j_confx.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Three PCBoard v15.2 replacement PPE's for
the JOIN command.  One builds/reads from a
text file (ie fast), another builds on the
fly based on the users access rights, and
the third lets the user pick which approach
they want to use.  Compiled with PPL v 3.0
(Freeware with complete source).  

jag_2dsy20.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

    |  ;|____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_
 ___|   |:'  .  |:'  .  |:'  .  |:'.    |:' .   |
|:' |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |___,   |___,   |   ,___|   |   |
|   |  .|      .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|   |  .|
.cs===== j a g g e d ====== o c t o b e r '95 ==.'
|         Sysop Pager v2.0 PPE by Plunder       :
:                 AMI / X Styled                |

jasptnt.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

JASP V1.0 - Just Another Stats PPE
w/ animated bar and all required features

jcmdv10.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

JCMDV10; Replacement For the (J) oin Command.
Unlike others, has the following features.
MASK OUT of Undersired Conf(s). Renumbers via
PPE the selections for user ease.

jcon111b.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X1F ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐ @X07
@X1F │ JCONF-[PPE]-v1.11ß Automated Conference │ @X07
@X1F │ Security Menu.  Now, SysOps can have    │ @X07
@X1F │ complete control over all conferences!  │ @X07
@X1F │ Put PPE in place of (J), (JOIN) command │ @X07
@X1F │ and configure infinate conferences with │ @X07
@X1F │ a password and security level which you │ @X07
@X1F │ choose.  Will not show users the Conf-  │ @X07
@X1F │ -erence title unless they have access!  │ @X07
@X1F │ Registration $10 & well worth it!       │ @X07
@X1F └─────────────────────────────────────────┘ @X07

jcon115.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X4F▐ JCONF [PPE]  Automated Conference ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ Security Menu v1.15 for PCB 15.x  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ No need to look any further, the  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ last conference menu you'll ever  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ need is here!  JCONF is a high-   ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ security MATRIX conference menu   ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ that allows you to add passwords  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ and security levels to conference ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ SHAREWARE - Registration only $10 ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ The MeltDown BBS (904)-745-1507   ▌@X0F

jcon117a.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X4F▐ JCONF [PPE]  Automated Conference ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ Security Menu v1.17a for PCB 15.x ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ No need to look any further, the  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ last conference menu you'll ever  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ need is here!  JCONF is a high-   ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ security MATRIX conference menu   ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ that allows you to add passwords  ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ and security levels to conference ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ SHAREWARE - Registration only $10 ▌@X0F
@X4F▐ The MeltDown BBS (904)-745-1507   ▌@X0F

jdoit110.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

     -->[JUST-DO-IT  v1.10ß]<--
     [PPE]  FOR PCBoard  15.1 
jk_2dbomb.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Now put a stop to all the loser's that page
the mighty sysop, highly configurable and and
full ami/x style. sysop page utilty, check me
out now, great for every sysop with attitude!

jk_2dxedit.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

The name is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM
I/X message editor clone out there, ch
eck it out now dude's you'll love it!
Easy to install. WHITE SANDS, 718

jk_xedit.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

The name is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM
I/X message editor clone out there, ch
eck it out now dude's you'll love it!
Easy to install. WHITE SANDS, 718

jm_0395.zip (661K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

JM_ Power Pack Series v1.0 -- This is the
complete line of PCBoard PPE's that are
apart of the JM_ Power Pack Series. There
are over 20 powerful utilities to help
make your online service more user/SysOp
friendly and all for one low price. You
may purchase all of them together or
individually. This is a complete set of
PPE's for your computer system. Give them
a try today. You won't regret it!

jm_ac_13.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Alias Changer v1.3 -- A program
which will allow you to get an
alias from a user if it doesn't
already exist in their record.
If one exists the user doesn't
even know it's running.

jm_ad_13.zip (111K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Advertisement Command Prompt Displayer v1.3
This is a complete replacement for PCBTEXT
line number 396. Features of this program
include: Command Prompt 100% user definable,
One or Two line Command Prompts, Upto 32,767
Advertisements, stops run-a-way ENTER keys,
100% Language Definable, Not crippled in any
way and best of all it's Fully 100% SysOp
Definable.  Enjoy.
jm_al_14.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Automatic Logoff v1.4  -- This program
will display to the user after
downloading files from your system and
having selected to Logoff after the
transfer will be displayed this graphical
menu to show them exactly how much time
is left. This PCBoard PPE requires
PCBoard v15.21 or higher to run.  Enjoy!
jm_am_10.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Address Maker v1.0 -- A complete address
creator which will convert your user base
into labels, envelopes, comma-delimited
files, or whatever you decide as the
program is completely definable in every

jm_bl_11.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

BBS Lister v1.0 -- This is a complete
BBS listing door which will allow you
to easily add, download, edit, or view
BBS listings. 100% configurable as with
the style of the JM_ series of PPE's.
Multilingual, easy to install and no
maintenance is required. Very
customizable to suit your needs.

jm_cm_15.zip (75K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Conference Menu v1.5 -- A PCBoard PPE
to replace the (J)oin command. Features
include: 100% configurable, 100% 
definable, mutltilingual, @variables@,
ANSI/TTY/RIPscrip mode compliant, add/del
conferences, backward compatible with the
CM ConfMenu PPE, displays according to
users screen, online help, lightbar
support, and much more! Now faster and
more configurable than before!

jm_co_16.zip (31K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

System Operator Comment v1.6 -- This
program is a menu driven or hot-key
based comment to the System Operator
replacement. You may have upto 9 System
Operators in the menu, color,
conference to leave in, public or
private, multilingual and 100%
customizable program.

jm_ex_11.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0F           Execute PPE v1.1
@X07▐│ Have you ever wanted to run a    │▌
@X07▐│ PPE without having to enter it in│▌
@X07▐│ your CMD.LST or other file before│▌
@X07▐│ determining if you even wanted   │▌
@X07▐│ to use it?  If so this PPE is    │▌
@X07▐│ just right for you.  This PPE    │▌
@X07▐│ allows you to try a PPE before   │▌
@X07▐│ commit to using it.              │▌

jm_ex_12.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Execute PPE v1.2 -- Test PPE's both locally
and by remote. Allows others users beside just
the System Operator run PPE's. User must know
where the PPE is and the name. Extension is no
longer needed. Easy to use and security level
is determined in the CMD.LST file.
jm_ff_12.zip (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

File Flagger v1.2 -- This PCBoard PPE is
provided to give added functionality to the
PCBoard Flag command when viewing file
directories. With the current urge for
lightbar driven commands we've opted to add
this to our PowerPack. This program will
allow you to even download while viewing
file directories.

jm_fm_20.zip (103K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

File Menu v2.0 -- Major revision. This
is truly the most complete file display
available. Some of the many features
include: Categorized/non-categorized
modes, multilingual operation, displays
number of files, bytes. If you've tried,
using or looking for the most powerful
FileMenu look no further for this is
your complete solution. This PPE product
is for PCBoard v15.21+

jm_fn_16.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0F           Clear Frozen Node v1.6
@X07▐│ This program allows your users to clear  │▌
@X07▐│ a node they inadvertently locked.  This  │▌
@X07▐│ program is an absolute must for any      │▌
@X07▐│ multi-line or even single line system    │▌
@X07▐│ which doesn't want to have a node locked │▌
@X07▐│ forever without local interaction from   │▌
@X07▐│ the System Operators.        (PCB 15.2+) │▌

jm_fn_19.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Clear Frozen Node v1.9 -- This PCBoard
PPE will allow your users to clear a
node which they inadvertantly logged
off of or log off a node which may be
being used by an unknown party. This
program will only work after they have
successfully logged on with there user
name and password.
jm_fu_17.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

 PCBoard Automated File Uploader v1.6
    This program will make uploading
file(s) to your system much easier for
your beginner, intermediate and advanced
users alike.  Features in this release

     ∙ Definable Prompts File
       (with language support)
     ∙ Ability to enter filename and
       description if user so desires
     ∙ More configurable than before
     ∙ Pre-upload file to be displayed

    This PCBoard PPE requires PCBoard
v15.2 or higher to run.  Enjoy

jm_fu_18.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Automated File Uploader v1.8 -- A nifty
little PPE to make uploading to your
system as easy as possible. 100%
multilingual, prompts definable, easy to
install and use.
jm_gm_16.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0F          Graphics Mode v1.6
@X07▐│ This program allows for your     │▌
@X07▐│ users to more easily change their│▌
@X07▐│ graphics mode.  It provides them │▌
@X07▐│ with their available choices and │▌
@X07▐│ a description of the available   │▌
@X07▐│ choices.  This is simply the best│▌
@X07▐│ graphics mode changer for PCBoard│▌
@X07▐│ made.  Only the best!            │▌

jm_gm_19.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Graphics Mode v1.9 -- To make life for your
users easier we re-introduce the newly
redesigned and much more easy to use graphics
mode changing program. This replaces previous
versions by allowing a much more easy to use
user-interface, 100% multilingual aware, 100%
SysOp definable and extremely easy to use!
jm_ic_12.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Interactive Chat v1.2ß -- A complete PCBoard
Multiline chat PPE. This is a simple
multiline chat replacement for PCBoard's CHAT
command with many features coming. This is
a must see for any multiline BBS where they
want to get there users chatting in a good
clean enviroment. Very SysOp definable.
Extensive action commands! Only $25.00 and
isn't crippled except for a small 5-6
second delay.

jm_lb_10.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LightBar Kit v1.0 -- A complete lightbar
set which you may configure to any taste
you desire. Multilingual support built in
with SearchLight (tm) compatible mode
built in to give you a relatively close
clone of the SearchLight system on your
PCBoard system.

jm_mc_12.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Message Count v1.2 -- This program will
create a bulletin file, which you
design and show your users how many
messages you have total on your system.
There are quite a few @macros@ you may
use with this program. Runs in your
nightly event and is 100% maintenance
free and SysOp definable. FREEWARE
jm_mf_10.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0FMessage Footer v1.0
@X07This PCBoard PPE will change the way
your users sees the end of message
during message reads.  It provides
a easy to use light bar with SysOp
definable colors.  Completely
maintenance free and best of all it's
also FREE!  Another quality JM_ PPE
product for your online service.
│  LεεCHεD FRoM The Wild Thing BBs  │

jm_mf_11.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0FMessage Footer v1.1
@X07This PCBoard PPE will change the way
your users sees the end of message
during message reads.  It provides
a easy to use light bar with SysOp
definable colors.  Completely
maintenance free and best of all it's
also FREE!  Another quality JM_ PPE
product for your online service.

jm_mf_12.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Message Footer v1.2 -- @X07This PCBoard
PPE will change the way your users
sees the end of message during message
reads.  It provides a easy to use
light bar with SysOp definable colors.
Completely maintenance free and best
of all it's also FREE!  Another
quality JM_ PPE product for your
online service.
jm_mm_12.zip (50K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Menu Creator v1.2 -- Replacement for your
BRDM file. Some of the features include:
Multilingual operation, only shows commands
which are available, your design, not mine,
predefined variables, our own variables,
easy installation, no unregistered delays,
fast, 100% configurable, and very SysOp
friendly. Major improvements to a
remarkable PCBoard PPE!
jm_na_12.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Name Inputter v1.2 -- This program
will allow you to provide your users
with a more friendly login by making
thier names appear in Upper and Lower
case. This program is another quality
FREEWARE PPE from the creator of the
JM_ PPE PowerPack!

jm_nd_10.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

National Debt Calculator v1.0 -- This
PCBoard PPE will calculate for you and
your users how much our government
owes, how quickly it grows and other
information you might not have known.
This is a JM_ Freeware PPE Product!
jm_ni_13.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Name Inputter v1.2 -- This program
will allow you to provide your users
with a more friendly login by making
thier names appear in Upper and Lower
case. This program is another quality
FREEWARE PPE from the creator of the
JM_ PPE PowerPack!

jm_ol_15.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

            OneLiners v1.5

     This PPE will allow your users
to view and add their own OneLiners
upon login or wherever you decide to
place this PPE.  Program is 100%
SysOp definable as all of our PPEs
are.  Enjoy for your users will love
this one! :)

jm_ol_16.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

OneLiners v1.6 -- This PPE will allow
your users to view and add their own
OneLiners upon login or wherever you
decide to place this PPE.  Program is
100% SysOp definable as all of our
PPEs are.  Enjoy for your users will
love this one! :)
jm_pd_11.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

PullDown Menu System v1.1ß -- This is a
complete PullDown Menu System.  Colors,
prompts are all definable.  This should
only be used by users above 9600bps for
it's quite graphic intensive.  ANSI must
be enabled for this PPE to run.  This is
another quality PPE in the JM_ PPE
series of PPE's.  The reason for it's
coming was the others, which were not
upto MY standard and to expensive for my

jm_pd_12.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

PullDown Menu System v1.2ß -- This is a
complete PullDown Menu System.  Colors,
prompts are all definable.  This should
only be used by users above 9600bps for
it's quite graphic intensive.  ANSI must
be enabled for this PPE to run.  This is
another quality PPE in the JM_ PPE
series of PPE's.  Newly improved!  @X
codes for a background display, numeric
keypad support and minor bug fix.

jm_pi_12.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Phone Inputter v1.2 -- This handy little
utility will allow you to make all of your
input be identical to each other. The program
will automatically add ()'s and the - for
each telephone number. SysOp defined bad
area codes, prefixes, suffixes, and entire
numbers. A must have program to stop users
from entering false information.

