MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Creamy Chicken Dijon
Categories: Poultry, Dairy, Vegetables, Herbs
Yield: 6 servings
1/2 c Half & Half cream
1/4 c Dijon mustard
1 tb Brown sugar
4 Boned, skinned chicken
- breast halves (6 oz ea)
1/4 ts (ea) salt & pepper
2 ts Olive oil
2 ts Butter
1 sm Onion; halved, very thinly
- sliced
Minced fresh parsley
Whisk together cream, mustard and brown sugar. Pound
chicken breasts with a meat mallet to even thickness;
sprinkle with salt and pepper.
In a large skillet, heat oil and butter over medium-high
heat; brown chicken on both sides. Reduce heat to
medium. Add onion and cream mixture; bring to a boil.
Reduce heat; simmer, covered, 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle
with parsley.
Irene Boffo, Fountain Hills, Arizona
Makes: 6 servings
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... Forget Kale. What does Keith Richards eat?
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