dbramail.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

docuproc.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

Simple, free utility to let you print
a text file on both sides of the page
in book format.  Perfect for the docs
that come with Remote Access.

doorbat.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

A .BAT file for running several doors from RA
using only one .BAT file

dor_2dhlp.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

│  Help file for running door programs  │
│  with RemoteAccess using one (1)      │
│  DOOR.BAT file.                       │
│  InfoWare: by Ted Fox, SysOp of       │
│            The Night Hawk BBS         │

dvra_2dusa.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm


fdw95faq.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

flags.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

holecfg.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

mult200.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

noblnk10.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

q_26a4ra11.zip (231K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

Q&A4RA11.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA!
-------------[Revision #11]---------------

How to setup programs such as:  FrontDoor,
FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat,
GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master, RAUA,
THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave, INSTAbank,
CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail,  IceBank,
IceUser, RATS, IceCBV, RATick, and more..!

Tips and Overview of RemoteAccess 2.50.g1!
Setups for Protocols, Doors, OS2, DV, etc.
Included now is QAV102.ZIP, Q&A4RA Viewer!

  Written by: Eric Staufer (1:374/6568)
o Files: 21,  Lines: 10408,  Size: 459k  o

qa4ra100.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

┌────┤ Q&A for RA Shell 1.00 ├────┐
│                                 │
│   A -=> Freeware <=- Program    │
│    that will add an easy to     │
│     use interface to those      │
│        Q&A for RA files.        │
│    [Created By: Jon Abbott]     │
│   Note: Made for Rev. 9 only    │
│   of Q&A4RA. Great Program!!    │
│    Creation Date:  10/16/94     │

qav101.zip (111K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

QAView 1.01 - For Q&A4RA Help Files
Menu driven interface to Read, Print, and
Edit the files found in the Help File package
from Eric Staufer. NO External programs
required.  Initial Release. Future
versions will be included in the Q&A4RA
package.  This program is FREE!
Fresh out of the chute at Cowboy Software!!

ra2cds11.zip (44K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

How to Setup TWO CDs
that rotate during the week
using: RemoteAccess 2.xx
explained by a 14 year old
RA sysop!

ra32_2dfaq.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

The Official RA-32 FAQ
0.01   (December 20, 1995)

ra_2dfaq01.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

The Unofficial RemoteAccess FAQ
0.01   (December 26, 1995)

ra_faq.zip (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

Frequently Asked Questions 
(ùáßΓ« çáñáóáѼδÑ é«»p«ßδ) »« Remote Access
櫺ñá¡                : 06/07/96                               
Å«ß½Ññ¡∩∩ ¼«ñ¿Σ¿¬áµ¿∩ : 27/07/96                
æ«ßΓáó¿½              : É«¼á¡ èá»ΦÑó¿τ
ra_helps.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

ra_info.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

Info on the status of RemoteAccess BBS
and RemoteAccess/Professional BBS Software.
Andrew Milner has officially sold it!
This information comes straight from the
new owner, Bruce Morse.

rabats.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

Sample batch files to run RemoteAccess & FrontDoor

radist.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

RemoteAccess File Distribution Network
(RADIST)  Information/Application/Map
July 1997

ratoolz.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

▐│▌       Useful RA-.BAT's and Utils:      │▌
▐│▌ ADDFILE, START, TERMINAL and much more.│▌
▐│▌      ADDFILE - File-Adder (EXEc)       │▌
▐│▌ START - Starting-Batch with Menu       │▌
▐│▌ TERMINAL - Batch to start Terminal     │▌

rausw4wg.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

rauswn95.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

rawin95.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

Running RA with Win95? Well get this help
file. Tells you all you need to know about
running RA 2.02/FD 2.02 with Win95. Included
are the following files.

BBS.BAT |for command lines etc
.PIF's  |for running FD, RA, Local Logon,
        |FD's FM.EXE, Maintenance in seperate

This file was created so all of you can enjoy
the PURE POWER of running Windows '95!!

Mike Benoit,  Fido> 1:353/203
Email: Ebenoit@awinc.com

since250.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm

win_2dfd3.zip (53K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm


winra.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:06 pm