jm_pl_17.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0F       Page Length Changer v1.7
@X07▐│ This PPE will allow your users to│▌
@X07▐│ visually change their respective │▌
@X07▐│ screen size.  It displays to them│▌
@X07▐│ numbers in descending order,     │▌
@X07▐│ once the program finishes with   │▌
@X07▐│ the displaying of the numbers all│▌
@X07▐│ the user has to do is tell it    │▌
@X07▐│ what the number is at the top of │▌
@X07▐│ their screen and your users will │▌
@X07▐│ have a 100% accurate page length │▌
@X07▐│ setting for their terminal.      │▌
@X07▐│ Except No Imitation.  This is the│▌
@X07▐│ best PPE to do the job for you.  │▌

jm_pl_18.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Page Length Changer v1.8 -- This PPE
guarantees that your users will set the
proper screen length for there system! No
if's, and's, or but's! We guarantee it. The
program will produce a countdown, ask the
user what the top number on there screen is
and if they put the right number then there
screen size will be 100% correct!

jm_po_11.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AutoPoster v1.1 -- Automatically will
post messages for you either weekly or
monthly as you determine. Will allow
posts with every feature being SysOp
definable. A very easy to use and
understand program.

jm_ps_12.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

      Protocol Selector v1.2

Allows your users to easily determine
which file transfer protocols are
available to them in an easy to view
menu.  100% SysOp definable colors
to make it look like YOUR own
customized system.  Works with PCBoard
v15.2 and beyond.

jm_ps_21.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Protocol Selector v2.1 -- This PPE
Allows your users to easily determine
which file transfer protocols are
available to them in an easy to view
menu.  100% SysOp definable colors
to make it look like YOUR own
customized system.  Works with PCBoard
v15.21 and beyond.

jm_qb_10.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

QuickBack v1.0 -- A simple to use callback
verifier.  This one is mimicked after the
great PPE written by Chris Watkins.  You
should give his PPE's a try.  I have and
love his entire PowerPack!  This one has as
much, if not more functionallity as Fone-Ver
v1.0.  This one is 100% Free! (Of course, I
will accept money  for it!

jm_qc_14.zip (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Quote of the Call v1.4 -- A complete
PPE with definable backgrounds,
quotes definable, multilingual aware,
security specific, RIPscrip ready,
100% maintenance free, completely
definable in every aspect, plus much
more! A quality JM_ PPE Product!

jm_qs_17.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0F           Quick Scan v1.7
@X07▐│ This program allows for your     │▌
@X07▐│ users to have more help available│▌
@X07▐│ to them while reading messages.  │▌
@X07▐│ It is provided as a most helpful │▌
@X07▐│ way to help your users better use│▌
@X07▐│ all of the available commands to │▌
@X07▐│ them.  This is simply the best   │▌
@X07▐│ help you can get for the Read    │▌
@X07▐│ command.  Nothing compares to it!│▌

jm_qs_18.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Quick Scan v1.8 -- A PCBoard PPE to
provide your users with more detailed
inforation than they normally would
have when reading messages. This is a
great addition for new and experienced
users alike.

jm_qt_10.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

QWK Transfer v1.0 -- A full featured QWK Mail
transfer PPE for PCBoard. This program allows
you to have the same features in others
programs. Download, Upload, Select/DeSelect
Conferences, Configure, complete help system,
commandline stacking and much more.

jm_rf_14.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Resume Flaged v1.4 -- This PCBoard PPE
came about due to the fact of life that
users loose carrier. The program as all
of ours are 100% configurable,
multilingual and very easy to use. No
crippled delays as the others,
maintenance free for you and your users
will just love it. This has been tested
on our system for over a year now and
works perfectly! !!! Major Release !!!

jm_sc_12.zip (30K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

SysOp Commands v1.2 -- This PPE will
allow you to protect your system from
unauthorized users by providing a menu
driven password and a minimum security
level for each of your SysOp commands.
Each SysOp option may contain a
different password. Colors and
Description of each of the SysOp
Commands is 100% SysOp definable.
jm_sp_14.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

System Operator Pager v1.4 - This PPE
is a complete (O)perator Page drop-in
replacement. The program will allow
multiple page times, per day, special
holidays with there own times, bad
users, priveleged users, and much
jm_sr_10.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Signature Rotator v1.0 -- A signature
rotator for the System Operator. Have
you ever wanted random signatures or
to add taglines to your signature
easily? This is the perfect solution.
This is a great program if your a
member of Team PCBoard as well and it's
FREE for all to use! No source since
this isn't a public domain program!
jm_wc_15.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

WhoCall v1.5 -- This is one of the many
PCB PPE's produced in the JM_ series of
PPE's. This program will calculate whos
called your system today and also create
a bulletin of whos called your system
yesterday, if you desire. This program
is 100% SysOp definable, multilingual
aware and super easy installation with
no crippled features. 100% seamless.
jm_wo_12.zip (29K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Who's Online v1.2 -- This will allow you
to more easily see WHO is on your system.
Some capabilities are that the program
is 100% multilingual aware, all screen
layouts and design are yours, with
built-in USERNET capability.
jm_wr_10.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Welcome Rotator v1.0 -- A complete PPE
easy to use random screen rotator with
many options for the System Operator.
Multilingual aware, random or
sequential modes of operation, and
much more.

jm_xm_16.zip (21K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

eXpert Mode Changer v1.6 -- A PCBoard
PPE to help your users in changing
their expert mode either on/off. Some
users accidently press x and enter and
don't know what they did. This will
assist in helping them not make this

join420.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

***  JOIN.PPE  v4.20 - For PCBoard 15.1  ***
Allows your  users to  choose conferences by
networks.  NOW  with  *ENHANCED*  Conference
Scanning!   GREAT for SysOps  with InterNet!
Allows users to scan past PCBoard's 12 char.
conference name limit.   Can also be used to
scan by conference description!   03/08/1994
PCBoard  15.1  [PPE],  (C)  Copyright  1994.

jsfdiz30.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

JSF-DIZ v3.00 DIZ/SDI Description Import
Utility for PCBoard - Released 11/04/95

jts_2dbrl2.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

───[ BOARD LiST 2.0  for PCB 15.21+ ]───
 The ultimate logoff list creator PPE.  
 New graphics, logfile and much more.
∙    _______________________________   ∙
::._/    _   /  _____/      ___/    \.::
[=/ \___//  /   _/__\__   _/_\   \___\=]
::\    \/  /    \/  \ /   \/ \\_     \::
:::\       \        //    /   \/     /::
::::\    __/\    __/ \  _/\_____    /:::

jts_2dexcl.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

────[ EXCLAiMS 1.0  for PCB 15.21+ ]────
 A "rumour" util, with nice interface
 and smoothly moving, faded lightbars! 
∙    _______________________________   ∙
::._/    _   /  _____/      ___/    \.::
[=/ \___//  /   _/__\__   _/_\   \___\=]
::\    \/  /    \/  \ /   \/ \\_     \::
:::\       \        //    /   \/     /::
::::\    __/\    __/ \  _/\_____    /:::

jts_2dlsta.zip (47K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[     Logon Stats PPE for PCBoard      ]
∙    _______________________________   ∙
:  _/    _   /  _____/      ___/    \  :
::/ \___//  /   _/__\__   _/_\   \__ \::
::\    \/  /    \/  \ /   \/ \\_     \::
:::\       \        //    /   \/     /::
::::\    __/\    __/ \  _/\_____    /:::

jts_2dmopr.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[    "More" prompt PPE / lightbars     ]
∙    _______________________________   ∙
:  _/    _   /  _____/      ___/    \  :
::/ \___//  /   _/__\__   _/_\   \__ \::
::\    \/  /    \/  \ /   \/ \\_     \::
:::\       \        //    /   \/     /::
::::\    __/\    __/ \  _/\_____    /:::

jts_2dqlin.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

───[ QUICK LOGIN 1.0 for PCB 15.21+ ]───
A "turbo login" PPE with 3 alternatives
and a smoothly moving, faded lightbar! 
∙    _______________________________   ∙
::._/    _   /  _____/      ___/    \.::
[=/ \___//  /   _/__\__   _/_\   \___\=]
::\    \/  /    \/  \ /   \/ \\_     \::
:::\       \        //    /   \/     /::
::::\    __/\    __/ \  _/\_____    /:::

k_2ddup100.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Da Pumper 1.oo - Blind Ul + Ul bar-selector  
   for PCB 15.2+ (k) kOPYRIGHT kElthAR       

k_2dread40.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

 ∙={■}=∙   /<-READ.PPE v.40 ßeta   ∙={■}=∙ 
The BEST (R)ead Msgs Command replacement.  
Easiest & most configurable lightbar       
message reading system.  v.40 is a GROSS   
UPDATE: lower memory requirements, smaller 
& faster code.  K-READ.PPE is the perfect  
compliment to RPROMPT.  Easy to install,   
looks great and your users will LOVE it;   
makes message reading a breeze.  Freeware. 
2/6/96.  raw sewage (309)389-4754.

k_qwk16b.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌┬────────[  /<-QWK v.16 ßeta  ]─────────┬┐
││   The most configurable QWK command   ││
││ replacement to date!  Fully lightbar  ││
││  driven.  Can be used in addition to  ││
││    your current QWK PPE, Door, etc.   ││
││ Good coding/backdoor free.  Freeware! ││
││         Minor Cosmetic Fix.           ││

kac101.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Kasa Add Comment (KAC.EXE) REL 1.01
04/14/97 DOS utilty for:
PCBOARD 15.22+ SYSOPS & anyone else
who want's their bbs advertized in
every DOWNLOAD from their system
This utility is ment to rapidly add
comments to ZIP files,
During downloads from your BBS.
Easy complete Destructions and sample
files provided.
A MUST FOR CD-ROM boards you now can
add your own bbs comments.

kalbk541.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

       ░▒▓█ @X0BKallback.ppe @X0Fv5.41@X07 █▓▒░@X0F
│ Allow your BBS to call back your users   │
│ to verify their phone and then increase  │
│ their access automatically. Also includes│
│ an optional subscription mode. Built in  │
│ config file creator/editor - language    │
│ file support. First and best call back   │
│ verifier. - Variable user expiration     │
│ date               -  expires 6/15/95.   │
│        From: ░▒▓ DM Soft ▓▒░             │

kasa9200.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔══════  PCBoard 15.3+ ════════════════════╗
╟─ KASA92.ppe PPLC 3.3.PPE─3─08─98─────────╢
║ Take care of PASSWORD Failures with this ║
║ SUITE of ppe's,    Countdown of incorrect║
║ attempts, plus super "LEAVE COMMENT TO   ║
║Very little config. SUPER EASY INSTALL    ║
║FREQ 1:120/523 KASA9200.ZIP NOW! FREEWARE!║
║ (c)1998 KASA Entertainment-Presents      ║

kasaadrb.zip (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔══════  PCBoard 15.3/2════════════════════╗
╟─ KASAADRB PPLC 3.3.PPE─04─09─97──────────╢
║E-MAIL Address book let's your users keep ║
║15 different E-MAIL address's with this   ║
║PCBTEXT prompt 199 replacement. EASY      ║
║SETUP, no config to mess with.            ║
║FREEWARE                                  ║
║ (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      ║

kasaannc.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
KASAANNC.PPE REL 1.0 PCBoard 15.22+ PPLC 3.4 
08/01/97. This .PPE will prompt your USERS   
they use the DOOR or OPEN command. SUPER     
EASY INSTALLATION. No config files. No       
MAINTENANCE. FREEWARE!!!                     
(c) 1997 Kasa Entertainment-Presents         

kasacmt2.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

PCBoard 15.3/2
KASACMT2.PPE PPLC 3.3 12/12/97

Let your callers choose from a number of
different sysops & subjects,when leaving
PROMPTS 1 & 571. Easy setup, simple
config.COLORFUL Displays, lightbar and
Quick DOS Utility to install PPE's
into PCBTEXT  $$$$$*FREEWARE*$$$$$
(c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents

kasacrsh.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
KASACRSH.PPE 08/05/97 PCB 15.3+ PPLC 3.3     
Is a Simple method of crashing multible      
FIDO Sites, thru one simple to setup EVENT.  
NO Restrictions on number of Sites that i    
can think of. FREEWARE!!!!!! REL 1.0 actually
a BETA TEST. Tested only on PCB 15.4 BETA.   
Looking for results on PCB 15.3.             
FIDO 1:120/523                               

kasafunc.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
KASAFUNC.PPE PCB 15.22+ PPLC 3.4 07/27/97    
Shifted Function Key Utilty to remind you of 
of what your Keys are used for. Can be used  
while user is online without thier knowledge 
10 line simple config. FREEWARE!!!!!         
(c) 1997 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-presents         

kasahist.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔══════  PCBoard 15.3/2+═══════════════════╗
╟─ KASAHIST PPLC 3.4.PPE 07─14─97──────────╢
║DISPLAY a quick history of users logons   ║
║Statistics, During logoff OR anywhere else║
║you choose to display this INFO. Requires ║
║PSA(5) Stats tobe installed. Displays 15  ║
║Various USER STATS From PSA(5).           ║
║freeware!! NO CONFIG                      ║
║CDC may have dumped you. KASA is still    ║
║SOLVENT and there when you need it        ║
║                                          ║
║ (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      ║

kasahour.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
KASAHOUR 07/28/97 PCB 15.22+ PPLC 3.4        
PCBTEXT Prompt 259 Replacement to inform
callers that No-Human callers are accepted   
plus the start & end times, then hangs up.   
No more Screwing around with the "M" FIDO    
EVENT for mailhour. 2 Simple line Config
(c)1997 KASA ENTERTAINMENT-Presents          

kasamnu2.zip (32K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔══════  PCBoard 15.22+════════════════════╗
╟─ KASAMENU.ppe  PPLC 3.4.PPE─08/02/97─────╢
║ Let your callers choose from a number of ║
║ different main menus, the one they prefer║
║ to use on your system. Easy SETUP, VERY  ║
║ small config. includes 13 sample  MENU'S ║
║ & KASATICK.PPE Tickertape STYLE messages.║
║Why pay for a menu system when this is    ║
║$$$$$*FREEWARE*$$$$$?                     ║
║Or make long Distant Calls to Register    ║
║   ***** Complete package.*****           ║
║ (c)1997 KASA Entertainment=Presents      ║

