
Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

│┌┐         AUTO-MATE! V1.31          ┌┐│
││   Now SysOp's or anyone who needs a ││
││ method to  automate  their favorite ││
││ software  via  a simple batch  file ││
││ that creates a Semaphore now has it ││
││ all.                                ││
││   Auto-Mate! will sit idle on  your ││
││ OS/2 desktop using little or no CPU ││
││ time and wait until a  semaphore is ││
││ detected  which  in  turn  executes ││
││ your program.                       ││
││    It just keeps getting better!    ││
││                                     ││
││   Auto-Mate! The Name says it all!  ││
│└┘╒═╕  Shareware by Darrell Harder   └┘│
│  │G┐═╕  (c) 1997 Game Quest Software  │
       ╘═╛ (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

BCAST-2 will send online messages 
to other nodes of a Remote Access 
bulletin board. Great for showing
users who is logging on & off the 
system. Respects the 'No Disturb'
flag.  Now supports the semaphore 
drives and HANDLES!  !!FREEWARE!! (61K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

////ComEcho 1.1\\\\ Released: 7 Aug 1995
Utility for multinode BBS's.
For Non-Multinode aware doors it locks out
the other node when in use and returns the
caller to the BBS with a colorful message
explaining why.  FREEWARE Brought to you
by NNL Productions (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

<> for RemoteAccess 2.x BBS
Updates your USERSON.BBS file to show 
events running on your systems  other
nodes/lines.  FREEWARE by Multiboard! (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

SENDFILE.BTM v1.2 - a RA 2.+ / DSZ / 4DOS 5.
5+ batch routine to send one or more files
to online callers: across a LAN, from
another window or shelled, from the DOS
prompt. The displayed file attach mimicks
RA's message format, adopting the current
caller's ASC/ANS screen handling and
transfer protocol preference. Freeware by
Bill Whitehouse. (56K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (58K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

InterConnect 1.0f  This program allows your
users to connect directly to one another on
different nodes using the IPX protocol for
fast reliable connections.  Your users can
transfer files directly between themselves
and play interactive modem games such as 
DOOM.  Now released as FREEWARE! (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

ImHere 1.00 multi-line user announce utility.
Major BUG fix since last version and 
many more features. Lets users know who logs in
and out of the system and more. (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

KNoCk KNoCk v1.11 [kReWL t00Ls]
Displays What Users  Are Doing For Upto
6 Nodes! Names  or Handles,  WiseWords,
Messages, Leave Out NodeS, Live update,
MultiTasker Friendly, Easy Customizable
uSeRDoeS.#  aND  SYSDoeS.# Compatible!! 
Supports *U Aliassing And SemaPhores...
FrontDoor & McMail Comp., Multilanguage
<<< CHEAP SHAREWARE >>> <<< FL 10,- >>> (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

┌────────── LogOn/LogOff  v1.12 ──────────┐
│ A Multi - Line User Annoucement Utility │
│ v1.12 adds support for RA's hidden flag │
│ Ouput routines optimized once again for │
│ maximum possible speed when executing.  │
│ For RemoteAccess 2.00, 2.01 & 2.02      │
│ FAST & SEEMLESS!       Shareware.....$8 │
└──────────────────────────────────────-──┘ (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

InUse v1.1 FREEWARE from LlanoWare.
InUse allows you to only allow one node
at a time into those doors that do not
support multi-node usage.  There are NO
"flag" files or data files to keep track
of nor any maint. to do.  InUse uses RA's
own files to keep track of who is using
what door on what node.
InUse will work on any version of RA from
v2.00 to v2.5x, but you MUST have RA
registered for InUse to work. (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

MC_WAIT.EXE Batch File Time Delay Utility
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. (395K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

Monitor/RA v1.80 - *THE* monitoring tool
for RemoteAccess 2.x or EleBBS on Windows
95 & NT. View detailed information, see
who called, new users, view logs, log off
users, send notes, see time statistics! (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

MTTT V1.0a - Multi-tasker Tuneup Tool for
use in tuning the DesqView operation on
multi-line BBS systems and such. Allows
you to see the impact of running various
programs, watch results as you make
different adjustments use programs like
TAME to improve the speed overall of your
system. A FREEWARE tool/util by 
J.Mike Nichols -Registration $0 (186K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

