• reCaptcha addition (without error statements)

    From Noisome@VERT/DIGI52 to All on Wed Apr 17 14:59:19 2013
    With help from echicken I got my reCaptcha working for new users.

    In newuser.inc I used the standard form from reCaptcha.

    In newuser.ssjs , right above the Validate date comment/section:

    /*Validate Captcha*/
    if(http_request.query["recaptcha_challenge_field"] != "") {
    var response;
    var http;
    var captchaChallenge="&challenge="+http_request.query["recaptcha_challenge_field"];

    var captchaResponse="&response="+http_request.query["recaptcha_response_field"];
    var captchaIP="&remoteip="+http_request.remote_ip;
    var captchaPrivateKey="&privatekey=yourprivatekey";

    // Create HTTPRequest object 'http'
    http = new HTTPRequest();
    response = http.Post(
    if(response !== "true\nsuccess" ) {
    template.err_message+="Bad captcha\r\n";
    template.errs["captcha"]="Captcha is incorrect.";
    } /*else {
    template.err_message+="Good captcha\r\n";
    template.errs["captcha"]="Captcha is correct.";

    þ Synchronet þ Digital 52 BBS - digital52.com