kasaqwk1.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
KASAQWK1.PPE Rel 1.0 PCB 15.3 PPLC 3.3
Rid yourself of the burdomsum PCB QWK PKT    
Command. Replace PCBTEXT prompt 678 with this
.PPE. DOES WHAT THE INTERNAL pcb command does
plus more (it works!) without any extra      
utilities. Simple (1) one line config.       
KASA Entertainment-Presents 09/06/1997       

kasaread.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌♦ KASAREAD [PPLC3.4] / PCB 15.22+         ♦┐
│KASAREAD is a lightbar menu for the read   │
│command of PCBoard. U.S.A. English rel of  │
│POBREAD. Replace PCBTEXT 425 & 584         │
│     *FREEWARE* [PPE3] by POB(c)1995       │
│        German PCBoard Distributor         │
│ PCBoard <*-POB-SUPPORT-BBS-*> Distributor │
│USR  33600 08807/993456 (20 NODES RINGDOWN)│
│ISDN 64000  08807/993434 (X75/V110 CAPI)   │
│  INTERNET E-Mail:rainer.lindner@pob.com   │
│     FIDO 2:2480/5678 ISDN 2:2480/567      │

kasareq.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
KASAREQ.PPE REL 1.0 PPLC 3.4 PCB 15.22+      
and KASA-326.PPE PCBTEXT Prompt 326 replace-
to let you users make file requests after
screwing up a download request or use in
your CMD.LST freeware from:

kasarip.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
PCBoard Sysops that use Savewares ANSI-ART-  
GALLERIES 2.0+ .Prompt your users to change
Graphics to RIP. Before using the Door.      
With KASARIP.PPE PCB 15.3+ PPLC 3.3 09/14/97 
installes in your DOOR .BAT FILE with one    
simple line. no config file Editable  screen 
100's of possible other uses for this
Great utility.
FREEWARE KASA Entertainment-Presents         

kasasec.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░
 KASASEC.PPE REL 1.0 PCB 15.3+ PPLC 3.3      
09/28/97 Simple multi-use ppe to let users   
quickly see what conferences their security  
level matches by name and number. installs   
just about anywhere in the BBS. NO Config    
FREEWARE! Easy setup.                        
(c) 1997 KASA Entertainment-Presents         

kasatic1.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░▒▓█▓▒░   ░▒▓█▓▒░  09/11/1997
KASATIC1.PPE Rel 1.5 PCBoard 15.3+ PPLC 3.3
Extemely simple .TIC & NODELIST precessor.   
compared to 100's of simular programs. runs  
in your DAILY EVENT. No need to manually     
process a NODELIST again or bother with .TIC 
files cluttering up your SYSTEM. This ppe    
uses the .TIC as a message to nodes/hubs     
in your NET. FREEWARE!!!!!!                  
KASA entertainment-Presents. (c) 1997        

kasawarn.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║KASAWARN USER V1.01 PCB 15.21+ PPE        ║
║PPLC 3.4 Warn your callers if they have   ║
║Expert mode set and/or No Transfer        ║
║Protocol. ALSO Display text to first time ║
║callers welcoming them to your BBS anywher║
║e you like simple config FREEWARE         ║
║ File_Id.Diz Created using KASADIZ.EXE    ║

kbalarm.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

KBAlarm.PPE 1.1, for PCBoard 15.2+          
Page/Alert Sysops when selected users        
logon to their BBS.! Fully Configurable     

kck1cube.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔═─∙■∙ User^Kick^Ass² R1 ∙■■∙ [PPE] ∙■∙─═╗ 
║ ────────────────────────────────────── ║ 
║ now you can kick out  a lame user with ║ 
║ line noise  or pretending  your  modem ║ 
║ doesn't have mnp/v42. maximum kickable ║ 
║ user level can be defined, so you will ║ 
║ not be able to kick  out a really cool ║ 
║    guy accidentally from your board    ║ 
║ configurable line noise ∙∙∙ looks real ║ 
║ ────────────────────────────────────── ║ 
╚══──∙∙··                [O5/18/95] ··∙─═╝ 

keno_121.zip (52K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Keno Analyzer v 1.21 - A program to let you
analyze the past performance of the WA State
Daily Keno game.  This program will help you
determine what numbers have a fair chance of
being drawn in the next game.  ALL 10 play
options are displayed with the daily pick.
Now includes KENO_PPE version for PCBoard.
Written by: Tim Fierro 11/10/93 @ 12:00 AM
Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE!

kicker10.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

■  Kicker v1.0 LORD Thingamabob  ■
Keep your players from hogging
higher levels.  Lazyware.
J. Masters

kidcrush.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

The Kid Crusher Ver 1.0 By John Kleinbauer
Stop the Kiddies from filling up your data
base with their mindless dribble. Sysops
before you resort to Caller ID, Callback
Verification,or a registration door please
read how to set your board up to Crush KIDS
and other PESTS. This is a method for
PCBoard only which can be turned on and
off quickly. *** FREEWARE ***

kin_2dlsts.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

--──────────── ▄ ───────────────[1/1]--
▀  ▄        ▄▄▄▄▄   ▄█ ░    ▄▀ ■   .
 ▄▓▓█ ░  ▄█▓█▀   ▀▀▀▄▄    ▄█▀ ░    |
  ▓██▌ ▄█▓▀   ▄▓▄   ▄▀██▄ ▀▓    KiNETiC
  ▐██ ▀▄   ░ ▐██▓  █▓▌ ▀█▀▄   · - -+- -
 ▀ ▓▌ ▀▓██▄   ███  ███ ■ ▀█▓▄   ENERGY!
ht ▓ ░  ▓██▀  ██▌░ ▐██▌ ░ ▐█▓▌     :
-- ▄ ─── ▀ ─── ▀ ─── ▀ ──── ▀ ──── . --
  ·∙∙──═══ REL-DATE: 04-02-95 ═══──∙∙·

kin_2dwho.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

--──────────── ▄ ───────────────[1/1]--
▀  ▄        ▄▄▄▄▄   ▄█ ░    ▄▀ ■   .
 ▄▓▓█ ░  ▄█▓█▀   ▀▀▀▄▄    ▄█▀ ░    |
  ▓██▌ ▄█▓▀   ▄▓▄   ▄▀██▄ ▀▓    KiNETiC
  ▐██ ▀▄   ░ ▐██▓  █▓▌ ▀█▀▄   · - -+- -
 ▀ ▓▌ ▀▓██▄   ███  ███ ■ ▀█▓▄   ENERGY!
ht ▓ ░  ▓██▀  ██▌░ ▐██▌ ░ ▐█▓▌     :
-- ▄ ─── ▀ ─── ▀ ─── ▀ ──── ▀ ──── . --
  ·∙∙──═══ REL-DATE: 04-02-95 ═══──∙∙·

kin_2dwho4.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LiTTLE-WHO v0.4ß PPE FOR PCB 15.2+    

kortreq.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Requests v1.0 PPE

kp1liner.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

A KILLER 1-LINER v1.00  - This PPE allows
users to write oneliners. It has one step    
installation and is easy to use. Supports @X0
Color codes.                                 
              FREEWARE Kyle Keller AKA KILLER

kry_2dcall.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│           CALL v1.0             │

kry_2djncf.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│     ~ JOIN CONFERENCE PPE ~     │

kry_2dn.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│▓ ████ ██ ████▀██ ████ ██ ████▀██ ▓│ 
│▒ ████ ██ ████ ██ ████ ██ ████ ██ ▒│ 
│· ▓███▀█▄ ▓███▀█▄ ▀▀▀▀▀██ ▓███ ██ ·│ 
│▒ ▒▓██ ██ ▒▓██ ██ ▒▓██ ██ ▒▓██ ██ ▒│ 
│▓ ░▒▓█ ██ ░▒▓█ ██ ░▒▓█▄██ ░▒▓█ ██ ▓│ 
│█ H  E  A  D  H  U  N  T  E  R  S █│ 
││    [99,9% USER CONFiGURABLE]    ││ 
│└[PPE DiViSiON]────────────[01/01]┘│ 

kry_2dpgle.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm


kry_2dsd10.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm


kry_2dspw3.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│    SYSTEM PASSWORD PPE v3.0     │
│      * SPECIAL EDITION *        │

ksrch100.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

◄◄◄◄◄ KEYSearch v1.0α Online Database ►►►►►
       For KeyBook Shopping Catalogs
         Fast, online DBF searches
          User friendly interface
            On-the-fly Pricing
            Written in PPL v.3

lb_msg_1.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

This is an excellent light-bar PPE to
to replace that lame prompt that comes
up when you press R. It is 100%
configurable with no registration hassle
and no crappy delay's.  This is the
best PPE of it's kind. Try it today.
Another fine PPE by

lb_msg_2.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[PPE] Version 1.01 of Message Read
PPE. It has sped up over 150%
This is an excellent light-bar PPE to
to replace that lame prompt that comes
up when you press R. It is 100%
configurable with no registration hassle
and no crappy delay's.  This is the
best PPE of it's kind. Try it today.
Including hot ANSI by
@X07Another fine PPE by

lb_msg_3.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[PPE] Version 3.01 of Message Read
PPE. It has sped up over 150%
This is an excellent light-bar PPE to
to replace that lame prompt that comes
up when you press R. It is 100%
configurable with no registration hassle
and no crappy delay's.  This is the
best PPE of it's kind. Try it today.
Including hot ANSI by
@X07Another fine PPE by

lb_msg_4.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[PPE] Version 4.21 of Message Read
@X07command. This is more than an update!
The PPE has been completely RECODED
since the earlier versions! It is
now REAL fast. It is a replacement
for your R command. A 100%
configurable LIGHT BAR PPE in PPL 3.0
FREE WARE! No Registration no delays!
Another fine PPE by

lbcs100.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

---- Light Bar Construction Set 1.0 ----
LBCS allows you to create custom light
bar prompts that can be used stand alone
or to replace internal PCBoard prompts.
The prompt is totally configurable, with
no author or program name displayed.
Menu items may stuff commands to the
keyboard, display a file, accept input
from the user, or run another PPE.
FREEWARE!  Another quality PowerPPE!
lbpk10.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[PPE] Lightbar Production Kit ───── (__) ─┐
│ Create custom prompt              (oo)  │
│ replacements using a       /-------\/   │
│ simple config process     / |     ||    │
│ SOURCE included. Also    *  ||----||    │
│ More? prompt and help       ^^    ^^    │
│ screen examples included.  by Mr. Data  │

lc082.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LastCallers ver 0.82 BETA.
This is a PPE written for PcBoard 15.1+
to display the last x callers when 
a user logs on. Also generates bulletin
files for today's and yesterday's 
callers. Now supports @x color codes.
Now has config program.

lcd_on10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

ONEliner 1.O
Here's a nice oneliner, cool input functions
and nice layout, everything is just cool.
use it!.

lchat.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

lchat11.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

           LiQUiD CHAT v1.1
Nice CHATTER, with pager, features cool
colors and all you need to splitchat!

lchlst10.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│ LEECHLST.PPE is a modifcation to        │
│ DLPROMPT.PPE. LEECHLST displays the     │
│ last 10 files, rather than 5 and has a  │
│ eye pleasing backdrop as well. Includes │
│ source.   Support BBS:  ThΣ NΘ-NÆMΣ ßßS │
│     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]     │
│  ø  FREE!, The way PPE's should be!  ø  │
───────────ø £ÉÉÇ├┤ of ANTi-X ø────────────

lcs_2dshuf.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Shuffler V1.0ß PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
PPE for shuffling ANSI's in PCBoard

ldude_2d15.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LastDudes 1.5 [PPE] Lastcaller for PCB

lenolm33.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

OnLine Message PPE v3.33 ... Supports up to
200 Line Messages between Nodes! Totally 

lf_on130.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

OneLiners and More PPE v1.30: Stat Screens;
One Liners; Last Few Callers; Message From
Last Caller; Cosmetic Changes; New Options

lfaf10.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Ansi Force PPE v1.0                   
Allows You to Display                 
an ANSI File at Login                 

lfgtpwd.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

lfnf10.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

New File Scan PPE v1.0                
Completely Lightbar Driven            
and 99.9 % Configurable               
Lots of possibilities :               
- Combined Conf Join                  
- Scan # Days Back                    
- Last Logon                          

lfzs10.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Zippy Scan PPE v1.0                   
Includes Combined                     
Conference Join                       

lies2.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌─ LIES,  The whole truth.......────┐
│ Add this PPE to any Display file  │
│ and get a smile out of your users.│
│ this version now supports RIP.    │
│ Add this one to your Script0 File │
│ Your callers will think before    │
│ they tell another lie.  :)        │
│ A White dragon PPE PRODUCTIONS    │
│ Formerly Cyber Realms Productions │

lightmnu.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0FThe Lightbar Menu v1.0@X07
You can use this PPE for almost anything
that uses a direct command from PCBoard.
Example > E for enter a message or R for
read a message. There are endless
posibilities. It would work great as a
submenu to help your new users with the
@X0BYou have to try this out @X0A@FIRST@@X0D!@X07

link12.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║            << LINK STATUS >>             ║
║    Version 1.2 ZyXEL modem LINK STATUS   ║
║    Recorder PPE for PCBoard version 15+  ║
║    Logs ZyXEL ATI2 report to disk at the ║
║    end of each users call.  Define node  ║
║    monitor thru CNF file.  FREEWARE!     ║

listy12.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LISTY.PPE - by Dan Shore - Version 1.2
A "Download Flagged files (Y)" enhancement
PPE.  This PPE will display a list of all
flagged files including the file size and
approximate download times for every file
right *BEFORE*  the D/L Flagged files prompt
-= FREEWARE =-  The Source code is included
Requires PCB 15.22 

litebar.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  LiteBar v1.00 by Tom Grandgent
   A WizWare '94 PPE Production
LiteBar is a general purpose menu
system for PCBoard w/ a lightbar
interface and many features, also
very configurable.  Run PPEs, view
files, or stuff the keyboard buffer
to do almost anything!  FREEWARE!

