• BBS Sports League Rules

    From tbirdsradio@VERT/TBIRDS to All on Wed Sep 7 15:34:18 2016
    BBS Sports League NFL Pick'em Game Description/Rules/Policies: --------------------------------------------------------------
    Greetings NFL Fans,
    Listed below is a very simplistic description of the league and it's rules/policies for this years (2016-17) NFL Pick'em Contest.

    The BBS Sports League "NFL Pick'em" contest is a simple game in which
    two teams compete, and you guess the winner before the game is played.
    At the end of the NFL season, the player with the best record wins.

    1) Every week there will be an official game ticket posted to the
    group. This "Game Ticket" (which i attempt to post NLT Tuesdays),
    is simply an itemized text/message consisting of each weeks
    games, taken from it's source, which is NFL.COM.

    2) Once a ticket is published to the group, members/players can reply
    with their selections. Selections are commonly called "Picks". This
    reply to the group is also counted as a submission to the League
    Coordinator. (LC).

    3) One submission per player and the ticket must be filled out in it's entirety. This submission can be altered/changed up and until the
    submission deadline. Your new ticket must be clearly marked *NEW*,
    or *REVISION*, somewhere in the topic or subject of the message.
    Make sure it's clearly visible to everyone. Especially the LC.

    Currently, the correct method for filling out an official game ticket
    is as follows:
    ARI vs DAL = [Your Pick Here]
    PIT va BAL = [Your Pick Here]

    The original game ticket/message comes this way out of the box from
    the LC. All you have to do is place your pick/guess next to the
    equal sign.

    The easiest way to do this (at this time) is to quote the original ticket/message and use your text editor of choice to enter your

    The important thing to remember here is to include the two teams and
    your selection in the correct numerical order of the official game
    ticket. Please do not mix and match or create a hodgepodge of
    selections that the LC has to try and sort through as this
    type of submission will be rejected.

    The player results are usually posted the day after all games are
    complete and before the new "OGT" is submitted to the group. It
    wouldn't make sense to post new shedules without giving the
    results of the previous schedule first.

    It is always the LC's job to post the results of your weekly
    picks/selections and YOUR responsibility to verify the
    accuracy of said ticket. Unfortunately this process is
    not automated and mistakes can happen.

    Having said that, if you believe an error has been made on
    your game tickets final score, you have until Wednesday
    (noon) to let the LC know so that confirmation and
    proper adjustments/totals can be made and then
    resubmitted to the group/league.

    The time deadline simply tells the LC that all is well and
    that no problem exists with your previously submitted
    ticket. A virtual"green light".

    If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me here or on my
    bbs. Available via telnet or dialup.

    TBird's BBS
    tbirds.servebbs.org <-telnet
    1-812-909-3215 <-dial-up

    *This document is subject to future modification.

    þ Synchronet þ ´ TBIRDS BBS ´ telnet://tbirds.dyndns.org