MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Old-Fashion Cabbage Rolls
Categories: Beef, Pork, Greens, Rice, Herbs
Yield: 6 servings
1 md Head cabbage (3 pounds)
1/2 lb Uncooked ground beef
1/2 lb Uncooked ground pork
15 oz Can tomato sauce; divided
1 sm Onion; chopped
1/2 c Uncooked long grain rice
1 tb Dried parsley flakes
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Snipped fresh dill or dill
- weed
1/8 ts Cayenne pepper
14 1/2 oz Diced tomatoes; undrained
1/2 ts Sugar
Cook cabbage in boiling water just until outer leaves
pull away easily from head. Set aside 12 large leaves
for rolls. In a small bowl, combine the beef, pork, 1/2
cup tomato sauce, onion, rice, parsley, salt, dill and
cayenne; mix well.
Cut out the thick vein from the bottom of each leaf,
making a V-shaped cut. Place about 1/4 cup meat mixture
on a cabbage leaf; overlap cut ends of leaf. Fold in
sides. Beginning from the cut end, roll up. Repeat.
Slice the remaining cabbage; place in a Dutch oven.
Arrange the cabbage rolls seam side down over sliced
cabbage. Combine the tomatoes, sugar and remaining
tomato sauce; pour over the rolls. Cover and bake at
350° until cabbage rolls are tender, about 1 1/2 hours.
Florence Krantz, Bismarck, North Dakota
Makes: 6 servings
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