NodeManager 2.0 - This program allows you to
control  your complete multi-line BBS from a
single machine. In addition, if you have the
IPX network protocol installed, you can view
and control any remote workstation as if you
were sitting infront of it.  Other functions
of NodeManager include node and system usage
reports and graphs,  sending users messages,
kicking users off,  running  events based on
time, semaphores and remote spooling.  Shows
when a mailer is using a node, you can setup
semaphores  to display  active  information.
Can now determine  if a remote node is hung,
and will  notify you.   A definite must  for 
any multi-line RemoteAccess sysop. (66K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

NoByte v.0.1 creates Zero Byte Files!
Perfect for making Semafores, flags,
you name it!  BBS Mailers and Tosser/
Scanner programs love to make Zero
Byte files that tell them what is
going on, and now you can make them
from the comfort of your living room!
NoByte is *FreeWare*!  Support BBSes! (113K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

┌─=Node  Alert  Version 1.20=─┐
│                             │
│  Node Alert Is For Sysop's  │
│  Running Multi-Line         │
│  RemoteAccess Based BBS's.  │
│  This program simply tells  │
│  other users on the bbs if  │
│  somone just logged on or   │
│  off. Written By: Roblo!    │
└─────────────────────────────┘ (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

         NODETRAK 0.01 
Node Tracker for RA will allow the sysop     
a report of all node activity at a quick     
glance.Can be run from the Dos Prompt,       
shelled from RA,run in a Desqview window     
OS/2 box,or Windows.
Freeware from Martin Woods                   

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

NodeMsg 1.01 (RemoteAccess)
****** MAJOR UPDATE ********
View Users Online, Send Online Message
to Nodes, from DOS or Multi-Task program.
Supports WIN-DV-OS/2 TimeSlicing.
Import and send pre-written messages, or
manualy enter. Many enhancements to this
version, with more adding daily!!
Command Line Send Message and more.
--== Cowboy Software ==-- (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

======== NODETRACKER 2.0 ============== 
NodeTracker for RA will allow the sysop     
a report of all node activity at a quick     
glance and Allow Sending a Messsage to
individual Nodes c/w RA Color Codes.
Can be run from the Dos Prompt,
shelled from RA,run in a Desqview window     
OS/2 box,or Windows.
Another Quality Freeware
from Martin Woods!

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

Notifier V1. Create @X BBS files telling your
users if you are available for a chat or not.
Run it as a LOGONx.BBS or a bulletin! You
can choose your own display files! (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

RA Notify v1.1 - A RemoteAccess v2.xx
Multi-Node utility. NOW WITH HANDLE
SUPPORT. Command line utility to notify
each node of a logon or logoff on
another node. Uses only one executable
with parameters. Will not try to notify
those nodes that are currently without
callers. Excellent way to promote
teleconferencing on a multi-line
system.  *Bug Fix Release Also*
*For Both Shareware And Pro Versions* (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

°     .·∙■≡[ Online! v1.00 ]≡■∙·.      °
    OnlineMessages with Reply Option
 OnlineMessage Editor with WordWrapping
       Up to Six Nodes on Screen
 The Same Who's Online as in PhotoChat
       Very Fast Fossil Routines
   To be used with RA 2.0x or RA 2.5x
       Ofcourse made by Synopsis
     The First OnlineMessage System
           with Reply Option
°   Release Date:  04 - 21 - 1996      ° (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

(List of callers Online) for RemoteAccess v2.xx
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. (63K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

Psych0Phore v0.29 (06/24/96) - 
Runs maintenance type tasks such as
tossing InterBBS packets, echomail,
.TIC files and so on as well as
reacting to ANY type of semaphores
so your BBS can run interupted and
be free to callers.  freeware (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

RADOWN -- Version 1b -- 02/22/95
 This is a handy utility for all
 BBS software that requires that
 all nodes be offline for some events
 such as message base packing.  RADOWN
 will let you pull each individual node
 down into supension for the sysop 
 configured amount of time.  The system
 will then be returned to normal.  Run
 in your maintanence batch file. 
   Another Great BBS Utility From:
     Single-Touch Software(c) (135K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

RemoteAccess BBS Monitor v1.20. 
Full text-windowing RemoteAccess monitor & control!
Send notes, show status, node information, log off nodes.
* 1.20 - New RASTATUS tool, UK/US date formats + fixes.
More excellent *FREEWARE* from Envy Technologies. (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

RAON v3.0 (Major Update)
Send a message to the user online.
 - Shows the users currently online
   with their baudrate and what he
   is doing.
 - Up to 255 nodes are supported.
 - Message will be written to the
   Semaphore Directory specified
 - Low registration fee.

