• TW2

    From Phill Terry@VERT/GPLBBS to ALL on Fri Dec 4 00:23:00 2009
    Heya DM or Deuce ..

    I've been playing that Java Trade Wars game nd recenly (as in this wek) grabb
    " sectors.js " off the CV site (I had encountered the 'retreat problem', myself
    Anyway ... shold I have rabbed more than thqt one file> ... I just got the following ...

    (excuse the paste-job if it turns out to be too ugly ..
    I'll try t fix it up)

    You have to destroy the fighters before you can enter this sector.
    Fighters: 0 / 2940
    Option? (A,D,I,Q,R,?):? R
    !JavaScript D:\BBS\mods\../xtrn/tw2\sectors.js line 117: ....
    ....TypeError: player.Sector.Get is not a function


    * OLX 2.2 * Spackle that drive...

    þ Synchronet þ Ginger's Port Limited _ Columbus, Ohio _ telnet//gplbbs.net
  • From Deuce@VERT/SYNCNIX to Phill Terry on Wed Dec 9 23:02:34 2009
    Re: TW2
    By: Phill Terry to ALL on Fri Dec 04 2009 12:23 am

    !JavaScript D:\BBS\mods\../xtrn/tw2\sectors.js line 117: .... ....TypeError: player.Sector.Get is not a function

    Fixed, thanks! You should only need to grab this one file stil.

    Synchronet - Jump on the Web 0.2 bandwagon!

    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps run STOCK!)
  • From Phill Terry@VERT/GPLBBS to DEUCE on Thu Dec 10 06:23:00 2009
    Re: TW2
    By: Phill Terry to ALL on Fri Dec 04 2009 12:23 am

    !JavaScript D:\BBS\mods\../xtrn/tw2\sectors.js line 117: .... ....TypeError: player.Sector.Get is not a function

    Fixed, thanks! You should only need to grab this one file stil.

    Fantastic! Thank you!


    * OLX 2.2 * SILENCE: Wisdom's One Satisfactory Substitute.

    þ Synchronet þ Ginger's Port Limited _ Columbus, Ohio _ telnet//gplbbs.net