litepak1.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Litebar PPE PAK#1        fIleAxYs Software
│ QWK - Replacement - X-Pert Mode Toggle │
│   -  Broadcast command replacement.    │
│ All 3 PPE's written for   PCBoard 15.1 │
│  All PPE's feature Litebar Menus with  │
│   Cursor key movement.  Configurable   │
│       Display screens and color.       │
│  Enhance the look, feel,  and ease of  │
│               your BBS!!!              │
│ EASY SETUP!     Written by Robert Ball │

llotqp11.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

This is a PPE program that will allow your
users to generate Quik Pik numbers for play
in the Louisiana Lottery or any lottery that
uses six numbers from 1 to 44.

lnrpcb20.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Liners v2.0 for PCBoard PPE app that allows
your users to enter one line comments to
other callers. Your users can also select
the color of their "Liner" at time of entry.
SysOp configurable display modes of "So and
so said" or "Anonymous". SysOp configurable
profanity filter will reject Liners that
have bad words in them!  Easy to install!
************ FREE REGISTRATION ************

lns_2dmess.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Ami-X Style Message Enhancer v0.01 BETA

lns_2dwall.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm


lns_mess.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Ami-X Style Message Enhancer v0.01 BETA

lnz202.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Ever wanted to use the L, N or Z to search
across all conferences?  Well, here's the
perfect PPE to do such a task.  Treat your
users to something special.  Download this
new and improved LNZ.PPE for your enjoyment.
There are many changes to they way it
operates but very little visual display
changes.  Fixed the problems with multinode
and drop carrier problems.  Requires v15.21
dated 01/19/95.

lo001.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

'List Orphans' is a tiny util that will
look at all of the .tic files in a
given directory, and write a formatted
report listing file titles, fileecho,
and file description. DOS and OS/2
executables included.
Freebie, of course...

locked10.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│ PPE PCBLock Version 1.00 PPE │
│   Allow Locked-Out Users to  │
│   have Sysops call them to   │
│  discuss why they are locked │
│ out!  FREEWARE from DynaSOFT │

login101.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NewLogin Version 1.01 [PPE]
For PCBoard 15.2 and Higher
Extended New User Login Commands!
You have to see this!
- By DynaSOFT, Free Registration -

login122.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

▀▀\     ▀▀▀▀▀\   ▀▀▀▀▀\  ▀▀\ ▀▀▀▀▀▀\
▀▀\    ▀▀\  ▀▀\ ▀▀\      ▀▀\ ▀▀\  ▀▀\
▀▀\    ▀▀\  ▀▀\ ▀▀\ ▀▀▀\ ▀▀\ ▀▀\  ▀▀\
▀▀\    ▀▀\  ▀▀\ ▀▀\ ▀▀\  ▀▀\ ▀▀\  ▀▀\
▀▀▀▀▀▀\ ▀▀▀▀▀\   ▀▀▀▀▀\  ▀▀\ ▀▀\  ▀▀\
≡≡≡≡≡≡ Login PPE program v1.22 ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
│Customizable login program that will│
│display up to 20 different login    │
│screens with customizable prompt    │
│positions. Can also be used just as │
│a WELCOME screen rotator.           │
    PPE program for PCB 15.21+
 Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software

logoff11.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

█▓▒▒ LogOff v1.1  -  Automatic Logoff    ▒▒▓█
│   LogOff is a PPE to help in penalizing   │
│ your users who allow a keyboard timeout.  │
│ This PPE uses a config file to get        │
│ security, and amt. of time to deduct from │
│ the user. Will also send a message to the │
│ user, of your choice..Or you can use the  │
│ one already supplied. Makes entry to LOG. │
│ Programmer: Richard Stewart               │
╘═     (c) 1994 - The North Shore BBS      ═╛

logonof3.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LOGONOFF PPE V1.2 Broadcasts to all other
nodes that a person has logged on or off.
Definable options .. Show Sysop Yes or No,
Show Alias Yes or No Supports notification to
users in Hot Chat. Complete customization
with its own pcbtext style prompt file.

lokot.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

*************** PHANTOM BBS ************
************* (716)-366-3884 ***********

lopbck28.zip (25K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

lopbk500.zip (273K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LoopBack v5.00 [PPE]  Call-Back verifier
for PCBoard v15.21.  Supports multi-lingual
prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
caller-ID searching, automated messages,
powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
file flagging, international support, call
back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
lopbk501.zip (275K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LoopBack v5.01 [PPE]  Call-Back verifier
for PCBoard v15.xx.  Supports multi-lingual
prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans,
caller-ID searching, automated messages,
powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables,
file flagging, international support, call
back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE!
lotto110.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

LOTTO.PPE Version 1.10. Updates to the
original release of this program.  Its
no longer restricted to just the LOGON
screen.  Read the history for more info!

lotto_01.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

* Lotto v1.0 for PCB v15.x **             *
* A PPE to generate Quick Pick numbers    *
* for play in most state's Lotto.         *
* (Pick 6 of xx set in cfg file.)         *
* American Software Development Shareware *
* Support BBS at (318) 443-0271           *

lqd_uko1.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

        User Kickout v1.0
Online user kicker, get your lines
free right now, 5 kickways included
1 configurable!

lqdbrth1.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

           BirTH  v1.0
 Birthday Utility, your users can
enter their Bdays in an DBF file and
     will be congratulated

ls_21d_2dlco.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE]

ls_21ecom.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE]

ls_d_lco.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Replace U'r D/L prompt [PPE]

ls_ecom.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Replace U'r Comment Prompt [PPE]

lsconf10.zip (17K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Update from Source files for STARCON1.PPE
Original source programmed by Mohammed
Alsbeiay of MidNight BBS - Saudi Arabia
This rewrite allows up to 31 character
description of the first 99 Conference
Names. No commandline arguments are needed.
Just plug and play.  New file included is
LSCONF.PPE programmed by LightSpeed Software
There is obviously NO registration fee.
FREEWARE. LightSpeed Software (817) 666-9075
FidoNet  1:388/16

lspd_2deql.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  _ __________________________________________
    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
          \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
     Enhanced Quick Logon PPE!      

lspd_2dnup.zip (40K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  _ __________________________________________
    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
          \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
          New User Password PPE by Digivamp
      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315]-

lspd_2dvfb.zip (63K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

_ __________________________________________
  _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
       \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
        \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
   eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
   |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
           Virtual File Browser by SqZ
∙{TAB}·¡Dístributéd By UFP Cóurieríng!·{TAB}∙

lspd_2dvts.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

_ __________________________________________
  _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
       \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
        \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
   eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
   |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
           Virtual Textfile Sorting Util
∙{TAB}·¡Dístributéd By UFP Cóurieríng!·{TAB}∙

lspderv1.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  _ __________________________________________
    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
          \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
            ER-View PPE Executor v.01
      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315]-
      [DtC] -[ Courier'd By Distinct ] - [DtC]

lspdex1.zip (87K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  _ __________________________________________
    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
          \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
        Quick PPE Executor v1.0 by DigiVamp
             -/- High Tech Couriers -/-                   
      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315]-

lspdfcmd.zip (46K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

lspdol12.zip (75K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  _ __________________________________________
    _ ___     __\__ __ __   \ _  _ __\  __ _  \
         \      /____     __/  ______/   ./   /
          \          \   |_\__    \/     ____/
     eraser\_____    /   |        /     |
     |LiGHTSPeeD                       [o1/o1]|
          One Liners PPE v1.2 by MadMonk
      Passed Through Digital Delusions -[315]-

ltag11.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

ltag12.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

::: Local Tagline v1.2 : PCBoard .PPE that
lets you use your taglines when logged on
locally. Fully configurable and FREE!!!!!!
Version 1.1 now has a scrollable pick list!
Another ingenious Sy Kopath production 
Updated for PCBoard 15.21..

lucky_2d31.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│This program, by Sysop configurations,│
│shall award extra time and extra down │
│load bytes to the person who is lucky │
│enough to fill out the survey.  This  │
│is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0.  This│
│program is PUBLIC DOMAIN!  Its purpose│
│is to better help the Sysop gain a    │
│private & honest understanding from   │
│the users.┌────────VERSION 3.1────────┘
└──────────┘ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
lucky_30.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

lucky_31.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

program, by Sysop configurations, shall award
extra time and extra down load bytes to the
person who is lucky enough to fill out the
survey. This is compiled by the new PPLC 3.0.
This program is PUBLIC DOMAIN! Its purpose is
to better help the Sysop gain a private &
honest understanding from the users.

m2001pwa.zip (123K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MATRIX 2000 v1.0 by CALCULUS Productions
PCBOARD 15.1 Matrix Login   [Bug Fixes]

madthc80.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

THCDOS 8.0: PCB 15.1 PPE. DOS Login Matrix
Like GNSDOS, but much better and bugfixed!

madwho50.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MaD-WhO V0.50 for PCB15.1+

mafpcb10.zip (37K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Logon/logoff PPE v1.0ß by BlackCat
configurable, great lastcallers,
oneliners, broadcast, automessage
and more.

maill501.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

The Mailing List Builder v5.01  [PPE]       :
Builds a complete comma delimited file of   :
all your users mailing info from your USERS :
file. Fast, simple and completely free!     :
(c)1996 Practical Computer Services         :

mailuu11.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│  MAILUUCP                 v1.1  │
│ NEW: For PCB V15.21             │
│  Allows your users to (E)nter   │
│ a message to the INTERNET via   │
│ FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just   │
│ ONE keystroke. Easy to install, │
│ Easy to use, Easy on the $$ :-) │
│ FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like │
│ you wrote it yourself!          │

mailuucp.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│  MAILUUCP                 v1.0  │
│                                 │
│  Allows your users to (E)nter   │
│ a message to the INTERNET via   │
│ FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just   │
│ ONE keystroke. Easy to install, │
│ Easy to use, Easy on the $$ :-) │
│ FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like │
│ you wrote it yourself!          │

makebn15.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MAKEBLTN.PPE v1.5 - PCBoard TOP Caller
Bulletins Generator - very Sysop configu-
rable to generate one or four Bulletins
complete with defined color codes. Top x
Callers, Top x Downloaders, Top x Upload-
ers, Top x Cities. Written in C for more
speed.  Now works on multinode systems
and upto 90K users.  Math bug fix.
makeup1.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Makeup v1.0  makeup.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
Forces users to complete address info for the
address PSA (except line 2 of street address).
Also forces entry for verification psa.  User
must complete blanks or log off, but it tries
to avoid rudeness.
Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS

makmwait.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Make-m-wait PPE version 0.1
Put in your event batch file
such that your board will be
tied up while it's running.

mall14.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Mall.PPE - version 1.4 - Written 
    using version  2.00 of the
    PCBOARD PPL language.  Allows
    up to 66 "Stores", payment
    C.O.D., CASH or Credit Card.
    Provides for On-line Help, and
    special instruction screens. Now 
    with search functions. 

malpatch.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌──{ Patch file for PHRIKIT 2.2         )──┐
│ This file will fix the bug where the     │
│ multi menu system only displays the      │
│ "PHANTOM BBS", just copy this file in to │
│ your MULTI ppe dir and copy over the     │
│ orignal file.                            │
│                                          │
│PHANTOM PPE'S PHANTOM BBS (716)-366-3884  │

mat65ace.zip (172K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

█▓██▀▀▀▀█▓▓█▀▀▀▀▀▀█▓▀▀▀▀ ▀·▌P▐
▓█▀ ▄█▀▄ ▀▀ ▄█▀▀▀▄  ▄█▀▀▀▄ ▌r▐
█ ≡██ ≡ █ ≡██ ≡≡≡  ██ ≡≡≡≡ ▌e▐
▌g██ ≡≡≡ █ ██ ≡≡≡≡ ███▄▄▀ ≡▌s▐
▌z██ ▀ ▀▀█ ██ ≡≡≡  ██ ≡≡≡≡ ▌e▐
▌≡██ ≡≡≡ █ ≡▀█▄▄▄▀ ≡▀█▄▄▄▀ ▌n▐
▌ Lightbar Matrix/NUV PPE  ▌s▐
▌          v6.5       [1/1]▌▄▐

This is the Matrix of choice for the Sysop
running a combination Private/Public BBS!
-Over 25+ random Matrix & logon screens.
-Lightbar NUV. with color and screen config.
-RIP/ANSI/etc. detect routines in ANSI.PPE.
-Checks DOB/phone number of user on logon.      
-True Multinode support - Minimum Baud set.
-Separate infoforms for NUP & Public users.
-Has mandatory upload opt. for NUP users.
-Page/Comment/Upload-DL all from Matrix.
-Allow/disallow ASCii Callers.
-Built in disclaimer w/Address PSA support.
-Built in Counter for password failures.
-Supports ProVote & Other popular PPEs.

matrix10.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X09Matrix.ppe by Mukunda Modell.            
Matrix.ppe is the BEST Logon matrix PPE      
for PCBoard 15.21, including features not    
found in ANY PPE ANYWHERE (That is known     
by the author).  This is a defanite must have!
mavo14za.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MAVOTE Version 1.4Z - Free, Compact, Fast Super Voting PPE!
Maximum 20 Questions - 10 Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes
Contains its own MAUSER Login door for notifying users to vote!
Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR upgrade from version 1.3
Converts old MAVOTE.DAT's and creates new MAVOTE.BIN's.
Its Freeware!  Not crippleware, and not see you later shareware!

