MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hot Pastrami Sandwiches At Home
Categories: Beef, Condiments, Salads, Breads, Cheese
Yield: 8 Sandwiches
2 lb Peppered pastrami; thin
- sliced
2 lb Corned beef; thin sliced
2 c Beef broth
16 sl Rye bread
8 sl Ementhal (Swiss) cheese
1/2 c Dijon mustard
3 c Creamy coleslaw
Place pastrami, corned beef, and broth in a slow-cooker. *
Heat, covered, on lowest setting until hot, stirring
periodically, at least 1 hour and up to 3 hours.
Set out bread slices and cheese on a platter, and mustard
and coleslaw in small bowls. Cover with plastic wrap until
served (up to 1 hour).
When pastrami mixture is hot, invite guests to make their
own sandwiches, or assemble for them: Spread 2 slices of
bread with mustard. Pile a generous helping of the meats
onto 1 slice, then top with a slice of cheese, about 1/3
cup coleslaw, and the second piece of bread. Cut
sandwiches in half, they're large, so consider sharing.
* If you don't have a slow-cooker, put the pastrami and
corned beef with a little broth in a microwave-safe bowl,
cover, and warm in a microwave oven.
Recipe: Canter's Deli
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Them ain't oil leaks, son! That Harley is just marking its territory!!
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* Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville, (1:396/45)