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

∙■ RAUA ■∙ "RA User Announcer" :
Announce to all nodes when a user logs on/off
your RA 2.0x system! Optionally respects hidden
flag. Macros include name, handle, birthdate,
subdate, user comment, location, sex and more!
[Version 3.00] %FREEWARE% (141K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

-=≡[RemoteAccess Ultra-Who's Online Listing]≡=- v1.00
By RemoteAccess Ultra-Software.
This program lists who is currently online and
is very similiar to RA's Type 52 "'Who's online'
list" and Type 54 "Send a message to a user on
another line", and is great for a multi-node
system.  Almost all colors, and the header, are
SysOp definable.  If you are currently using
LiveSystems' "UserOn", then it is very easy to
convert because this program also uses their
USERDOES.n, plus more! (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

SEMAFORE, Revision 3 - Handy
utility for handling semaphore
files in your batchfiles. Can
create, delete and touch
semaphore files. In addition
it can wait (optional maximum
time) until a semaphore exists
or is removed. It can also
check for semaphore files and
return an errorlevel if the
semaphore exists. Supports
various multitaskers. Now Has
build in support for FDOPT
for optimum compatiblity with
FrontDoor. Freeware by
Marco Miltenburg, 2:512/64. (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

SemWatch is a simple semaphore file monitor
tool that will update a semaphore file when
the date/time of another changes. Perfect
for mailers and other software that isn't
supported by your tosser. (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

SHOWME V1.0 - command line fileview tool 
for use w/multi-line BBS systems or ?? 
Displays an ascii or ansi file 20 lines
at a time with a delay for you to read
it then exits.  Use as a menu item on
your DESQVIEW menu to read a todays
callers textfile, upload reports or
whatever - UNDER 3k in size - and DV
aware. Another FREEWARE tool/util by 
J.Mike Nichols - Registration $0 (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

TIMER is a small program that will pause for a given number of seconds.
Many many uses, great for multinode systems. (272K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

*** The Online Pub for DOS v2.00g1 ***
The most configurable teleconferencing
program available!  Supports multiple
channels, actions, private chats,
moderators, and lots more.  Every
character of text, colour, and command
is configurable!  Complete online help
system for users.  Direct interfacing
with RA, Maximus, and SuperBBS.  Also
works with almost any other BBS program.
Installs in minutes! (373K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

*** The Online Pub for OS/2 v2.00g1 ***
The most configurable teleconferencing
program available!  Supports multiple
channels, actions, private chats,
moderators, and lots more.  Every
character of text, colour, and command
is configurable!  Complete online help
system for users.  Direct interfacing
with RA, Maximus, and SuperBBS.  Also
works with almost any other BBS program,
including DOS-based BBSs running under
OS/2!  32-bit multithreaded
communications and video routines.
Installs in minutes! (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

    _    _         _____    _    _           
   / \__/ \  /\   / ___ \  / \__/ \          
  /        \/  \ /  \_/  \/        \         
 /   /  \   \   \   ___   \  /  \   \        
 \  /\  /\  /   /  /   \  / /\  /\  /        
  \/  \/  \/\__/ \/     \/\/  \/  \/         
     ■ >> U∩K∩0W∩  0RiGi∩ << ■               
║      Presents This Little:        ║        
│                                   │        
    Wicked WHO's ON-LINE for RA              
│                                   │        
║  Works: Most BBS software, reg'd. ║        
    ■ (o1737) 37o872  &  217934 ■            
           ■ ƒÆ∩TÆS¥ BBS ■            (104K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

LiveSystems UserOn/Pro 1.0Gamma:
If UserOn is to limited for you try thisone.
UserOn/Pro can handle up to 255 nodes, has a
much improved "Eat at Joes" line featuring
all kinds of effects, Menus, remote sysop
tools etc. etc.
Best of all: it's freeware again! (84K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

LiveSystems UserOn 5.3: The ORIGINAL Who's
Online replacement which introduced the much
copied USERDOES.x system for showing info
about the other lines.  Also feature semafore
support, "Eat at Joe's" commercials, SYSDOES
system information, real-time screen updates
& multilanguage support! Supports randomized
*U information and RA 2.50 Ignore the fakes,
go for the real thing!  FREEWARE! (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

So called "UserOn/RA" 1.10. *NOTE* this is
not to be confused with LiveSystems UserOn,
as this is not anything like it. It's just
a small simple util simular to Pete Rocca's
FAKEUSER that allows you to put fake users
on the "who's online" list in RemoteAccess.
Obviously Grant Bettie is a real idiot! (63K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