mavo15za.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MAVOTE Version 1.5Zb - Free, Compact,
Fast Super Voting PPE!  Maximum 20 Questions
10 Answers Each - Perfect for 2-10 node BBSes
Contains its own MAUSER Login door for notifying
users to vote!  Ultra-fast, a complete MAJOR
upgrade from version 1.3  Converts old MAVOTE.DAT's
and creates new MAVOTE.BIN's.  Its Freeware!
Not crippleware and not see you later shareware!

mavote13.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Moon Angel Voting PPE  v1.3
Its FreeWare, and it works!
Currently supports up to 20 questions.
Uses Caller Notes PSA.  Extremely compact.
Has an optional logon feature to notify
users about new voting questions, etc.
Easy to use menus and tables.

mbeep102.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MAILBEEP V1.02 By Dave Blagburn. Mailbeep
will give an audible alarm on incoming
netmail and display a new netmail message on
the callwaiting screen (registered version).
Requires PCB 15.22. Cosmetic upgrade.

mc0295.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MAIL CENTRAL PPE. MC.PPE is a menu that
controls most all PCBoard commands for using
or related to the BBS mail system

mc_at100.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0b│
│Author : Mc Freddy Z  / Rel : Dec.28.1994│
│Simple & Small PPE. Easy Install. It Will│
│ALWAYS Be Up To Date.  Read Docs For Info│

mdcscan3.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

        ·──═  MDCScan v1.3  ═──·
 The BEST New File Scanner for PCBoard!
 Completely Configurable, nice ansi, easy
 Installtion, FREE!, a wonderful PPE!
 This will prompt your users during logon
 to look at New Files since last CALLED!
 ············· Major·Update! ············

mdfile21.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Mighty Duck's FileViewer v2.1           
FileViewing PPE for PCBoard. Fully seemless
operation. No stupid pauses, no registration
(it's FREEWARE), and no nags.
Displays files in ZIP (only supports ZIP)
along the top of the screen. Checks file
integrity before tagging to download. Able to
retreive a file in zip for separate download.
Many more functions...  
mdnode11.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Mighty Duck's QNode v1.1                
QNode is a nodelist browser for QFront. Also
helps users to Enter msgs in your NetMail
Fully configurable. Includes source. FREEWARE
Version 1.2 will have REply function.

Mighty Duck is dedicated to giving PCBoard
SysOp's quality, FREE software...
mdread14.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Mighty Duck's Mail Reader v1.2         
Uses menus to help users to read their mail.
Menus, prompts and all screens are TOTALLY
configurable, and are Security, Graphics and
Language aware.
FREEWARE: No delays, no nags, no disabled
functions.               MUST USE PKUNZIP -D
Dedicated to giving you FREE, quality
mdro10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

The Mighty Duck Log-on Screen Randomizer

Allows for up to 65535 different log-on
Allows cursor to be anywhere, when asking
for name and password.

mdy_ntr1.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Enhanced ENTER Prompt for PCB 15.x

mdy_topu.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Topuploaders 1.0! [PPE]

mdy_vpb.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Prompt Selector 1.0ß For PCB 15.2

men_2djn11.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Norton Commander Conference Join v1.1b
The Join Conference you have been
waiting for a long time!
 ■ Divide your conf's in groups
 ■ 100% lightbar supported
 ■ Norton Commander look
 ■ Security level aware
 ■ Enter long group descriptions
 ■ Fast scrolling

men_jn11.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Norton Commander Conference Join v1.1b
The Join Conference you have been
waiting for a long time!
 ■ Divide your conf's in groups
 ■ 100% lightbar supported
 ■ Norton Commander look
 ■ Security level aware
 ■ Enter long group descriptions
 ■ Fast scrolling

menu100.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔══════  PCBoard ══════════════════════════╗
╟─ M e n u S e l e c t ──────────── v1.00 ─╢
║ Let your callers choose from a number of ║
║ different main menus, the one they prefer║
║ to use on your system.                   ║
║ [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          ║
║ Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software       ║

menu110.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔══════  PCBoard ══════════════════════════╗
╟─ M e n u S e l e c t ──────────── v1.10 ─╢
║ Let your callers choose from a number of ║
║ different main menus, the one they prefer║
║ to use on your system.                   ║
║ [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x]          ║
║ Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software       ║

menux_2d11.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

   MENU/X v1.1 for PCBoard v15.21+
MainMenu system with a Lightbar,easy
config, great security, ascii. Fixed
a few bugs, added some stuff too...
    Coded by: JoLLY RoGeR / COWS

meryxmas.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

message.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

This is a PPE designed for the Demo version.
It contains a very simple New User message
PPE, in under 10 lines of code, with a
complete explanation of all functions used.
It will give an example of some of the
features and functions for the PPL Compiler.
Copyright 1994 Clark Development Company.

mflag11.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[PPE] Major Upgrade to FLAG.PPE! Enhanced
status/prompt line. rewritten to control
NON-batch protocol users, and users that have
NO default protocol selected. ALL info
screens are EXTERNAL,SEC+GRAPH+LANG specific.
(Major shortcoming of original FLAG.PPE was
that batch mode protocol by user was
assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
flagged file will be offered for downloading
immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
protocol ="N", then user is forced to select
a protocol by PPE before flagging is allowed

mflag201.zip (64K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X1EMultiflagsystem 2.01 for PCBoard 15.x@X0F
@X1ETag files by cursormovement(LIGHTBAR)@X0F
* Autodetection for ansi or monochrome 
* Support for PCBoard @X variables     
* External config and helpfiles        
* Multilingual support,Download preview
* Simple install with setuputility     
* Many many powerfull features more!   
* Make your live easy with MFLAGGI!    
Demoversion and Update for reg. Users  

mflag30.zip (113K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MFLaggi v3.00 Multiflagsystem PCBoard
@X1F║         Multilingual PPE !!!     ║@X08█
@X1F║1. FILETAGGING by Cursormovement  ║@X08█
@X1F║2. Norton Commander Style/Toggle  ║@X08█
@X1F║3. DIRECT download from Filelist  ║@X08█
@X1F║4. DESCRIPTIONGRABBER in Preview  ║@X08█
@X1F║5. Mark/Toggle/Erase from DL-LIST ║@X08█
@X1F║6. SAVE/RESUME/RESTORE Function   ║@X08█
@X1F║  Official PCBdistributor AUSTRIA ║@X08█
@X1F║  All in one for your PCB 15.2x   ║@X08█
@X1F╚═══════════[MFLAGGI 3.00]═════════╝@X08█
@X08 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
mge_lg10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AMi-LOGOFF v1.O! [PPE] FOR PCB 15.21

mge_st10.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

   mGE sTATS v1.O [PPE] FOR PCB 15.21

mgppe10.zip (71K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Marble Guess for Pc Board v1.0, a rendition
of the classic game of Master Mind. Supports
RipScrip 1.54 graphics and the source code
is included! A PPE file is also included for
quick installation. All RIPScrip files are
also included and can be changed to give
the program an entirely new look. And the
best part of all its FREEWARE!!! Developers
use this program as an example on how to
add RipScrip support to your programs.
Developed using JDraw and JMedia, RipScrip
editors from Blueview Software.

mid5ppe.zip (24K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

        This File Contain 5 PPE Files
     For Pcboard 15.1+ By PPLC version 2
(1) a replacement to your MainMenu .
(2) a Replacement to your Files Directory .
(3) a Replacement to your (W) (V) Commands .
(5) a replacement to your Conferences Menu .
   Programmed By Mohammed Rashed Alsbeiay
           SysOp of MidNight BBS
       Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
       BBS Number 966-01-4225067,,,,,23
          Voice Number 966-01-4225067

mind_101.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

masterMIND v 1.01 PPE - The original game of
MIND brought to you in 'seamless' integration
to your PCBoard v 15.1 BBS using PPLC v 2.0.
8 guesses to determine the correct 4 digit
code with a color pattern shown so that you
can see how close you are. Keeps the best 15
entries until the high score file is reset.
*****  Released on 01/24/93 @ 06:00 AM  *****
Brought to you by The Racer's Edge * TRE!

mkalias2.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

=-=-=-=-=- MKALIAS.PPE V1.1 =-=-=-=-=-=
Add a little glitz and ease to the
Alias management of PCBoard!  Add
graphics + security + language display
files to explain your own Alias rules.
All display screens fully customizable.
support for GRAPHIC+SEC+LANG formats.
Multi-Node compatibile. Sends MSG to
notify alias changes to names you list
in the CFG file!
        Miracle! Software
   (If it works, its a Miracle!)
Support BBS: Hazels Hideaway
      SysOp: Ralph Myers
          (513) 752-3139
2400-14400bd's V.32 V.42 etc. etc.

mkdir.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MKDIR.PPE is a PPE designed to create
DIR files from the files available on
the hard drive. THIS WILL NOT IMPORT
NEW ONES! It is designed for
corporations, or people wqho do not wish
file descriptions and file maintenance
through PCBFiler.

ml100.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

──[ The Mailing List PPE - v1.00 ]──────────

The Mailing List PPE allows  users to create
and manage a set of personal  mailing lists.
These lists make it possible to address mail
messages to  multiple users without the need
to enter the usernames  seperately each time
a message is sent.
                         KrystalWare Systems

mlt_101.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│ A PcBoard  PPE  that displays │
│ Their Alias, City/State, Baud │
│ rate, Time, Date,  and Either │
│ ANS/ASC,  RIP 1.x, or RIP 2.x │
│ depending  on  what  terminal │
│ they are using. Plus, it is a │
│       FREE REGISTRATION!      │

mltimenu.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

     )\____ _ ___ ___ __ __ _ _/(                                             
 .  /  ___/  |   \   \  |  \ |   \ .                                          
 |  \___._ \    /  ?  \ .  /    /  .                                          
 .  /   |  / .  \  _  /    \ .  \  |                                          
,---\  ___/__|__/__|__\__|_/_|  /----,                                        
|   \(   [X] SKANK 1995 [X]   )/     |                                        
| Multi-Main Menu By The Gatekeeper  |                                        
  |"I WILL NOT EAT THEM WITH A FOX"|                                          
      ..MeoW mEoW KitTy MeoW..                                                

mmaze10.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Multi-Maze 1.0
SysOp configurable mazes.
2 or 3 dimensional

mmenu10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

mnr_news.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

        News PPE v1.0
Display 7 Standard News Forms
       And 1 Freeform

mode1v10.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Mode1.ppe v1.0  -  PPL 2.0
Writen for Pcboard v15.1
Do you use Rip Graphics? Now
when users log on to your BBS
they can now see a display
telling them what color options
are available.  The Prompt:
Do you want graphics (enter)=no
will display the option of Rip,
instead of just answering YES/N0
Writen By: Wayne Lampiasi

moltqp10.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

v15.0. This is a PPE program that will allow
your users to generate Quik Pik numbers for
play in the Missouri Lottery.  Shareware by
Chuck Hogard! Hogard Software Solutions BBS
(214) 641-6292. ASP Member BBS.

moni13.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

UltraMoni - v1.3  - PCBMONI .PPE  replacement
for the busy  PCBoard Sysop.  User  definable
update and scroll interval.  View online user
record.  Update node info.  Full and  compact
display mode.   Fully functional.   Shareware
only $10.  Free BBS support.  NEW for v1.1  -
Support for  Caller Management  System (CMS).
New in v1.3 - Support for PCB 15.21.
This is a must try!!  Released 03/15/95.

moonch11.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

morerip.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

More Text Display it? Hmm, I had trouble
with the MORE.PPE included with the RIPKIT
in a way that the Keyboard inactivity timer
would not time out and kick the user off
the BBS. So I made my own More prompt to fix
the problem and you don't need a PPE.

movie200.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Pepster's Movie Time Trivia 2.00
(including Time Bank 1.00)
The best PPE game written for 
PCBoard 15.2 that includes a
time bank.  Allows users to
add to questionaire, Top Ten
bulletin, New Question 
bulletin and automatic sysop 
message informing him/her of a
new question.  


moz_2danum.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

▓     Automatic New User Message PPE     ▓  
▒            Coded by VENiOR             ▒  
░         Release date 06/06/95          ░  
░           [Redefining ART!]            ░  

moz_2dem11.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

▓         Enter Message PPE v1.10        ▓  
▒   "E" replacement coded by DR.BLACK!   ▒  
░          Release date 06/06/95         ░  

mp_13.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0A█▓▒░          Msg-Pack  v1.3          ░▒▓█
@X0BMsg-Pack v1.3 QWK Interface for PCBoard!
@X0BThis PPE allows you to give your users an
@X0Beasy to read, easy to understand, and
@X0Beasy to move around in.  Features include:
@X0BSelect/Deselect conferences, Upload a REP
@X0Bpacket, download a QWK packet, & change
@X0Blimits settings.  Future release will
@X0Binclude a help system as well.  Minor Bug
@X0Bfix release.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.

mp_2b.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0A█▓▒░          Msg-Pack  v2.ß           ░▒▓█
@X0BMsg-Pack v2.ß QWK Interface for PCBoard! 
@X0BThis PPE allows you to give your users an
@X0Beasy to read, easy to understand, and
@X0Beasy to move around in QWK interface.
@X0BFeatures include: Select/Deselect confs,
@X0BUpload a REP packet, download a QWK 
@X0Bpacket, & change limits settings.  Future
@X0Breleases will include a help system as well.
@X0Bv2.ß is a minor upgrade release with a few 
@X0Bchanges.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.

