MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: ++"The Bread"++
Categories: Breads, Chilies
Yield: 1 Loaf
1 1/2 c Whole wheat flour
1 1/2 c White flour *
1/2 c V8 or similar veggie juice
1/2 c Water
1 ts Salt
1 1/2 tb Evaporated dried milk
1 1/2 tb Brown sugar
1 tb Honey or sorghum
1 1/2 ts Fast rise auto bread yeast
2 ts Normal yeast
2 tb Butter
2 oz (or more/less) ground dried
- Red Savina (tm) Habanero
- powder
This recipe is for one of those automatic bread
machines - I ain't smart enough to know how to cook
bread otherwise.
* All wheat may be used, but not all white - the Savina
(tm) seems to go good with wheat breads while IMHO white
has too little flavour for it.
Heat liquid ingredients to about 100oF. Pour into
cannister. Put in dry ingredients, yeast last. Set
machine to desired finish. Done.
I'll leave it to individuals to try and figure out how
to adapt this to their own style of breadmaking. Like I
said, this is for one of those auto bread machines
simply becuase I don't know how to bake bread otherwise.
If it ain't easy, I ain't got time to do it. I'm sure
there are lots of different herb combinations that could
be used as well. Hope you all have fun with this!
Recipe by Jim Campbell: Mild to Wild Pepper & Herb Co.
Date: 28 May 1997
Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives
... I hurt myself making dinner yesterday... frostbite.
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