│▌█▐│       Wait-Mate! v1.10a       │▌█▐│
Multitasker aware batch file utility that
will  wait until a file is either created
or deleted.  Will also wait for specified
time in Minutes, Hours, Time  and Days of
the  Week to allow for events  and  more.
Sets  the  environment  with  Days of the
Week and Day of  the Year.  Execute other
programs that do  not have error checking
to allow  greater control  over  your BBS
events using error levels in batch files.           [DH98]
───────────────────────────────────────── (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

WHOCALLD.EXE View Todays Callers From
DOS Prompt for RemoteAccess v2.xx
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. (56K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

 │ ╥  ╥  ┬ ╓─────┐ ╓──╥──┐                │
 │ ║  ║  │ ║          ║                   │
 │ ║  ║  │ ║          ║   ─╖    ╓──┐ ─╖   │
 │ ║  ║  │ ║          ║    ║    ║  │  ║   │
 │ ╙──╨──┘ ╙─────┘    ╨   ─╨─ o ╙──┘ ─╨─  │
 │ WCT: Who Called Today! Finally a full  │
 │ RA Support program, that shows all     │
 │ The activities of your BBS! Support    │
 │ for up to 8 RA lines! + FrontDoor, up  │
 │ to 3 FD lines. Great ANSI statistics,  │
 │ Show Who is online now, and what he is │
 │ doing according to USERDOES.???!       │
 │ Many more options! Send onlie msgs!    │
 │ Shareware/ Only 15$ Registeration/     │
 │ Written by Eyal Zach, Midnight Software│
 └────────────────────────────────────────┘ (45K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

│   ╥ ╥ ┬ ╥  ┬ ╓──┐ ╓─╥─┐   ─╥─  ╓─┐   │
│   ║ ║ │ ╟──┤ ╟──┤   ║      ║   ╙─┐   │
│   ╙─╨─┘ ╨  ┴ ╨  ┴   ╨     ─╨─ ╙──┘   │
│     ╓──┐ ╓──┐ ╥    ─╥─ ╓──┐ ╥──┐     │
│     ║  │ ║  │ ║     ║  ║  │ ╟─       │
│     ╙──┘ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘ ─╨─ ╨  ┴ ╨──┘     │
│         What is Online v2.30         │
│  ···────────────────────────────···  │
│                                      │
│ WhatIsOnline is a RA 2.xx door that  │
│ Will list All Users online to System │
│ WOL Special features:                │
│                                      │
│  - You can relist users online       │
│  - User Logon/Logoff Announcer       │
│  - Online messages support           │
│  - Userdoes.Xxx Support              │
└──────────────────────────────────────┘ (81K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

Who is Online v1.39 for Remote Access v2.0x
replaces the RA built in menu-types 52 and
54. Users can see who is curently online
and send/receive online-messages. Nice and
very fast windowed display. Users can fill
out ID-cards and view other users IDs. Runs
under networks and multi-taskers. Even
displays mailer-connects! (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

WHOSON.EXE View Callers Currently Online
From DOS Prompt for RA v1.xx/2.xx QBBS 2.76/2.80
- Also distributed as part of the
RATPak utility collection RATPAK22.ARJ
by McSoft Corp. (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

────── ─[·W·I·Z·A·R·D·]─ ─────░▒▓█   █▓▒░  ░▒▓█  ░▒▓█████████▒▓██   ██▓▒  ▒▓██
          ▄██▀▓███   ███▓  ▓███        ▄██▀████   ████  ████     ▄███▀▓███   ███
▓  ▓███   ▄██▀▒▓███▀███▓▒  ▒▓██  █████████▓▒░ ─────[Wizard presents]─────┌──
┌────────────────────┐──┐┌│┘                    └│┐ └──USERON V1.
01     ──┘ 
 ││                        │││     THIS IS A CEWL     ││  │USERONLINE DOOR
 FOR   RA 2.0x         │  ││  WITH CEWL BLACK-ANSI  ││
  │DESIGN ! !        │                        ││                
        ││┌──Codes by Alex Bruch  ──┐││& Daniel Diehl   ││└──└──────────────────┘──┘ ─────[·
eXPeCT·MoRe!·]───── (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (100K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

Who Is Online Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.
Version 1.06 allow users to see who is on
the other lines of the BBS and to send
and recieve online messages.
It's screen update feature allow the user
to see changes in other users status as
they occure. Added handles support. (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:10 pm

Yukon Ho! YFREEZE V2.2 (FreeWare)
"The ultimate multi-line system tool for
FrontDoor Commercial and RemoteAccess"
Provides monitored global freezing and
thawing of BBS tasks. Prevents system
hang-ups if tasks fail to respond to
manual freeze and thaw semaphores.