I'm atm developing a pcboard replacement. I provide ppl development tools as well.
I updated PPLD/PPLC and provided a vs code extension for PPL development.
The ppl decompiler can decompile all versions of .PPE files and suports PPE up to 15.4 (340 version number) - but defaults to 330 since the last version wasn't finished yet.
The compiler is compatible to PCBoard and produces in general much smaller & faster .PPE files than the other ones.
For example the AGSENTR.PPE had 2804 bytes got down to 2154 after decompile/compile.
Put the icy_board bin/ to your PATH (ppl-language-server is required in the PATH).
Then simply drag & drop the .vsix to the vs code extensions and .ppl files have all features.
It's part of icy_board. To try out the ppl compiler/decompiler grab a
icy_board for your os here:
It's part of the distribution (with some other tools).
icy_board is still in early development but it's possible to import existing pcboards (to a degree -need feedback), run .ppe files (if something isn't working feedback should be nice) & play around. Much things are supported but that's pre-alha. However feedback of any sort would be really helpful.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
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