MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hunger Games Lamb Stew w/Dried Plums *
Categories: Lamb/mutton, Fruits, Herbs, Vegetables, Squash
Yield: 9 servings
5 lb Lamb fillet, shoulder or
- leg; in 2" pieces
2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Ground black pepper
1/2 c All-purpose flour
2 tb Olive oil
3 cl Garlic; minced
1 lg Onion; chopped
1/2 c Water
4 c Beef stock
2 ts White sugar
3 ts Brown sugar
3 c Diced carrots
1 c Diced zucchini
1 1/2 c Diced celery
2 lg Onions; diced
3 Potatoes; diced
5 c Dried plums *
2 ts Dried thyme
3 ts Chopped fresh rosemary
2 ts Chopped fresh basil
1 ts Chopped fresh parsley
2 Bay leaves
1 c Ginger ale
* Dried Plums are more commonly known as "prunes" - UDD
Place lamb, salt, pepper, and flour in a large mixing
bowl. Toss to coat meat evenly.
Heat olive oil in a large pan and brown the meat,
working in batches if you have to.
Remove lamb to a side plate. Pour off fat, leaving 1/4
cup in the pan. Add the garlic and onion and sauté until
the onion becomes golden. Deglaze frying pan with the
1/2 cup water, taking care to scrape the bottom of the
pan to stir up all of the tasty bits of meat and onion.
Cook to reduce liquid slightly, then remove from heat.
Place the lamb and garlic-onion mixture in a large
stockpot. Add beef stock and sugar, stirring until
sugars are dissolved. Bring mixture to a boil, cover,
and simmer for 1-1/2 hours.
Add the vegetables, dried plums, herbs, and ginger ale
to the pot. Simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until meat and
vegetables pierce easily with a fork.
Serves 8 to 10.
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... January 6, 2021. ANOTHER day that will live in infamy!
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