1liner04.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|       -== OneLiner for EleBBS ==-        |
|               version 0.04               |
|                                          |
|      * Kiwi Style Interface              |
|      * Animated LightBar Prompts         |
|      * Cursor Keys Select Colors         |
|      * Backscroll and Scroll Bar         |
|      * WhoWroteWhat Toggle               |
|      * Profanity Detection               |
|      * Multinode Aware                   |
|      * Full log file support             |
|      * Freeware - no nags/delays         |
|      * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced     |
|      NOW FASTER! Ascii and Avatar modes  |
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

echngr11.zip (35K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
|               version 1.1                |
|                                          |
|  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
|                                          |
|    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
|    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
|    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
|    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
|    * Freeware - no nags or brags         |
|    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
|    * New: Combined Area Selector         |
|                                          |
Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!

echngr12.zip (36K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|           -== Ele-Changer ==-            |
|               version 1.2                |
|                                          |
|  Lightbar Area/Group Changer for EleBBS  |
|                                          |
|    * Use Cursor Keys to navigate         |
|    * File & Message Area/Group support   |
|    * Combined Message area selector      |
|    * LAWGATOR style layout               |
|    * Supports ANSi or ASCii              |
|    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
|    * New: Also supports numeric keys     |
|                                          |
Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!

edsel10.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|       EleBBS Message Editor Selector     |
|                Version 1.0               |
|                                          |
| * Allows each user to choose their own   |
|   Message Editor to use, from a list of  |
|   up to 9 definable message editors.     |
|                                          |
|  Pre-Configured for IceEdit, TurboEdit,  |
|  DCTEdit, GEdit, QuickEd, TopEd, Tide    |
|  and several others.                     |
|  Also supports EleBBS's internal Editor. |
|                                          |
Beware of fake releases by Future Dream Net!

eldate11.zip (11K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|             -== Ele-Date ==-             |
|               version 1.1                |
|                                          |
|  Enhanced date input routine for EleBBS  |
|                                          |
|   * Adds the '-' between month-day-year  |
|   * Users can enter dates using arrows!  |
|   * Also supports normal numeric entry.  |
|   * Small and fast (only 8k)             |
|   * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays      |
|   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
|   * NEW: 4-Digit year field support      |
|                                          |
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

ele_2dlp12.zip (329K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|         -== Lemming  Pager ==-           |
|               version 1.2                |
|                                          |
|  Animated Sysop Pager Script for EleBBS  |
|                                          |
|   * Lemming walks around while paging    |
|   * 3 random violent death scenes        |
|   * Supports PagingHours/Numlock state   |
|   * Plays WAV/MIDI or PAGE.RA sound      |
|   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
|   * Includes Led Zeppelins Blackdog      |
|   * Includes Mission Impossble Theme     |
|   * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays      |
|                                          |
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

ele_2dpp14.zip (71K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|        EleBBS LightBar Prompt Pak        |
|                Version 1.4               |
|                                          |
|            A collection of 20            |
|     EleBBS Lightbar Language Prompts     |
|         plus 45 Random Animated          |
|          "Press Enter" Prompts           |
|                                          |
|     Requires EleBBS 0.08.g1 or later!    |
|   Created using EleBBS Questionnaires.   |
|                                          |
 archives.thebbs.org for the latest version

ele_2dtb11.zip (22K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|       -== TimeBank for EleBBS ==-        |
|               version 1.1                |
|                                          |
|    * Deposit/Withdraw Time (or KBytes)   |
|    * Animated LightBar Prompts           |
|    * Fast Deposit and Logoff option      |
|    * Sysop configurable limits           |
|    * Gamble time in Slot Machine         |
|    * Rob the Bank Feature                |
|    * Freeware - no nags/delays           |
|    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
|    * New: Optimized CPU Usage            |
|                                          |
 www.pcmicro.com/bbs for the latest version

elecht01.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

┌──────────┤ pcmicro presents ├────────────┐
│                                          │
│            -== Ele-Chat ==-              │
│            version 0.01 beta             │
│                                          │
│   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    │
│                                          │
│    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      │
│    * Small and fast (only 10k)           │
│    * Great looking background            │
│    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          │
│    * Fully configurable                  │
│    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     │
│    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       │
│                                          │
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

