█████║
║ ·V·ø·ø·D·ø·ø· ·¡·N·C· │
│U$r $TaT¡$t¡c DøøR 4 RA║
║RεPlAcε$ tHε dεfAuLt RA│
│    u$εR $tAt¡$T¡C$    ║
╚──═[ PRAY-WARE 8-) ]─══┘

vdolst15.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

  ██   ██ ██████▄ ███████
  ▓█   ██ ▓█   ██ ▓█   ██
  ▒▓▄ ▄██ ▒▓   ██ ▒▓   ██
 ┌ ▒█▄██──░▒████▀═░▒█████╗
 ╞── V·o·O·D·O·o··I·N·C──╣
 │ LaSTcLLeR DelUxe V1.11║
 │      for RA 2.xx      ║
 │   AnSi-ScReeN-MaKeR   │
 │        by MCL         │
 ║  ExCLuSIv FoR VoODOo  │
 ║       iTs MaGiC       │

vsl_010.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║      VSLAST v0.10       ║
║     LastCallers Door    ║
║ VSLAST is one of the    ║
║ best LastCaller doors   ║
║ for Remote Access 2.xx !║
║ You can configure the   ║
║ colours, define up to   ║
║ 20 USERID's. It will    ║
║ hide hidden users and   ║
║ the Sysop. Change 0 baud║
║ logins into 2400. Stats ║
║ menu, flip through the  ║
║ pages. Hotkeys, NO MORE ║
║ ANSI Screens !          ║
║ Just check it out, it's ║
║ only a download away !! ║
║    F R E E W A R E      ║
║ A Velvet Software Prod. ║

vsl_010b.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

║      VSLAST v0.10B      ║
║     LastCallers Door    ║
║ VSLAST is one of the    ║
║ best LastCaller doors   ║
║ for Remote Access 2.xx !║
║ You can configure the   ║
║ colours, define up to   ║
║ 20 USERID's. It will    ║
║ hide hidden users and   ║
║ the Sysop. Change 0 baud║
║ logins into 2400. Stats ║
║ menu, flip through the  ║
║ pages. Hotkeys, NO MORE ║
║ ANSI Screens !          ║
║ Just check it out, it's ║
║ only a download away !! ║
║    Bugfixed version     ║
║    F R E E W A R E      ║
║ A Velvet Software Prod. ║

wcall22.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

WHOCALLD.EXE View Todays Callers From
DOS Prompt for RemoteAccess v2.xx
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. 

wi_21lc101.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

────── ─[·W·I·Z·A·R·D·]─ ─────░▒▓█   █▓▒░  ░▒▓█  ░▒▓█████████▒▓██   ██▓▒  ▒▓██
          ▄██▀▓███   ███▓  ▓███        ▄██▀████   ████  ████     ▄███▀▓███   ███
▓  ▓███   ▄██▀▒▓███▀███▓▒  ▒▓██  █████████▓▒░ ─────[Wizard presents]─────┌──
────────────────┐──┐┌│┘                    └│┐ └──LASTCALLER  V1.01 
  ──┘  ││                        │││ 
  A LASTCALLER WITH    ││  ││                        │CEWL ANSI DESIGN &
   │  ││                        ││  │DEFINE YOUR OWN     ANSI 
│                        ││┌──Codes by Alex Bruch  ──┐││& Danie
l Diehl   ││└──└────────
──────────┘──┘ ─────[·eXPeCT·MoRe!·]─────
wiztop19.zip (44K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

┌───────────-=≡ WizTop 1.9 ≡=-───────────┐
│ RemoteAccess 2.xx Statistics generator │
│ Create *RIP*/Ansi/Ascii Screens.       │
│   o Top Callers                        │
│   o Top Downloaders                    │
│   o Top Uploaders                      │
│   o Top Message Writers                │
│   o Top Downloaded files               │
│   o General Statistics                 │
│   o Last Callers                       │
│   o Upcoming Birthdays                 │
│   o Last new users                     │
│   o Top credits                        │
│ Easy to Use, no setup needed.          │

xtcl1_0.zip (84K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

   ▄    ▄      ▄▄▄▄        ▄
  ▐█▌  ▐█▌   ▄█ ██ █▄    ▄█ █▄
  ▐░▌  ▐░▌  ▐░▌ ░░ ▐░▌  ▐░▌ ▐░▌
▄ ▐▒▌  ▐▒▌ ▄▄▄▄ ▒▒ ▄▄▄▄ ▒▒ ▄▄▄▄
▓▄ ▐▓▌▐▓▌ ▄▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓
▓▓▄ ▀▀▀▀ ▄▓▓▓▓▓ ▀▀ ▓▓▓▓ ▀▀ ▓▓▓▓
▀▀ ▄▒▀▀▒▄ ▀▀▀▀▀ ▒▒ ▀▀▀▀ ▒▒ ▀▀▀▀
  ▐▓▌  ▐▓▌      ▓▓      ▐▓▌ ▐▓▌
  ██    ██      ██       ▀█ █▀
  ▀▀    ▀▀      ▀▀         ▀
      eXTReMe TeRRoR CoRPS
         Coding Devision
║Program :       X∙T∙C Last 1.0║
║CReaToR:          Serialkiller║
║Environment:           Ra 2.XX║
║KiND oF:            lastcaller║
║ A Great lastcaller for ra,   ║
║ definable colors, baudstats, ║
║ local logons on/off,         ║
║ difinable ansi-prompt, etc   ║
║          LEECH NOW !         ║

yc204.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

YESTCALL.EXE : Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller
List Generator v 2.04: Creates ANSI/ASCII Caller Lists
for the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST 24 HOURS! The
ANSI/ASCII files display name or handle, node number,
logon, logoff, times called, and Location.. just
like the internal Today's Callers List!

ycall11b.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

▌  ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄   ▄         ▐
▌  ▀█▀ █   █▄█ █   █         ▐
▌   ▀  ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ V1.1ß ▐
▌  Generates .ANS/ASC/AVT    ▐
▌  screen with  YESTERDAY    ▐
▌  callers.   Works great    ▐
▌  with nice ANSi screens!   ▐
▌  FREEWARE!  Grab it now    ▐
▌  \\=-  For RA 2.xx -=//    ▐
▌══────────∙··   ··∙-──────══▐
▌     Raposa Productions     ▐

yestcall.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:11 pm

YESTCALL; Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller List
Generator: Creates ANSI/ASCII Caller Lists
for the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST 24 HOURS!
The ANSI/ASCII files display name or handle,
node number, logon, logoff, times called, and
Location.. just like the internal Today's
Callers List!