• Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())

    From alterego@VERT/ALTERANT to Digital Man on Sun Jul 26 18:17:45 2020
    Hey DM,

    I patched funclib.js to support blink, by pressing "B" when the colorPicker is rendered.

    Here it is base64:

    NjA3YTYwOAo+IAl2YXIgYmxrbWFzayA9ICgxPDw3KTsKNjEzYTYxNQo+IAl2YXIgYmxpbmsgPSAo KGF0dHImYmxrbWFzayk+PjcpID8gYmxrbWFzayA6IDA7CjYxN2M2MTkKPCAJdmFyIHBmZ0N1cnNv ciA9IG5ldyBGcmFtZSh4LCB5LCAyLCAxLCBCR19CTEFDS3xXSElURSwgc3ViUGFsZXR0ZSk7Ci0t LQo+IAl2YXIgcGZnQ3Vyc29yID0gbmV3IEZyYW1lKHgsIHksIDIsIDEsIEJHX0JMQUNLfFdISVRF fGJsaW5rLCBzdWJQYWxldHRlKTsKNjM3YzYzOQo8IAlwYWxldHRlLmNlbnRlcigiRm9yZWdyb3Vu ZDogTGVmdCAvIFJpZ2h0Iik7Ci0tLQo+IAlwYWxldHRlLmNlbnRlcigiRm9yZWdyb3VuZDogTGVm dCAvIFJpZ2h0IFtCLUJsaW5rXSIpOwo2ODZhNjg5LDY5Mgo+IAkJCWNhc2UgJ0InOgo+IAkJCQli bGluayBePSBibGttYXNrOwo+IAkJCQlwZmdDdXJzb3IucHV0bXNnKCdGRycsQkdfQkxBQ0t8V0hJ VEV8YmxpbmspOwo+IAkJCQlicmVhazsKNjkwYzY5Ngo8IAkJYXR0ciA9IGZnQ29sb3Vyc1tmZ0Nv bG91cl18YmdDb2xvdXJzW2JnQ29sb3VyXTsKLS0tCj4gCQlhdHRyID0gZmdDb2xvdXJzW2ZnQ29s b3VyXXxiZ0NvbG91cnNbYmdDb2xvdXJdfGJsaW5rOwo=

    If you would prefer a unified diff, I can produce it easily...


    ... There is an order of things in this universe. Apollo, stardate 3468.1.

    þ Synchronet þ Alterant | an SBBS in Docker on Pi!
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to alterego on Sun Jul 26 11:12:27 2020
    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: alterego to Digital Man on Sun Jul 26 2020 06:17 pm

    I patched funclib.js to support blink, by pressing "B" when the colorPicker is rendered.

    Here it is base64:


    Until just the past couple days, I had never seen anyone post base64-encoded content on Dove-Net before.. Usually people would put a file up for download somewhere and post a link. I'm wondering if that might be easier than saving the message, then trimming it down to the base64 content and then decoding it.. Unless there's an easy way to save base64-encoded files from these messages that I don't know about.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Sun Jul 26 14:05:06 2020
    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: Nightfox to alterego on Sun Jul 26 2020 11:12 am

    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: alterego to Digital Man on Sun Jul 26 2020 06:17 pm

    I patched funclib.js to support blink, by pressing "B" when the
    colorPicker is rendered.

    Here it is base64:


    Until just the past couple days, I had never seen anyone post base64-encoded content on Dove-Net before.. Usually people would put a file up for download somewhere and post a link. I'm wondering if that might be easier than saving the message, then trimming it down to the base64 content and then decoding it.. Unless there's an easy way to save base64-encoded files from these messages that I don't know about.

    honestly i would prefer pastebin
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From alterego@VERT/ALTERANT to Nightfox on Mon Jul 27 07:37:12 2020
    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: Nightfox to alterego on Sun Jul 26 2020 11:12 am

    Until just the past couple days, I had never seen anyone post base64-encoded content on Dove-Net before.. Usually people would put a file up for download somewhere and post a link. I'm wondering if that might be easier than saving the message, then trimming it down to the base64 content and then decoding it.. Unless there's an easy way to save base64-encoded files from these messages that I don't know about.

    Well, if it works out too hard, I'll happily make a patch available. (If DM used git, I'd provide a pull request, which I think would be even easier.)

    But capture the content should be as easy as:

    echo '<base64>' | base64 -d > my.patch

    echo 'SGVsbG8gdGhlcmUhCg==' | base64 -d

    (Hopefully the pipe symbol wasnt eaten by this message).

    Since syncterm makes it quite easy to cut/paste, I thought that would be the easiest way.


    ... To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

    þ Synchronet þ Alterant | an SBBS in Docker on Pi!
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to alterego on Sun Jul 26 17:18:49 2020
    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: alterego to Nightfox on Mon Jul 27 2020 07:37 am

    Since syncterm makes it quite easy to cut/paste, I thought that would be the easiest way.

    But if the message is long, you'd have to cut & paste multiple times, and then use a tool to base64-decode it. IMO it would be much easier to copy & paste a web/FTP link and just download the file that way.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From alterego@VERT/ALTERANT to Nightfox on Mon Jul 27 11:21:35 2020
    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: Nightfox to alterego on Sun Jul 26 2020 05:18 pm

    But if the message is long, you'd have to cut & paste multiple times, and then use a tool to base64-decode it. IMO it would be much easier to copy & paste a web/FTP link and just download the file that way.

    Right, that I agree - and I did consider that when pasting it into a message, making sure that it was all available on screen at the same time (without paging).

    I also considered puting bzip2 in the middle, to make the post even shorter (which it did) - but since it already fitted on the page at the same time, I didnt use it.

    If this method doesnt work for DM - I'll provide a file somehow...


    ... Vulcans worship peace above all. McCoy, Return to Tomorrow, stardate 4768.

    þ Synchronet þ Alterant | an SBBS in Docker on Pi!
  • From Digital Man@VERT to alterego on Sun Jul 26 19:32:24 2020
    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: alterego to Nightfox on Mon Jul 27 2020 07:37 am

    Re: Added blink support to funclib.js (used by colorPicker())
    By: Nightfox to alterego on Sun Jul 26 2020 11:12 am

    Until just the past couple days, I had never seen anyone post base64-encoded content on Dove-Net before.. Usually people would put a file up for download somewhere and post a link. I'm wondering if that might be easier than saving the message, then trimming it down to the base64 content and then decoding it.. Unless there's an easy way to save base64-encoded files from these messages that I don't know about.

    Well, if it works out too hard, I'll happily make a patch available. (If DM used git, I'd provide a pull request, which I think would be even easier.)

    But capture the content should be as easy as:

    echo '<base64>' | base64 -d > my.patch

    echo 'SGVsbG8gdGhlcmUhCg==' | base64 -d

    (Hopefully the pipe symbol wasnt eaten by this message).

    Since syncterm makes it quite easy to cut/paste, I thought that would be the easiest way.

    Unfortunately, the new-lines of the message body are pasted as CRs on the command-line, so not so easy.

    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #24:
    Karl: Kaiser blade. I hit my mother upside the head with it. Mmm... Killed her. Norco, CA WX: 72.9øF, 67.0% humidity, 4 mph SE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net