elecht11.zip (19K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|             -== Ele-Chat ==-             |
|                version 1.1               |
|                                          |
|   Split Screen Sysop/User Chat Script    |
|                                          |
|    * Designed exclusivly for EleBBS      |
|    * Includes 5 different chat modes     |
|    * Sysop can send files to user        |
|    * Sysop can type in either window     |
|    * Full cursor support & word-wrap     |
|    * Macro keyword support               |
|    * Small and fast (only 36k)           |
|    * Supports ANSi/AVATAR/ASCii          |
|    * Freeware - no nags/brags/delays     |
|    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced       |
|                                          |
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

elehdr11.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|    -== Message Header for EleBBS ==-     |
|               version 1.1                |
|                                          |
|    * Elite Style Custom ANSI header for  |
|      EleBBS's internal message reader.   |
|    * Hilights to: field on messages      |
|       to the current user.               |
|    * Now faster then before.             |
|    * Freeware - no ads/delays.           |
|    * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced.      |
|                                          |
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

ewhodx10.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|        -== Whos Online Deluxe ==-        |
|          version 1.0 for EleBBS          |
|                                          |
| Replaces the internal Whos Online & Msg  |
|                                          |
|   * Supports Livesystems USERDOES.{node} |
|   * Sends messages to other BBS nodes    |
|   * Node messages wrapped in ANSi Box    |
|   * Lightbarred Messages are sent        |
|   * Instant Reply to Sender feature!     |
|   * Full Q-A Source, GNU licenced        |
|   * Freeware - no nags or other drags    |
|                                          |
   archives.thebbs.org for latest version

farfix01.zip (2K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| pcmicro presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|             -== FAR-FIX ==-              |
|                                          |
|   Enhances the FAR Archive Viewer for    |
|   optimum BBS Sysop useage.              |
|                                          |
|   Shows how to install FAR as the Win32  |
|   archive viewer in EleBBS's EleMgr/32.  |
|                                          |
|   Makes FAR behave just like SHEZ and    |
|   simular local archive viewers!         |
|                                          |

filesrax.zip (12K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

This utility converts the LongPathNames in
an EleBBS FILES.RA (FilePath definitions)
to the DOS compatible shortf~1 equlivent
so your FileBase can be used with older
utilities made for RemoteAccess.
It's only needed if you are using LongPath
Names in your File Areas.

iph_2din_21.zip (6K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

   .:  .: __________ :. _____ :.
:.__<\_//░░  /  :||__<\|: ░ \_/>_': :
:;\     |    \       ░░|         \ ::
===|░   |    |    |    \   _>   :|===
.:\\__     /|░░       /       ░░\\ :.
::.  :\_/~~ ~</~~||___|~~~\______|: :
[%]      p l a n e t   v o d      [%]

postcall.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-------  Post:Call Ratio for EleBBS -------+
|                                           |
|  A set of scripts to force users to post  |
|  messages in order to get file access.    |
|                                           |
|  Q-A scripts & ANSI files created and     |
|  written by Shurato.                      |
|                                           |
|    From Shurato's Heavenly Sphere BBS     |
|    * telnet://shurato.darktech.org *      |
|                                           |

setdate.zip (8K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

SETDATE 0.01 - Util for EleBBS's USERS.BBS.
Sets the date format for all the users in
the EleBBS UserBase to the desired format.

tagging.zip (4K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

+-----------| Shurato presents |-----------+
|                                          |
|        -== SaveTag and ReTag ==-         |
|                version 1.0               |
|                                          |
|   Questionnaires, Menus and ANSIS        |
|   to allow users the chance to load      |
|   or save tagged files lists upon        |
|   logon or logoff.                       |
|                                          |
   www.pcmicro.com/bbs for latest version

tm_2dkb001.zip (3K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

|    Time-/Kilobar v0.01g2      |
| EleBBS Time- and Kilobar      |
| Questionair Script.           |
| Version v0.01g2.              |
| ----------------------------- |
| Displays percentage remaining |
| time and kiloBytes on a nice  |
| fully adjustable bargraph.    |
| MM-Software 08-12-1999        |

wav.zip (15K)

Uploaded Wed May 29 2024 01:40 pm

WAV.EXE - Play .WAV and .MID files
(c) 1998-2000 by WebGeek, Inc.
This win32 command line sound file
player is a better alternative to
the 16-bit PLAYWAV.EXE which comes
with EleBBS's Lemming Pager Script.

Allows you to configure the volume
level, and to abort the sound by
pressing ESC. Freeware.