mp_2d15.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0A█▓▒░          Msg-Pack  v1.5           ░▒▓█
@X0BMsg-Pack v1.5 QWK Interface for PCBoard! 
@X0BThis PPE allows you to give your users an
@X0Beasy to read, easy to understand, and
@X0Beasy to move around in QWK interface.
@X0BFeatures include: Select/Deselect confs,
@X0BUpload a REP packet, download a QWK 
@X0Bpacket, & change limits settings.  Future
@X0Breleases will include a help system as well.
@X0Bv1.5 is a minor upgrade release with a few 
@X0Bchanges.  Requires PCBoard v15.21+.

mpgs205.zip (74K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MPGS.PPE v2.05 Shareware *RELEASE* 
   DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM
For PCBOARD v15.21 Only! - NOT Crippled!
Player Game Server via a multinode BBS using 
APCi custom PassThrough cables or TRN custom 
'Switch Cables'. A very nice, quick, and easy
to set up interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast!
Now Supports a full 16 nodes!
MPGS (c) Applied Personal Computing, Inc.
O'Fallon, Illinois, USA
Coded by WizBandit, SYSOP:T∞R∞N

mpgs3084.zip (50K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MPGS.PPE *DEMO* v3.08.4   Play from your BBS!
   DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM - DooM
    Heretic - Descent - Heretic - Descent
For PCBOARD v15.21 Only!    BETA Tester Copy!
Player Game Server via a multinode BBS using 
APCi custom PassThrough cables or JTEC custom 
'Switch Cables'. A very nice, quick, and easy
to set up interface. 4 Player DooM is a Blast!
Now Supports a full 16 nodes!  -  SYSOPS L00K!
* 4 Player Heretic & 8 Player Descent support*
SOON from APCi!   #1 for Game Server software!
MPGS (c) Applied Personal Computing, Inc.
O'Fallon, Illinois, USA
Coded by WizBandit, SYSOP:T∙R∙N

mpgssd15.zip (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│┌┘             M P G S            └┐│
│             S C H E D              │
│      Version 1.05   03/12/96       │
│  Now you can allow users to make   │
│   appointments to play on your     │
│        MPGS Game Server!           │
│  ►PCBOARD v. 15.22+ PPE            │
│  ►No more meeting messages!        │
│  ►Increase MPGS usage!             │
│└┐ ►Reminder login PPE!           ┌┘│

mscan06b.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│ ZIPPY Scan Across Multiple Conferences   │
│ ▄██████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ ▄█████▄ │
│ ██ ██ ██ ██▄▄▄▄  ██      ██▄▄▄██ ██   ██ │
│ ██ ██ ██  ▀▀▀▀██ ██      ██▀▀▀██ ██   ██ │
│ ██ ██ ██ ▀█████▀ ▀█████▀ ██   ██ ██   ██ │
│ ──────────────────────────────────────── │
│            Version 0.06 Beta             │
│   If You Run CDROMS You Need This PPE!   │
│            For PCBoard v15.21+           │
│       An UltiWares(c)1995 Release        │

msg101.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MSG.PPE - Count & average messages.
Writes @X-color bulletin. Bulletin
colors and location of bulletin are
configurable. SysOp can define any 2
conferences (USENET Junk & Fido BAD)
to be excluded from totals & averages.
For PCBoard 15.22+ FreeWare, ver 1.01

msg2n100.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MSG2NC.PPE v1.0 -by Herbert Bushong
Message to Next Caller PPE - Allow your
callers to leave 1,2,3 whatever lines to the
next caller. Highly configurable, can limit
who can post via security and Twit list. All
displays, prompts, and colors are
configurable with SEC, GRAPH, and LANG
variations. Compiled with PPLC 3.1
Requires PCBoard 15.21+

msgmenu.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Message menu is basically the same menu
system we use here on Salt Air for our
(C)omment to Sysop command.  It will let you
pop up a menu for your callers with cursor
key control to select the topic they want to
leave a message about.  This one has been
rewritten to use an external file, for those
that don't have the PPL Compiler.
Freeware, source included.
msgmenu1.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Message menu is a modified version of the 
MSG.PPE provided by the folks on Salt Air.
is basically the same menu system used on 
Salt Air for their (C)omment to Sysop 
command.  It will let you pop up a menu 
for your callers with cursor key control 
to select the topic they want to leave a 
message about.  New Features: Easier to 
tell what name your on in non-graphics, 
ESC aborts process, ability to display 
logo file to right of name list, MSG.CFG 
easier to update. Freeware, source 

msgque11.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MsgQuest v1.1 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE to
place script questionnaire answer files into
your message bases & fully configurable too!

msgtag10.zip (47K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Message Tagging Suite PPE's - Version 1.0
A suite of PPE's that allows TAGGING of
message numbers while using PCB's "Q"uick Msg
Scan function.  You can READ, KILL, or
RECOVER *TAGGED* messages.  Released as
"ContinueWare" with the hopes of other
SysOp's continuing development of this fine
suite of products. FREEWARE with source code
included.  By Dan Shore - 

msgtag12.zip (57K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Message Tagging Suite PPE's - Version 1.02
** Update from version 1.01 by Dan Shore **
A suite of PPE's that allows TAGGING of
message numbers while using PCB's "Q"uick Msg
Scan function.  You can READ, KILL, or
RECOVER *TAGGED* messages.  Released as
"ContinueWare" with the hopes of other
SysOp's continuing development of this fine
suite of products. FREEWARE with source code
included.  By Dan Shore - 

mstrlist.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MSTRLIST.PPE v1.00a - Compiled on 04-25-93
PCBoard 15.0 - [PPE] program that will let
your user create a customized allfiles.zip
I could use a hand with this program, I've
wrote all the code and the program does do
what it is suppose to do,  I would like to
optimize it a little better than it is.   
Complete Source Code Included.            

msw_em02.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌--)\____  _____)\______________    ___/(-─┐
:  |   . \/ .   |   _______     |/\|    |  :
∙  |    \  /    |_______   |    /  \    |  ∙
:  | ___|\/|______________ |_____/\____ |  :
: Allows you to use * when entering a name :
∙ like in /X , will show you all the users ∙
∙ matching the pattern, and will allow you ∙
:   to select one using lightbar (beta!)   :

msw_ol03.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌--)\____  _____)\______________    ___/(-─┐
:  |   . \/ .   |   _______     |/\|    |  :
∙  |    \  /    |_______   |    /  \    |  ∙
:  | ___|\/|______________ |_____/\____ |  :
:  Send messages to online users on other  :
∙ nodes, up to 10 msg lines, very configu- ∙
∙ rable, return receipts, excluded users.  ∙
: One of the best OLMs! (beta but bugfree) :
└─-[PPE 3.01]-──-─--─-─-───-─-[12/Aug/95]-─┘

msw_pi02.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌--)\____  _____)\______________    ___/(-─┐
:  |   . \/ .   |   _______     |/\|    |  :
∙  |    \  /    |_______   |    /  \    |  ∙
:  | ___|\/|______________ |_____/\____ |  :
:  Stupid PPE that will calculate the PI   :
∙ number and display it on screen with big ∙
∙ digits.. Worth to check out, full source ∙
:  code is included (coded by Mind Twist)  :

mt_2dbbs10.zip (60K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Modern Technology - BBSList (v1.0)/Std [PPE]
PCBoard v15.0+ PPE/Door which allows callers
to Create / Add / View / Sort  and search by
keywords any sysop definable BBS List file/s
Uncrippled Shareware!  >NO FEE< to Register!

mt_2dgrf11.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Modern Technology - Graf-Y and Graf-N - [PPE]
Replacement prompts for PCB 15.0 for the  "Do
you want graphics (Enter)=no?"  These prompts
look & act just like the originals BUT do NOT
allow callers to Skip the Welcome file. Handy
if you need to load a PPE at every login and
found the PCB  WELCOME screens to be the best
place! !! NEW !! 2 versions included now, one
looks just like the PCB original,  the  other
defaults to (Enter)=yes?.   *source included*

mth_2dtop1.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

 ▄███▄  ▄███▄  ▀▀▀   ▄██████████████    ███
████▀████▀████ ███  ███▀   ███   ███    ███
██▓   ██   ██▓ ██▓ ██▓     ██▓   ██▓    ██▓
█▓▒        █▓▒ █▓▒ █▓▒     █▓▒   █▓▒▒▒▒▒█▓▒
▓▒░        ▓▒░ ▓▒░ ▓▒░     ▓▒░   ▓▒░    ▓▒░
║ MiRTH-TOP15 U/L D/L LISTER [PPE] V1.0.. ║
 - Recommended 386 CPU or Higher..
 - Great PC-Style / PCE Look...
 - Configurable Header / Make your Own...
Greets..: Calculus Team, Midnight Slasher,
          Nitro, PiC... [for Great PPE's]

mthprot1.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

      [=SOURCE INCLUDED=]        

mtnt_ds1.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  ▒▓▄  ▄▓▒ ▒▓████▓▒ ▒▓▄   ██ ▒▓████▓▒
· ▓█▀██▀█▓    ██    ▓█ ██ █▓    ██  ∙
∙ ██ ▀▀ ██    ██    ██  ██▓▒    ██  │
└─██──·∙██ ·∙-██ ·-─██───▀▓▒∙─∙·██─∙┘
-─∙·  ·∙-∙=PRouDLY PReSeNTS=─∙-∙· ·∙-
∙ DoSSiM v1.0 coded by FiRST MuTANT ∙
∙                                   ∙
   This matrix has nice features!
   You are able to simulate all
   text-based operating systems!
   like DOS, UNIX, ... or ...
   make your own one!!
∙                                   ∙
∙ Released [June/20/1994]           ∙

mtnt_lb1.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  ▒▓▄  ▄▓▒ ▒▓████▓▒ ▒▓▄   ██ ▒▓████▓▒
· ▓█▀██▀█▓    ██    ▓█ ██ █▓    ██  ∙
∙ ██ ▀▀ ██    ██    ██  ██▓▒    ██  │
└─██──·∙██ ·∙-██ ·-─██───▀▓▒∙─∙·██─∙┘
│    LiGHT·BaR·eNHaNCeR PPe v1.o    │
│      a cewl ppe for PCB 15.1+     ·
·  ! Everything is configurable !   ∙
│         !! DOWNLOAD THIS!!        ∙
│[Mai-20-94]               MTL[MTNT]│
-──--∙·∙·-∙∙·  ·∙-──--∙∙·-∙·  ·∙-∙─--

mtntac25.zip (93K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

       .          .         .        .
   ----:      ----|-   -----:    ----|-
   |   |-------   -----|   :|-----   -----|
   /       \:         .|   .|  :         .|
  /         \--   -----|    |  |--   -----|
 //    _     \|   |%  \|        \|   |%  \|
:-     |     \\         \   _    |         \
<<<<<<<< THe aCRoNYM TRaNSLaToR v2.5 >>>>>>>
       Pcboard 15.2+ ppe by MTL & FMT
          added security checking

mtntds11.zip (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

   ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____
  -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------
   ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .
<<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
    MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--
      Distribution Site Lister PPe v1.1
          use this ppe to make yar
        distsite conference special!!
  Take a look at this one, it's worth it!

mtntlc21.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

.----------[ LastCallers v2.1 ]----------.
|  ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____   |
| -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------  |
|  ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .  |
<<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
|   MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--  |
`-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-'
    ** minor bug fix, baudrate fixed! **
       - AMi/X PCB 15.21+ PPE
       - with exclude listing
       - nice flag system
       - last time on system
       - bytes upped/downed
       - minimal configuration!!
mtntlog1.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  ▒▓▄  ▄▓▒ ▒▓████▓▒ ▒▓▄   ██ ▒▓████▓▒
· ▓█▀██▀█▓    ██    ▓█ ██ █▓    ██  ∙
∙ ██ ▀▀ ██    ██    ██  ██▓▒    ██  │
└─██──·∙██ ·∙-██ ·-─██───▀▓▒∙─∙·██─∙┘
|        LoGoFF eNHaNCeR V1.0       │
∙         coded by SPooNMaN         :
|       > FLaMe NeXT CaLLeR <       ∙
:       >  LiTTLe BBS LiST  <       :
∙[NoV/12/94]               SPO[MTNT]|

mtntmes2.zip (39K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  ▒▓▄  ▄▓▒ ▒▓████▓▒ ▒▓▄   ██ ▒▓████▓▒
· ▓█▀██▀█▓    ██    ▓█ ██ █▓    ██  ∙
∙ ██ ▀▀ ██    ██    ██  ██▓▒    ██  │
└─██──·∙██ ·∙-██ ·-─██───▀▓▒∙─∙·██─∙┘
│   Edit A Message Enhancer V2.0    │
│      a cewl ppe for PCB 15.2+     ·
│         !! DOWNLOAD THIS!!        ∙
│[Sep-17-94]               SPO[MTNT]│
-──--∙·∙·-∙∙·  ·∙-──--∙∙·-∙·  ·∙-∙─--
│   Couriered by : HACKER [MTNT]    │

mtntnfs1.zip (34K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

.--------[ New File Scan v1.o ]----------.
|  ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____   |
| -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------  |
|  ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .  |
<<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
|   MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--  |
`-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-'
     * AMI/X Pcb 15.22+ PPE
     * 'N S U' and 'N U S' still work!
     * check for upload since:
           - last call
           - certain date
           - X days
           - today
           - yesterday
     * easy installation!
mtntps11.zip (38K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

   ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____
  -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------
   ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .
<<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
    MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--
-------------------------------[disk 1/1]--
           Pager/Split chat v1.1
               PCB 15.2+ PPE
       >>>>>  Major Bug fix! <<<<<<
       Online/Remote configuration!
           Ami/X-Style designed
  MtNT is looking for a group-demo coder!
mtntup10.zip (33K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

