MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Pizza Dough in Bread Machine
Categories: Breads, Pizza
Yield: 1 Pizza
2/3 c Water
2 ts Olive oil
1 ts Honey
1 c A-P flour
1 c Whole wheat flour
3/4 ts Salt
1 1/2 ts Active dry yeast
Cornmeal for baking pan
Put all dough ingredients except cornmeal in pan in order
listed or reverse order depending on machine type.
Select dough setting. When machine beeps, Somewhere around 1
hour 10 min. and 1 hour 20 min, remove the dough. Form it
into a ball and let rest for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle cornmeal on 14 inch round pizza pan or s pread
inside a 9" x 13" pan. Roll out dough to pan shape and then
stretch to f it inside preferred pan.
Spread pizza sauce over top and sprinkle with your fav orite
toppings. (I used ham, prefried bacon, green and yellow
pepper, mushrooms, purple onion, cheddar and Monterey jack
cheese). Bake for 15-20 minutes or un til dough is lightly
Makes 1 14" crust.
Notes: I melted about 2 tbsps butter and added 1/2 tsp
garlic salt. I brushed this around the edge of the pizza
(the rim that wasn't covered with tomato sauce ), before
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