.------[ All Time Uploaderz v1.o ]-------.
|  ____--| /--|--____ ---|____|--_____   |
| -----  |/  -:  -----|  \    :  ------  |
|  ._/        |    |  .  .    |    |  .  |
<<<|_____%    \___ |--|__|    \___ |--|>>>
|   MtNT |___--  |___--  |___--  |___--  |
`-----------------------------[disk 1/1]-'
    * Ami/X PCB 15.22+ PPE
    * 100% latest upload information
    * no lame 'saving bulletin' at logoff
    * you can exclude users
    * number of users configurable
    * easy, fast installation
mtv_pl22.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

 PRO-LOGIN v2.2   [PPE]

mty_2djoin.zip (28K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Norton Commander Join v3.0 [PPE] by Mr. Menor

mty_2dkick.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

IRC Style User Kicker [PPE] by Menor

mty_2dkon.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Animated "W" Replacement by Villain

mty_2dread.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

MTY Read [PPE] v1.0 for PCB by Villian

n_watch.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NodeWatch v1.01 PPE

na_2dpmcr.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

──┐┐─┬┐┐─┐┐┐ ┐──────────────────────────┐
│ ││ │ ├┬┘││ │ ALLiANCE Present You     │
┴ ┘┴ ┴ ┘┴ └┘ │ ■ ProMatrix 1.0 Crack  ■ │
│ ProMatrix 1.0 PPE By ViGiLANTE Serial │
│ Number Finder, Happy Registering!     │
│                                       │
│ [PPE]   Programmed By Zaskar    [PCB] │

nb100.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

        NOTEBOOK V1.00  GO/4 Software 
        PCBoard 15.2x+  . PPE program
        The on-line notetaker!  Just type NOTE and you can enter up to ten notes to yourself such as a filename, and why you wanted it.Or any other item that you want to make a note of - a phone number you just got from someone in chat on another node, the new pizza delivery number, what your wife is yelling at you not to forget, an internet address and notes about the user, or anything else you like.

nbrow11.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

 NBROW ver 1.1 BUG FIX  Nodelist Browser
 For PCBoard Bulletin Board Systems
 NEW NEW NEW By Micro-Comp Software
 This PPE will alow you and your users
 to Scan and Search A Fidonet Nodelist
 Searches may be done by BBS's Name or
 you may search By the Sysop's Name
 Support Thru House-Comp bbs 1:363/256
 Source Code Available from my bbs

ndaddr20.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

This PPE is for every sysop that wants to
have his users enter all the address
information. A cursor-driven menu will show up
when a user logs in that has not entered
everything in U_ADDR(). This PPE will also
not accept users that just type a '-'
instead of their real addresses. Menu will
only disapear if the user has entered ALL
their information. (Needs PCB 15.22 or

ndcom20.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Cursor-driven Comment-to-Sysop replacement.
All colors and positions can be modified.
Special topics causes that the comment is 
addressed to different sysops/cosysops. (Needs 
PCB 15.22 or better)
ndfile30.zip (43K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NDFiles is a cursor-driven replacement
for the PCB [F] command. It shows a
list with all available directories.
If you are upgrading please read
Fantastic features included:
o Displays number of files in dir
o Displays total kb in dir
o Possibility to press [D] and the
highlighted dir is downloaded
o NO maintenance if added as event
o All screens configurable
o All colors may be freely defined
o Professional layout

ndmoney4.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

This PPE accepts credit cards to upgrade user
levels. It is the only and original PPE that
uses the PCB Accounting Features of PCBoard.
Immediate upgrade possible. Another high-
quality release. All screens and colors can
be freely modified. Compiled with PPLC 3.10.
Needs PCB 15.21 to run. 0$ Shareware.

ndnuse20.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Send files (intros, rules) to new users
automatically. Gives you also the possibility to
send them a welcome message (PCB macros allowed)
(Needs PCB 15.22 or better)

ndquot11.zip (238K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

FREEWARE * This PPE displays a Quote Of The
Day. It may be inserted in the WELCOME screen
or as a [G]ood Bye command replacement.
(Needs PCB 15.22 or better)

ndread40.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

A must-have for every PCB sysop!      
This PPE is a fully cursor-driven 
replacement for the 'R' command.   
Your users will like this one!     
Installation in 30 seconds.
■ Now with 100 % language support
■ Send me your language files.
       Free registration

ndread62.zip (27K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

A must-have for every PCB sysop!      
This PPE is a fully cursor-driven 
replacement for the 'R' command.   
■ NEW: NO 'Reg' to:' TEXT
■ Send me your language files.

ndread81.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

[FREEWARE] The original PPE to replace
PCB's 'R'ead command with a cursor-
driven menu. It has a professional
look and is fully configurable. This
PPE has been copied many times but the
original has never been reached.
(Needs PCB 15.22 or better)

ndtext20.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

A new way to display any kind of information.
Use cursor keys to move up/down the text.
Can be used in NEWS files, bulletins and
even in menues. Total flexibility.
ne_2dhokut.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Trainer [+6] for KA-50 HOKUM

ne_ws3.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

░░░░░NEWS.PPE and EDITOR.PPE░░░░░
         NEW V x.x
This is a update to the NEWS.PPE &
EDITOR.PPE.  New updates are, Displays
on the fly, Date is entered on the fly,
Also a updated color changer. Do it
all while online, no more needs for
the old text editors.  Try it out and
you will never go back to your old
way of showing your NEWS!

neon.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

∩≡Θ∩: A cool screen for the registered
version of NitroChat!  

net0695.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║JOFFETECH Presents:║
║The Net - June 1995║
║This File  Contains║
║Many, Many Internet║
║Addresses. FREEWARE║

net_cmds.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

: NET-CMDS.PPE: By Daryl Stogner        :
: This PPE is a menu that let's you     :
: select an on-screen view of the cmds  :
: for AREAFIX/NETMAIL Msgs/Internet     :
: EMAIL. And a view of the cmds to use  :
: for an AREAFIX/SQAEM Msg in PCBFIDO.  :
: Released as FREEWARE! 1-17-95         :

netinf11.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NetInfo v. 1.01 PPE for PCBoard 15.22
Stores individual lists of addresses
& descriptions for FTP, WWW, IRC,
TelNet, and E-Mail sites. Entries can
be added by users. List & search for sites.
Downloadable lists. Fully litebar/hotkey.
Multi-Tasker (WARP) friendly. External
menus & no advertisements in the code.
Downloading lists fixed!
netme100.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NETM-E v1.00 - Initial release, for PCBoard
15.21 only! works with PCBoard Fido. [PPE]
program to replace the (E) Message commands
in your FidoNet netmail conference. simplify
user input for both Fidonet netmail and into
Internet via Fidonet UUCP gateway.
Shareware. not crippled ** Oriental Royal **

netscape.reg (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

newac10.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

New Account  v1.00  :  DynaSOFT
This PPE enhances the (C)ontinue
as a new user or (R)e-enter your
logon name.  Beautiful!  Free

newask.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

newbie.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Newbie is a simple program for 
PCBoard that will send a text file
to anyone with a security level of 
10 or less. This is usually what 
a new user is set at.
Best reason to use this, it's
FREE!  NO Registration!!!

newcount.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Newcount PPE v1.0B From WizWare Software
This PPE will count the number of files
that are dated the current date from the
DIR file.  This means you can show your
users how many uploads for the day 
INCLUDING your local uploads!
Another 1st from The Wizard's BBS

newe.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

PPE replacement for the [E] Command.
Displays a file to the caller and
allows them to abort their message
if they are not in the correct message
base area, etc.  Supports stacked names
in conjunction with the command.  FREE

newfiles.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NEWFILES.ZIP     2257  09-01-93  Newfiles.ppe - allows users to do a new files
                               | scan, make a list of the new files, zip them
                               | up and mark the list for download. If the
                               | user wants to download the files, the ppe
                               | will flag the files for download.                                                          | flag the files and then can be downloaded.

newflag3.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X00NEW FLAG2 PPE - a Modification of FLAG.PPE
by David Terry.  This PPE replaces FLAG.PPE
in your FLAG directory and keeps track of
files downloaded by each user, then, when
they display the directory listing, it prints
a "@X8E@@X07" (Blinking Yellow @) by the
files they have already downloaded..  That
way, they won't download a file twice that
they don't want to.  MAJOR BUG FIX!!!
newflg51.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NEWFLAG.PPE Version 5.1
Bug FIX!  Now supports 100 files rather then 20.  
Completely re-done, enhanced file flag PPE.
LIGHTBAR File Flagging system. Keeps track of
the last 100 downloads and shows users what
files they have already downloaded by
highlighting the file on the File listing.
news13.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NEWS.PPE, Ver. 1.3, by Galahad 
Software. A PCBoard 15.2+ PPE that
allows multiple news files to be 
displayed, and replaces the internal
NEWS command.  Now supports RIP 
newscan2.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║     ┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬ ┬┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ v2.0  ║█
║     │ │├─ │ │ │└─┐│  ├─┤│ │       ║█
║     ┴ ┴└─┘└─┴─┘└─┘└─┘┴ ┴┴ ┴ PPE   ║█
║Will ask your callers if they would║█
║like to see a list of the new files║█
║added to the system since there    ║█
║last file scan. (If there are any) ║█
║As soon as they logon.             ║█
║        (C)1994 Bill Masuka        ║█

newus101.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

┌─────[PPE] PCBNewUsr By DynaSOFT [PPE]─────┐
│ This wonderful PPE from DynaSOFT enhances │
│ PCBoard's "(C) continue logon as new user │
│  (R) re-enter your name" prompt.  Nicely  │
│   designed output to help users create    │
│  create their own accounts on your BBS!   │
│      Asks them a [Y] / [N] question.      │
└───────── Version 1.01 - FREEWARE ─────────┘

nfs1cube.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╔═─∙■∙ New^Files^Scan² R1 ∙■∙ [PPE] ∙■∙─═╗  
║ ────────────────────────────────────── ║  
║ this new∙files∙scan∙ppe features today ║  
║ yesterday weekly date -x∙days mm/dd/yy ║  
║ since∙call scanning. full command line ║  
║ support, cool design. max 999 randomly ║  
║ selected config files fully adjustable ║  
║ ────────────────────────────────────── ║  
╚══──∙∙··                [O5/17/95] ··∙─═╝  

ninfo100.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NetInfo v. 1.00 PPE for PCBoard 15.22
Stores individual lists of addresses
& descriptions for FTP, WWW, IRC,
TelNet, and E-Mail sites. Entries can
be added by users. List & search for sites.
Downloadable lists. Fully litebar/hotkey.
Multi-Tasker (WARP) friendly. External
menus & no advertisements in the code.
Shareware unregistered delay.
nitro1.zip (26K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NitroChat! v1.0: A cool split screen chat
PPE. Features word wrap-around and a VIP
list. Now, you may be wondering, what makes
NitroChat! so different? Well, if the guy
you're chatting with starts to get on your
nerves, or if you feel just a tad bit
mischievous, you can toss bombs on him and
blow up his text! Registered version lets
you add your own custom screens and gives
you five different types of explosives to
terrorize your friends with. It's a blast!

njltqp10.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
numbers for play in the New Jersey Lottery.
Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.

njoin103.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NJOIN v1.03 - This ppe will allow your
users to select which NETWORK to view
and then what conference to join from
within that network. A MUST for PCBoards
that carry more than 1 network.
From Computer Profiles!
nk_2drmr20.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

███ ▀█ ███  █ ███  █ ███ ▀█  NAPALM ULTIMATE
███  █ ███  █ ███ ▀▄ ███ ■       KILLING
███  █ ███ ▄█ ███  █ ███ ▄█    EXPERIENCE!
■ Rumours PPE v2.0 by John Rambo
■ New:  ∙ Write Callers Log
        ∙ Rumours Anonymous or not
        ∙ Command Line Paramenterz
        ∙ Optimized Code
        ∙ 100% Configurable
──────────[:) Made in Portugal (:]──────────
∙[ RΣ¢KLΣS$ LiFΣ BBS:P0RTÜGA¿'$ CΘ0¿Σ2T¡! ]∙

nk_rmr20.zip (9K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

■ Rumours PPE v2.0 by John Rambo
        ∙ Rumours Anonymous or not
        ∙ Command Line Paramenterz
        ∙ Optimized Code
        ∙ 100% Configurable

nkpage12.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

███ ▀█ ███  █ ███  █ ███ ▀█  NAPALM ULTIMATE
███  █ ███  █ ███ ▀▄ ███ ■       KILLING
███  █ ███ ▄█ ███  █ ███ ▄█    EXPERIENCE!
■ Page PPE v1.2, BEST EVER! - By John Rambo
· Silent mode         · Emergency Page w/pwd
· Allows Comment      · Uses Ext. OR Int Chat
· Supports Fake Chats · 99% Configurable!
· Supports 3 .ANS or .PCB screens
──────────[:) Made in Portugal (:]──────────
∙[ RΣ¢KLΣS$ LiFΣ BBS:P0RTÜGA¿'$ CΘ0¿Σ2T¡! ]∙

nlstvt11.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║               NeW LiST V1.1               │
║              ---------------              │
║ PPE for PCB written by Thomas De Quincy.  │
║ This PPE will scan your filelists and     │
║ create a ZIP-file with all the new files  │
║ from a certain date and download the file.║
║ Extremely fast and easy to setup. A must  ║
║ for every PCBoard system. NOT CRIPPLED!!! ║

nodesc16.zip (14K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NodeScan v1.6ß - PCBoard 15.2+ [PPE]
The most powerful WHO replacement
ever made for PCBoard! Now it
supports up to 100 nodes. It comes
with tons of nice features incl.:
Full coloursetup,Broadcast function
Enable/Disable Broadcast by default
or security,recipiant security match
for broadcast messages,multilanguage
compatible,fully configurable,Amazing
animated Display. This version is
*FREEWARE* by EuroStar BBS Kiel.

nohand11.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

nokill.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NoKill [PPE] PCBoard PCBtext Replacement to
Warn Users that try to use other Commands
from the main board prompt that lack security
level to do so.

notice.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NOTICE.ZIP - PCB v15.21+ PPE that
notifies a Sysop in a COMMENT TO
SYSOP that a new caller has joined
your BBS.  Freeware! From: BSO's
PPE's & Programmer's BBS.

notice10.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

******NOTICE.PPE 1.0****************
Sends a message to a user
or group of users notifying
them when a new user has
logged on so they can welcome
Author: Herbert Bushong
PCBoard 15.21+
ns_2done10.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║         -=≡oNeLiNeR 1.0≡=-    [PPE]║
║      Da oNeLiNeR FoR PcB 15.2      ║
║   CoNFiGuRaBLe CoLoRZ, MaKe LoG,   ║
║ LiGHTBaR, ToP WRiTeR aND MuCH MoRe ║

ns_fix.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

nu_2d601.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║            NUSCAN 6.01ß           ║
 Will ask your callers if they would
 like to see a list of all the new
 files uploaded to your system since
 there last file scan.
 There are a lot of bad imitations
 out there but, this is the original!
        (C)1995 Bill Masuka

nu_2d620.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║             NUSCAN 6.20           ║
 Will ask your callers if they would 
 like to see a list of all the new   
 files uploaded to your system since 
 there last file scan.               
 There are a lot of bad imitations   
 out there but, this is the original!
        (C)1995 Bill Masuka          

nu_2d716.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

█ ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡  NuScan 7.16 ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ █
█      [PPE program for PCBoard]      █
█ This program will let your callers  █
█ know at login when NEW files have   █
█ been uploaded to your system & will █
█ then give them the opportunity to   █
█ view and or download them.          █
█ ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ █
█ Copyright (c)1995 Equinox Software  █

nu_620.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║             NUSCAN 6.20           ║
 Will ask your callers if they would 
 like to see a list of all the new   
 files uploaded to your system since 
 there last file scan.               
 There are a lot of bad imitations   
 out there but, this is the original!
        (C)1995 Bill Masuka          

nuflag12.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X0E[PPE]   @X0FMajor Upgrade to FLAG.PPE!
@X0C(BUG fix for Xmodem/CRC & CAPSLOCK)
controls NON-batch protocol users, and users
that have NO default protocol selected.
(Major shortcoming of original FLAG.PPE
was that batch mode protocol by user was
assummed!). If non-batch protocol in use,
flagged file will be offered for downloading
immediately or (C)ancel, (H)elp. If default
protocol ="N", then user is forced to select
a protocol by PPE before flagging is allowed!

number11.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Numbers 1.1 for PCBoard PPE App that will
generate an upto date listing of both data
and voice phone numbers into a format that
is suitable for use with CallMeBk PPE Call
Back Verifier. This program generates a new
VERIFIED.DAT file that will contain each
users voice and data number to help thwart
attempts at gaining duplicate accounts on
your system. Complete source code included.
FREEWARE from Shuttle Software.

numess1.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NUMess v1.0 numess.ppe for PCBoard v15.0+
Posts a message to the sysop when a new user
has logged on (AFTER logon if correctly
installed) and LEAVES NO TRASHFILE.  No nags,
no advertisement, shareware.
Atlantis Software 706-776-9276 28.8 BBS

nup10.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│ NUP.PPE replaces PCBTEXT record 54 with  │
│ a New User Password. Protect your BBS    │
│ from worthless lamers! Completely        │
│ configurable and cool ansi's! Includes   │
│ source.  Support BBS: ThΣ NΘ-NÆMΣ ßßS    │
│     (703)323-6838      [ANTi-X WHQ]      │
│  ø  FREE!, The way PPE's should be!  ø   │

nuscan5.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║ FREE!      NEWSCAN 5.0a     FREE! ║█
║Will ask your callers if they would║█
║like to see a list of the new files║█
║added to the system since there    ║█
║last file scan. (If there are any) ║█
║As soon as they logon.             ║█
║         NOW  -  FREEWARE!         ║█
║        (C)1994 Bill Masuka        ║█
nuscan8.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

║ ████▄ ██ ██ ▄███ ▄███ ▄███▄ ████▄  ║█
║ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██   ██   ██ ██ ██ ██  ║█
║ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▀██▄ ██   █████ ██ ██  ║█
║ ██ ██ ██ ██   ██ ██   ██ ██ ██ ██  ║█
║ ██ ██ ▀███▀ ███▀ ▀███ ██ ██ ██ ██  ║█
║                                    ║█
║ ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ NuScan 8.01 ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ ║█
║  [PPE program for PCBoard 15.21+]  ║█
║ This program will let your callers ║█
║ know at login when NEW files have  ║█
║ been uploaded to your system & will║█
║ then give them the opportunity to  ║█
║ view and or download them.         ║█
║  The one and only orginal NuScan!  ║█
║           Major Upgrade!           ║█
║ ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ ║█
║ Copyright (c)1995 Equinox Software ║█

nusrppe.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

New User Welcome Message PPE.
From the NicksWare Collection by 
Nicholas Schiano. This PPE will send 
a message to all new users after 
they complete their account 
Shareware $5.00 to register!

nuv13.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

NUV v1.3 - New User Verification PCBoard
.PPE. A simple but effective way to toss
obvious idiot new users off your system. Free
w/source! From The Lost Carrier BBS (914)
964-0419 USR V.Everything.

nwfile10.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

│ A PcBoard  PPE  that asks the │
│ Caller  if they would like to │
│ view  the newest  files since │
│ last log-on,  and what  areas │
│ they would like to view.  The │
│ SysOp can change the colors & │
│ the commands... Plus, it is a │
│       FREE REGISTRATION!      │

nwread2.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

    The Hidden Illusion
       Coders Team 95
 ■ NEWS READER PPE v2.095 ■
      PullDown News PPE

@X04■ @X0FLeeched From: R·O·D BBS @X04■

nwreader.zip (23K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

─┬─┐ ┌─∙ The Hidden Illusion                                                  
 │ ├─┤ │   Coders Team 95                                                     
 │ │ │ │      Presents                                                        
 ■ NEWS READER PPE v1.095 ■                                                   
     PullDown News PPE                                                        
@X04■ @X0FLeeched From: R·O·D BBS @X04■

nwsf130.zip (18K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

***********NEWSFLASH 1.3**************
NewsFlash is a PPE to enhance your
NEWS display file, letting you display
news entries for a specific number of
days. Simple to set-up and highly
Includes Maintenance functions,
file and color configurability, and
simple Editor PPE to add entries
»»»»»»»»FREE REGISTRATION«««««««««««««
Author: Herbert Bushong
Compiled with PPLC 3.2/req. PCB 15.22+
nyltqp10.zip (10K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

versions 15.x.  This is a PPE program that
will allow your users to generate Quik Pik
numbers for play in the New York Lottery.
Includes the Pick3, Pick4, Pick5 and Pick6
games.  Shareware from Hogard Software
Solutions BBS at (214) 641-6292.

o2_6.zip (7K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

This is a replacement chat PPE for pcboard
15.1 and above systems. It has 3 paging time
per day, a list of people who can always
page, people who can never page, asks reason
for page and checks against reasons not too
allow paging. Horizontal and Vertical split
modes. Registration only $15 (future
upgrades included free in reg.) SUpport
board is: I.S.O.Q. BBS (718) 268-5025

occps45.zip (20K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online
registration processing via credit cards,
order products online, or optionally to
download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in
registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with
all the information needed to verify and
process credit card transactions.  Specify
your own security levels, term of sub-
scription, and which credit cards you accept.
Compabible with Canadian registrations.
Shareware from Hogard Software Solutions.

of_2dage.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

of_2dtop15.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Over Flow Top U/L D/L Version 1.5ß

ofile17.zip (84K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  █▀█    █▀▀ ▀ █   █▀▀  Online Filemanager
  █ █ ▀▀ █▀  █ █   █▀▀  PPE for PCB 15.22
  ▀▀▀    ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀
│       (c) Slob-Trot Software 1996        │
│Now you don't have to let your Cosys out  │
│to your dos anymore. All filehandling can │
│be done on-line with this amazing PPE.    │
│- Edit file descriptions                  │
│- Move/Copy/Delete files & descriptions   │
│- Zippy Dir scan for easy location of text│
│- Logfile that displays who did what when │
└─────────────────────────────────── v 1.7 ┘

ofp10.zip (87K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

Online Funds Processor 1.0 - PPE for PCB 15.2
The Online Funds Processor (OFP) is a trans-
action processor that is designed to be used 
by PCBoard 15.2 SysOps to collect transaction
information from users. This program was 
written specifically for use with the service
offered by Dragon Business Services, Inc. OFP 
will handle credit card transactions as well
as checking and savings account transactions.

oldb.zip (13K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

    OLDB.PPE  - On-Line DataBase version
   1.0 - Written using version 2.00
   of  the  PCBOARD  PPL  language.
   Either a  single  data  base  or
   multiple  data bases.  Each with
   it's own record  headings.  Each
   data   base  can  have  aspecial
   instruction screens. 

onearm15.zip (16K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

* One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE game
that simulates the playing of a slot machine.
No maintenance required. No configuration
files required. Quick & easy install via
CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10.
Free lifetime BBS support! Compiled 11/22/94.

oneline1.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

OneLiner.PPE v 1.0 by Windmill Computer
Services. A PCBoard add-on to display
one line advertisments (or teasers). Can
work in conjunction with our ADBOARD.PPE
to present your callers a full-featured
advertising system ala Prodigy. Fully
functional, FREEWARE. Runs under PCBoard
v 15.1 or higher.

onelnr10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╒══╡ OneLiner V1.0 ├─────--·· ·
│ PCBoard 15.0 & 15.1 OneLiner PPE.
│ This OneLiner allows you to have
│ Oneliners like no other oneliner.
| Allows for the most colorfull
∙ oneliners and STILL have up to 79
· characters available for text.
  Full logging, easy to install.
  Freeware, not crippled.

openwid2.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X1E│A beautifully designed PPE │@X07
@X1E│to replace your OPEN cmd.  │@X07
@X1E│ANSI support, cursor key,  │@X07
@X1E│and menu bar support for up│@X07
@X1E│to 26 doors & ppe's. Sinch │@X07
@X1E│to install and a *MUST SEE*│@X07

openwide.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

@X1E│A beautifully designed PPE │@X07
@X1E│to replace your OPEN cmd.  │@X07
@X1E│ANSI support, cursor key,  │@X07
@X1E│and menu bar support for up│@X07
@X1E│to 26 doors & ppe's. Sinch │@X07
@X1E│to install and a *MUST SEE*│@X07

ordi_ppe.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

╓───────── C O M P U N E T   B B S ─────────╖
║ ORDI.PPE pour PCB 15.21 ou plus           ║
║ Permet aux utilisateurs du BBS de faire   ║
║ un choix simple lors de la question :     ║
║ Quel ordinateur avez-vous ?               ║
║ Et la réponse est un chiffre entre 1 et   ║
║ 12 qui est transcrite en texte dans leur  ║
║ fiche utilisateur.                        ║
║ Ce PPE va aussi pour les NewUsers.        ║
║ Il faut simplement mettre dans PCBTEXT en ║
║ ligne 2 : !c:\pcb\ppl\ordi.ppe_           ║
║          Ce PPE est FREEWARE !!!          ║
║ @X0ACRC integrity archive   : @X0FPASSED@X03          ║
║ @X0AF-Prot 2.20 scan result : @X0FPASSED@X03          ║

organ102.zip (41K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  PCBoard Organizer v1.02 for PCBoard 15.2
▐│ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your  │▌
▐│ users to browse the Calendar, or search│▌ 
▐│ any Date. They can place notes on the  │▌
▐│ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday │▌
▐│ on the Address Book. Also have a small │▌
▐│ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's   │▌
▐│ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match │▌
▐│ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0     │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] │▌

organ103.zip (45K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  PCBoard Organizer v1.03 for PCBoard 15.2
▐│ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your  │▌
▐│ users to browse the Calendar, or search│▌ 
▐│ any Date. They can place notes on the  │▌
▐│ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday │▌
▐│ on the Address Book. Also have a small │▌
▐│ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's   │▌
▐│ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match │▌
▐│ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0     │▌
▐│ -------------------------------------- │▌
▐│ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] │▌

organ104.zip (47K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

 PCBoard Organizer v1.04 for PCB 15.2 <ASP>
▐│ ORGANIZE.PPE: This program allow your  │▌
▐│ users to browse the Calendar, or search│▌
▐│ any Date. They can place notes on the  │▌
▐│ Notebook, store Address's and Birthday │▌
▐│ on the Address Book. Also have a small │▌
▐│ Calculator. The Notes and Birthday's   │▌
▐│ can be seen on the NEWS, if they match │▌
▐│ the current date. Made in PPLC 3.0     │▌
▐│ ─────────────────────────────────────- │▌
▐│ MSmac Software ## 351-61-314336 [28.8] │▌

ovl_2dftr.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AMi/X F00TeR! v.1.0ß for PCBoard 15.2+

ovl_2dlmr.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AMi/X LAMeRS! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+
Great PPE to show who the Lamers
are on the BBS.

ovl_2dmpmt.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

  AMi/X MeSSAGe PR0MPTS! v.1.0ß
Great prompts for PCBoard to make
writing a messy more like AMi/X

ovl_2dpage.zip (5K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AMi/X PAGe! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+

ovl_2dpmt.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AMi/X PR0MPT! PPE for PCBoard 15.2+

ovl_2dsrch.zip (1K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

OverKill Ami/X Zippy Scan Completly Like
The Ami Express Version One (Ami/X Clr!)

ovl_ftr.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 02:02 pm

AMi/X F00TeR! v.1.0ß for PCBoard 15.2+